Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

ts6 Chrifl beleetiedon in the VVór1d. and inall temptations whatfoever, heaymes to- (hakeour Faith at the laft. Therefore,there mutt needs beoppofition to our (elves, and our owne doubting nature,and to Satans temptations, and to the courte of things, tha t. fometimes are cleaneoppofite to a 'Mau r for a firmer to belecve the forgivencffe offianes, for a miferable man to . beleeve glory in the world tocome, fora dying man to belt eve life eternall, for a man tumbled into the Grave ,. to. beleeve that he (hall rife from the dead ; if there be no conflia with there things , fo oppofite to Faith, there is no Faith. Then aga ine, in the third place,it is the fpring Bytke at it of all obedience the Apofile calls it , the ,9,n.t obedience of Faith , Rofn. r, All preaching is for the obedience of Faith ; obedience of Faith, brings obedience of lit: , and converfario?, Examine thy felfe therefore, by the coo Ile of thy obedience ; by that that co-nes from Faith, feewhat itworkes in thy foule, in thy life, and. con%erfation. And here I might be eery large: for, where Faith is, Peace. F;rit ofall, ( r f er it bath beene a meanies to' jse,Iff., to lay hold upon the all-fufficient righ- tcoufneßë of shrift, toRand betweeneGod and us,to cloath and cover our f.ules, thee:) it pacìfì, eth theconscience ; Being jtßi;;ed by Faith,trehave i_peace with God, through lefits Chriji air Lord. Faith batha quieting power ; it quiets the foule, be- caufe it propounds to the foule a fufficient fads- fac`{ion in God-man; it propounds to the foule C1:r;fr