Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Han 4 type o brt . 9 and extoll it felfe againíf the knowledgeof God, bring it captive into the obedience of Chrift, a. Corinth. 10.5 . 4. Obey in fuffering, as well as in doing ; dayly take up our croffe ( as both they carried thewood oftheirof- fering ) and not repine nor reply. We rauft not thinke that by carrying our croffe wee can performe the worke ofour redemption , for to that cod it was carried by Chrift onely ; yet we muff carry it foFarre forth as he is a patterne for our imitation, yea that we may beconfor- mable to the image of Chrift, Rom. S.z9. s. For the meafure, faicke not at heavy eroffes and burthens, they cartied heavy loads of wood. Wee muffnot loveour; lives to the death, if God call us therto. For both they wereobedient unto the death,Phi/.z.g. Such a teflimo- ny is given of the Saints, Revel, i z. t t . they loved not their lives unto the death. Now thus to frame our obedienceare required two rules. I. A change and renovation of our crooked and corrupt nature, which is ever rebelling again fl the law of the minde. Nothing ( wee fay ) is hard rogood will : But thisgood will is not to bee found but in filet as arc regenerate by the Spirit ofGod, who bath made it ofan unwilling, a willingwill. And till this change be made every commandement is impoffible, and an in- tolerable yoke. Let Chriff give the fame commande- ment to the young man, and to the difcipleá, of leaving all and following him, it is an impoffible taske to the one, yet in his naturall e(tate, but an eafïe yoke to theo- ther, who with the commandement receive fome fecret power to draw them to obedience. Let theword com- mand anaugry,fiirious,naturall man to forgive his neigh- bour that wrongs him, and bleffe him that curfethhim, and dot good for evil], and recompence love for hatred: Oh this is an impof ible commandement, and flefli and blood cannot poflbly brooke it ; and indeed he mutt be more then lien] and blood that can heare it, bee Ind/ have Nost adA.j.rpWOtv ficChrißiP.J tantü: tarnen quoad mtvÿ,d'c-lyux, etiai77propte; avp,v,op¢iav. Two rules for our obedience.