Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

()brig beleevedon in the World. 147 dignation,that God thould (}iñeupon them that fare in darkener fe, and in thefbaddoev ofdeath ; that were abufed by Satan, at his will : That the World, that is,all forts of theWorld , from the higher} to theloweft,, (hould at tength;floupe to the Cro(fe ofCbrill:That the Empereurs fhoúld laytheir Crownes at Chriflsfeet ; as Conffantive, and others , length fubduedthe Pêmein Empire it felge to the Faith: Tliatthe Philofo phers oftheVVorld,that werewitty, and learned, fhould-at length come to embrace the Gofpel; for diversof the Fathers were Philofophers be- fore: That men of great place , of great parts, and learning,and education ;andbreeding,(hould dénie all, and cafl.'all pro(lrate at thé feet of Chrifl; for there to be overcome by plaine Preaching, for meaneneffe to overcome mighti- neffe, for ignorance to overcome knowledge;yet notwith(landing,thefe great and wife men of the Worldwere overcomeby the Gofpel, It was a Myflerie, that the World thould'be- leeye; ifweconfider(befdes their greatnefhe and wifedome) the inward malicious difpofitionof theWorld, being in the thongmails poffeffion : for there men to beleeve the Gofpel, furely it mu(l needs bea great Myflerie. Againe, ifvveconfider the parties that carryed TNore that the Gofpel, whereby theWorldwas fubdued; a carryed ch: companie ofweake men, unlearned men, noneof matagc . thedeepefl for knowledge; randy they had the Holy- Ghoet,to teachand in(lruft, to arengthen and fortifie them, (which the World woke no lot ice