Sibbes - HP S2575 .S5 1825

AND SMOKTI\G I;LAX. 113 impostures are discovered, his enterprises laid open. Therefore, when the Gospel was spread, the oracles ceased. ' ' Satan fell from IIeaven like lightning.'' Men were translated out of his kingdon1 into Christ's. Where prevailing is by lies, there discovery is · victory: ' 'They shall proceed no further, for their folly shal1 be manifest to all." So that manifestation of error giveth a stop to it, for none will willingly be deceived. Let truth have full scope, without check or restraint, and let Satan and his instruments do their worst, they shall not prevail. I-Ience we learn the n1 ~cessity that the understanding be principled with divine knowledge, for the well-managing of a Christian conversation. There must be light to discover a further end than nature, for which v1e are Christians, and a suitable rule directing to that end which is the will of God in Christ; discovering his good pleasure to... 'wards us and our duty towards him. And in virtue of this discovery, we do all that any way may further our interest. The eye 1nust first be single, and then the whole body and frame of our conversation . I