Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

witfJotit Controrver'ft: 45 We mutt thereforetake S. Pauli. meaning in a Anrwer. right fenfe; It is therefore agreat Myferie, be- Religion a caufe it is controverted by fomany great wits: Myíierie,be- were it altogetherobvious the; andopen,they would caufe oppofed. nevercontrovert it. Upon fe'two reafons, tifis The Gofpel without con. without controverte, troverfie. Firft,in it felte,it is not robedoubted of it is a great grounded 'Truth,as lightfome and cleare, Init felfe. as if the Gofpel were written with a Stinne_ beanie , as one fayth : There is'ndthing clearer, and moreout ofcontrovertte then facred Evange- licall Truths. And-as they arecleare and lightfome in them, felves, fo they areapprehended ofall Gods peo- ple ; how-ever it be controverted byothers, yet they are not confiderable : All that are theChil- drenof the Church, that have their eyes open, they c 'Dnfefft it robe fo, and wonder at it, asa Great Myferie ; they without all doubt , and contreverfie, embrace it. Things are not focleare in the Gofpel, that all that are tinfoil, and rebel- lious, may fee whether they will or no For then it were no great matter to have Faith, it were no great matter to be a Chriflian ; and thenmencould notbe rebellious,becatife things would be fo cleare. Things arenot focleare in the Gofpel, that they take away all rebel- lion.; and that it is not a grace , to fee that theyarecleare: to thofe that aredifpoféd , and have lanaified foules , they are without contre, vet f e;` and things are fayd tobe in Scripture, as 'they are to thofe that are holily difpófel. E 2 The ToGod; chil- dren.