Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

1.. -~·- Eat O[riends,Drinke. \ firftto beJenfi ble of fpirituall wamsand mifery. 1 The Paffeover Iamb was eaten withfowre herbs: lfoChrifi crucified, relil11eth befi: to a fouleaffe1 ctedwith bittcrneffe of fin. \Vhilft men are rich l in theirowne conceir,theygoeempty away; the !duties and performances they truft roo, are but husks,windy empty chaffe;fwelHng is not kinde noUtifhmenr. , ~ 1 ha~which hinders the tbarpne£fe of the fio~ macke,are:cold de flux ions, that dull and flat the edge of it : So upon plodding upon the world, cold difiillationsdrop upon the foule, and take :.1way the favotlr and ddire of heavenly things .. Thefe things fill not. There is both a vanity of emptindfe J and a vanityof iliort continuance in them. Why Jbotlldwtl.iy outotJr money, fpend our time, our wits, our endeavour fo much about them;this makes fo m:my fiarvelings in religi,on. 13dides, there be other noyfome affeCtions to bepurged,3s 1 Pet.~. r.which breedadHl:aO: and difaff~Clion to fpirituall things ; as malice and guile,&c. How~an Chrifr befweettothat foule unto which revenge .fs fweet. Exercife quickens appetite. Thofe that-exer– , cifcthemfelves unto godlindfe, fee a need of fpirituall firength tomaintaineduty._Adull forI malifr ·keepshis rou~a, and is many yearesafcer l where he was before ; fees no need of further growther ftrength. A C.hrifl:ian life managed as - it !hould be indeed, as it hath much going out, 1 I \fo it mull: have much cgmming in, ir will not els I J l be kept up. Thofe thathavea journey togoe,will \ w' - ' re- \ - -~--------~