Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

f¡rifl beleerved or¡ in the World. #)7 Chridt fealed by God the Father ; having done all that is neccfTàry to falvation, it fets dovvne the foule for he was God, and therefore able; and man,and therefore willing to fave. Faith fets Shrift as wooingusftrft,inhis Min ifters inviting us, alluring us, commanding us, removing obje- ¿boas from our unworthinefT'e; Comeunto meallye that are wrarie, andhavie laden: and objections fromour want of any goodneffe ; Come andbuy without Money,the all- fufficiencyof Chrifi.Here,4 upon Faithcomes to quiet the foule,in the fweet courfe that Chilli takes to bring the ionic to him, being Co able and Willing, and fhewing his willingnefíe by all means,that may procure love, that thefoule may reft without doubring.Sayth the foule,SurelyChrift intends well tome being fo able, God in theitch and fetting up an Ordi- nance,a Minìfterie, whereby he invites me, and allures me , and commands rare; and then alfo I have examples beforeme,ofw icked men that have beetle converted :hereupon the foule comes tobe at reft ; Faith bath a quieting power. And then againe, there is prefently analterati- on ofthe courfe ; Jordan goes backward ; there is a turningofa manwholly : for,loaith is a turning of the foule cleane anotherway; it turns the foule from the world to God, and Chrift ; from the prefont evillworld toa better world. We fee , as Toone as Zacheua3beleeved, his thoughtswere al- tered, his efteemeof the thingsof this life was altered ; halfe mygood.r ¡give to the Poore. We fee,in the AMfs ofthe Apollles, as Toone as they beleeved, M 3 they Altering the eourfe.