Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

) Eat 0 friends,Drinke. jeCl:ion, How p,a!l we efcape, not ifwe perfecute, but ifwe doebutnegleC! fo great falvation. That which we fhould lab0ur to bring with us,is a tafte of thefe dainties, and an appetite to them.The foule hath atall: ofits owne,and as all creatures ·that have life, have a taft to relifh and dltlisguiili ofthat which is good fo-r them from that which isoffenfive:fo wherdoever fpirituall life is, there is likewife atafi futable to the fweet relifb that is in fpirituall things. God fhould lofe the glory ofmany excellent creatures, ifthere were not {everall fenfes to difcerne of feverall goodne£fes in them: fo if there were not atafi in the foule,we could never delight in God,and his rich goodndfe in Chrifi. . i Tafi:is the mofi nece!L1ry fence for the prder– vation of the creature, becaufe there is nearefr 77 I s ~ R.III. Heb.:..;. . application in taft, and that we fhould not be de- · cdved in tafi,w~ heare,fee,and finell before,and \omnu 't!itagu· if thefe fenfes giveagood report of the objeCl:, fl u ducitur. rhen wera!l:eofir, and digefi it, and turne it into fit nourifbment: fo the fpirit ofmanafret· judgement of the fitneffe ofwhat.kprefented,taHs of ir.,deHghrs in it, and is nourifhed by it. There is an attractive drawing power in the foule,where- ·byeverymember fucks that out ofthe food that is convenient for it:fo the fouledrawes ont what ,is well digeO:ed by judgement, and makes it its owne for feverall ufes. r The chiefe thing that Chrifl: reqnireth., is a good fiomacke to thefedainties. Themeane$tOprocure an appetite. We are -----~~---=F--:.!.4______fi_r_fl:_~ __ --..- -·