Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

16 3· ~· Hcb,6,8, Blow uponmyGarden. ---- lowing tu with affliEiion,that it isratheraforejigDe ofhis love. For the care ofthis bldfed Husband– man is to prune us fo, as to make us fruitfull .. . Men carenot for heath and '\Yilderneffe where– upon they befiow no cofi:So when God prunes us bycroffes and affiietions,and fowes good feed in us,it is afigne~he meaAes to dwell with us, and de light in us. And then alfo, we fhould nodhivefo much for commonlibertiesoftheworld that common pe0ple delight in, but for peculiar graces, that . Godmaydelight in us as his garden. . And then let us learne f1ence, not to dejjife any mttionor perfon, feeing God can take our of the wall: wilderndfe whom he will, and make the Defart an Eden. · Againe,lct us blelfe God for-our felves., that our lot hath fallen into fuch a pleafant place, to be planted in the Church~the placeef Gods delight. . And this alfo 1bould move us to heftuitfo/1, for men wiHendure a fruitleffe tree in the waft wil– derneffe~but in theirgarden who will endure it-: Dignity jhouldmi11d tU of duty . It is flrange to be fruitldie and barren in this place that we live in, being watered with the dew of Heaven, under the fweetinAuence ofthe meanes. This fi·uitldfe · · efiate being often watered from Heaven, how fearefullyisitthreatened by the Holy·Ghofi~ that.itis neareuntocurjing andburning:For imhis cafe,vifibleChtnches, if they profper not,God ' will remove the heilge, and lay them waft, ~a- \ . . . ~ng