Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

CI>riî'Cce1rlJed up in Glory. I 16 5 The Apo¡Ile begins with,Godmanife t in theAlb; there is the defcenr: a great Myflcric for the great God to defcend into the V4'o nbe of a Vigin, to defcend to the loweffparti ofthe Earth and thenheends with this ,. Received up in Glory. The afcent is, from whence the defcent was. Chrift afcended, and-was received as high as the place waswhence he carne downe : God manifefl in the ffefh, that is the beginning of all; Received up in Glory, that is the confummation, and (hat- ting up of all. It implyes all ; his Exaltation, -r his Refurre&ion, his Afcenfion , hisfitting at the right handof Go-cl, and his comming to judge the quickand the dead : efpecially is meant his Glory, after his Refurre ion, his A fcenfion and fitting at the right handofGod ; yet fuppofing his I cfur- reaion, £.eceívedup to Glory. Glory implyes three things c It is an exemp Gory, whir, Lion from that which is oppofite, and a conque ring over the contrarie bate condition. It imo plyes force great eminencies, and excellencie, as the foundation ofir,and then a rnanifeflarion of that excellencie sand it implyesvi&orie over all oppofition.Though there be cxceliency,if there be nota manifeflation of that excellencie , it is notglory. Chriftwas inwardly glorious, while he was on Earth in the Elate ofabafement ; he had trueglory,as he was God and man; but therewas not a manifeflation ofit, and therefore it is not properly called glory; there was not a viCtorie, and