Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

. i . . tr ^ r the Geffiíe.r . all ;is in !Gbrilb;;tfiatis2reib 'ffa'rie t:6 bepu,blifhed Then, _ the perfOsto w.homi: the Gentiles ; that is,,tó all. ; The Church is enlargedGrace the comm,ing,ofChr,i(î;th:,Palcs3atn4tbo-úrkisf the C 'lurcharc enlatgesl, lo .iet sitrs:;ìib r, i{' And thcn the fruit of ;this.sChr'ift being thus' difpenfed to the Gentiles, the-- ',hives. ; All preaching is for:the,obedi,ence.a Fasith5 as S,-;Paul fayth, Ilom, .I.:and r: T67shat:etrìedtisce of Faith may bejeelded to-Chri'it; Pzfáil9hik'to the Gentiles, is, that. he, may be believed ®n in the world. Fi'rfi of all ; There muff be a cliff enfation. ofChrig; rrs Rotti. x. Row, t 6. Difpenfation of Chrift, Seetheequityófthis,even from thingsàmong men.. Itis;not:fufficier t thatPh beprovi- ded ;but, there mutt bean applicationofit. it isnot fufficicnt, that there is a Treafure ; but there muf :bea diggingofitour. It is not fuf. ficient, that therebea Candle , or Light ;'.but,. there,muít be a ho dingout oldie Light, for the I good and ufe ofothers. Itwas:not'fu ficienr, that there was a Brazen Serpent; but, theB;az,n Serpent muft be liftedup, that the people might fee it lit it not fufficicnt, that there is a Stan- dard ; but the Standard muff be letup. It is not fuffieient, that there bea foundation ; but,therè mu fthe abuilding upon the foundation. It is not fit fficienr,that therebea Garment ; btnt;there muftbea puttingofit On. It is not fúfficient,. rl a