Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

NIMMONS Cbrift preachedto the Gentiles. it I wouldhavemen regard the things fpoken,not for theperfon thatfpeaks them,but for theexcellen- cieofthe things. IfCome gloriouscreatures, as the 4ngels,fhould preach tous , we fhould regard the excellencie of the Preachers, more then the Truth it Celfe; we fhouldbeleeve the Truth, for the Meflingers fake. And then , God would knit man to manby bonds of love ; now there is a relation betweene Paftorandpeople, by this ordinanceofGod. And then, it is more fu table to ourcondition ; wecould not beareGod fpeake, or anymore ex- cellent creature : God magnifies his power the more, inblefling thefe weake meanes. And it is more proportionable to our weake- nefle, tohave men that fpeakeout ofexperience from themfelves,thatpreach theGofpel,that they have felt the comfort of them felves; it works the more upon us. Therefore,thofe that firftpreached the Gofpel, theywere fuch as had felt the.fweet- neffe ofit themfelves firft. S. Paul,a great finner outofthe Church ; and S.Peter,in the Church ; be fell, after he was in the Rate of Grace : that thefe great Apoftles might thew to all people, that there is no ground ofdefpaire,ifwe humble our felves; ifthey be fumes out of theChurcb,if they be finnes againft the firft Table; as Pau/,he mac ablaf hemer;or againft the fecond,hewas aper- jecator; yet he found mercy, notwith ftand ing : and for this end he found mercy (he fayth) that hemight teach the mercyof God toothers, that he might bean exampleof the mercyofGod to K others. To knitman toman. 3 As fitting arroz conditiai. Why (inners Preach tefi t. ncrt.