Sibbes - HP S2575 .S5 1825

l32 THE B;RUISED REED taken in Christ to bring us to heaven, and still desire a further measure of grace than we have attained unto, and project and forecast for it. No other men can justify their courses when their conscience is awakened. (2.) 'Vhen reasons of religion are the strongest reasons with us, and prevail more than reasons fetched from worldly policy. (3.) When we are so true to our ends and fast to our rule, as no hopes or fears can sway us another way, but still we are looking what agrees with or differs from our rule. ( 4.) 'Vhen we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth, as being clearer to us than our lives. Truth bath not this sovereignty in the heart of any carnal man. (5.) VVhen, ifwe had liberty to choose under whose government we would live, yet out of delight in the inner man to Christ's government, we should make choice of him only to rule us, before any other; for this argues that we are like-minded to Christ, a free and a voluntary people, and not compelled unto his service otherwise than by the sweet constraint of love. When we are so far in liking with the government of Christ's Spirit, that we are willing to