Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Godsenifeß in theflelb. oftrouble; he prefents him asa terribleJudge : Indeed fohe is, to (inners that will goe on in finne, his wrath ¡hall fineakt againff fuch ; there is no comfort to them , in Scripture but to repentant finners, all is comfort; Come unto me ye that are rrearie, andheavie laden ; and , Chrifi came to feeke and to fave that which was loft; and, became to fave finners, as S. Paul fayth. Let us conceive of God now, as lovely., as a Father; and ofChrift, as a Tweet Saviour, madeflefb, for this purpofe: He is God and man, becaufe he came to be a Mediator betweene God and man ; a friend to both , being to deale with both. ,Therefore we íhould thus conceive of Chrif}; as a great and Mightie God , the Ruler of the World, as Efaydefcribes him ; and conceive of him 1 ikewife, as a rneeke humbleman :the one, to flablifh our Faith, that we benot (haken, ha- ving fuch a great God torelye upon ; and the other,to ftablifhour Faith inhis good will, God in ourfiefh: God, a Nameof Power; God in our flefh, implyeth mercy and love, pitty and corn- paf(ion. Therefore, let not Satan abufeour imaginati- ons, ifwe havea mind to turne to God : for, as I fayd, there is no-comfort to them that goe on in their frnnes ; Godwill wound the hairiefcalpe of them thatgoeon in iniquitie ; and, they treafureap wrath a ainft the day ofwrath : there is nothing but difcomfort to fuch,thcwrathofGod abidesupon them; they are indanger ofdamnationevery mi- nuteof their lives; there is but a ftep betweene F 4 them 63 40. 9. 6.