Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epifile ofS. Pd,zlto Tina. CHAP. I.S. I Vfe. t. In that this pra6tife was euer condemned in the word , and zo7 yet come to fuch anheight, euen inGods deare feruancs,that fcarfe they reteined any fence of the finne , learne tobreake off euery finne in the Principalispru- beginning: a crooked cuf ome quickly groweth to a rule : the inflance á =m eom' fheweth chat not only beleeuers ofold, but euen Minif}ers , fhould ppmurrorei. nitio haue hindred the finne inothers,were themfelues intangled in it. There á oncit.chatc. are two great mifcheifs in the adtniflionof thine ; the firf} is the treafu- ¡ I ringvp ofGods wrath againft the foule ofthe firmer, who while he hat- Confuefudo cheth finne,theLord hatchethiudgement: the fecond is the fencelefues precandi collie of fin,throughthe repetitionor cullome of it , for the heart is by little fenrun l "aaú. and little ineaway: and the (inner hecommerh like Ephraim ,asadome' Hofe.3.tr. withoat heart : that is, without vnderliandingofthe fence and danger of finne,through too neereacquaintance with it:he thatlineth in a mill(we fay) hardly difcerne:h of founds , and he that hashbeene in a noyfome place is fluffed; euen fo many a onewe fee who a while will firaine cur - tefie with force finne,as drunkennes,fwearing,riot,wantonn.es,gaming: but after the fecond or third greeting, grow fo familiar, as they feeme in their eies tobe vertues,at the leaf/ neceffarie vices. Thus by Gods indg ment the heart is hardned,and fm rifeth to his regiment : men are oftoo goodnature, too foft, and gentle in the cafe ofthis acquaintance , and I too loth tooffer it the leaft difcourtefie: which is a maine caufe why. the Prince oftheaire, thepatron ofit,workerh fo mightily in the fonnes of difobedienee. Let vs therefore applyour hearts to learne the Apoflles exhortation, Let norooreofbrtterneffefpringvpto troubleyou. Let vs be- Heb.ta.tg. wareof rooted fumes; (hut the doore of the heart , that Satan may finde no entrance,whofemanner is where he finds the leali welcome,to bring in feauen fpirits worfe then himfelfe : and if he can fow a feed,if it be no bigger thenagraineofmufiard feed , hehopeth the next haruell for a great tree of it:hnne feemeth very reafonablc in the beginning , and the tempter faith,is it not a fmall one?But if the Lords Samlons faffer them- felues to bebound with fmall cordsat the firfi,which they may think to breake from at their pleafure,the enemywill ere they be aware bring on . Lex diuina Cu- them the two new ropes which will hold them fall- enough till they be rackminimis.. made a pray for the fpoyler. Vfe. z. Neuer let examples of menpreiudice the truth ofGod. if we Impudz.s ora. fee a good man fall weare readie tothinke that vice nolongerafinne:e- toad"Cft fpecially ifwe feenot the fin requiredvponthe commiflion We feeA.- noncni'n ti quid contra le- braham himfelfe led into a finne and ouereotne: a. by common cuflome: gee t:aum eft z. by themotion ofSa rah,enticing him through infideiitie ,to take Ha- dinica.7ECee. gar: fo in other Patriarkes, we fee how readie the children were to take Aian.LJ °`r' the colour&die oftheir parents.And therfore from hence let the blinded Papiflt