Sibbes - HP S2575 .S5 1825

AND SMOKING FLAX. 139 that he ascribeth both preservation and victory unto our care of keeping ourselves. " He that is begotten of God keepeth himself." But not only himself, but ,by the Lord, in dependance on .him in the use of means. We are no longer safe, than wise to present ourselves to all good advantages of acquaintance. By going out of God's walks, we go out of his government, and so lose a pious frame, and find ourselves overspread quickly with a · contrary disposition. When we drawnear to Christ in his ordinances, he draws near to us. 5. Keep grace in exercise. It is not - sleepy habits, but grace in exercise that preserveth us. 'Vhilst the soul is in some civil or sacred employment, corruptions within us are much suppressed, and Satan's passages stopped. The Spirit bath a way open to enlarge itself in us, and likewise the guard , of angels then most nearly attend us; which course often prevails more against our spiritual enemies than direct opposition. It stands upon Christ's honour to maintain those that are in his work. 6. In all directions we must look up to