Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Red fea, a type ofChré/i. thypafrage be through the bottome ofthe fea. I I I. To obferve what a many comforts this great yfe 3. workeof God will load us withall, that are willing to b it is bmfaorts carry themaway. For, work of God: L The Lord: in ffrange andunwonted dangers can worke new and unwonted remedies for his children. As we heard before that fire (hall not burne them, fo here the lea (athis word ofrefireint) (nall not drowne them. He can makea wall ofwater more flrongfor them than a wall ofAdamant :yeahimfelfe(according to their need) will be to them either a wall oFfire or Irater. I I. What danger can prevaile againff the Church,if all there dangers on all hands, above them, below them, afore them, behind them at once, cannot finke them ? No,ll tie gates ofbell cannot prevaile.rgainß it. Every tnaine affliion is like amaine Red fea which threatens to fwallow us up, but it (hall in the i{l'ue onely preferve 1 theChurch.What we havemoil caufe to feare,theLord maketh moff helpfull and foveraigne. The very raging lea(rather then they Hall perifh) (hall open her lappe as a tender mother to receive them from the rage of' Pha- raoh and his purfuing army : Nay the land ofGofhen Ball not behalle fo bountifull to them as there waters, whichgave them freedome,viCfory, and the fpoiles, and riches remaining upon the dead bodies of theirenemies. I I L How unweariably the Lord lets himfelfe to overcome all difficulties for his fervants. What had it beene to have paflèd the oppreforsof Ægypt, and to have beene (wallowed up of the fea ? Therefore hee makes a newway, where never any way laybefore, in I the bottome ofthe fea. Afterwards he makes a o y Í barrenwilderneffe comfortable to them ; dryes upjor- dan as ffrangely for their paffage;gives them a daily har- veff ofMannah from heaven ; breaks a rock to give them water; and happily in time finitheth their long and todi- óus journey. Even fo the g godly. (going out of/Egypt, it 4