Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Chrifl beleerved on in the World. the foule ofa belhever,that is not beneath ? Faith can rayfe the foule above all worldly things; it fubdues tlenaturall doubts and loves,the fearer ofrroubles and cares for the world ; and all the affeaions that were before ruling in the foule, Faith comming into the foule, fubdues all to it felfe,and makes them all ferviceable.Thus itpre - vailes_; ifnot at the firfl, yet in the continuance of time, it prevailes by little and little, in the hearts of all beleezerr. It is a viCtorious grace, as we fee inMofer , and Abraham,&c. how it pre- vailed againfl all obflacles whatfoever. How many difcouragements had bleffedAbraham to leave his fathers hou fe , and to goe heknew not where ; and after to facrifice his forme ? Yet Faithovercame all. So itiofer,to leave the Court, and tocleave toa defpifed people; what a worke of Faithwas there? Faith is viflorious. There- fore, when people are drawne away with any thing; that the lookesofany man skates them ; thatthevery noire ofdanger affrights them,when the hope of any riling will make themwarpe, to doeany thing ; when the hopeofany gaine,w them cracke their confcience, where is the triumph of Faith ? As I laid before, there is a prevailing power in Faith ;becaufe Faith lets before the foule, that which is incomparably better, and ircomparablyworfe : What is all that man can doe, in comparifon of Hell, and Damnation ; confcience faith ifyou doe this, ye (hall die: And on the other fide , what is all the world can give , in compariron of flea- M 4 ven ;