Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619


AQxbr a7raVTedd 7f; 7tiA(9' '441N ,gâóy, COMME NTAR I E VP 0.7C THE EPISTLE of Saint PAUL written to TITVS. Preached in Cambridge by THo M A s- TAYLOR, and now publi(hed for the further vfe oftheChurch ofGod. REVIEWED BY THE AV THOR, andenlarged with folicnoter, andbefidrs the additionofmany hundrechs ofplaces ofScriprure,wich an Alphaba ticall table of thecheifeandme iobferuable points contained in the Book!. Eras. 4. 7. Vnto entryone ofvs isginengrace , according to the weafureof thegiftof ChrJ. PRINTED BY CANTRELL LEGGS, PRIN. ter to the Vniaerfitie of Cambridge. 1619. ,¢ J

'MMINEE4gra TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE ROBERT LORD R t C H, Baron of Leer: Grace and peace from theFather, Prince, andSpirit of peace: Amen. ° Ight Honourable,worthy is that layingofSa- lomon ,Cant.z.a. Like .0 the among the thorns,fo it mylone among the daughters. By the lillre is meant the Church , and the true members ofit: fo called, r. Becaufe they are plantedby the good husbandman, in the field of the Church,watredwith the delves ofhea- ven, hedged andpreferued by his cont inuall care. 2.They archear- tifull,for Salomon inall his royaltic is not clothed like one ofthe lillies ofthis feud ,who arc couered with the roabe of Chrifis righteoufneffe,who is the true Salomon. 3.They arefragrant for their finell: Thefmeioftheirgarments, (that is,the graces of God, which decke and adorne their foulcs,as a coolyand a comelygar- ment doth thebody ) are like the[melt ofLebanon: which in the fpringby reafon ofthe Cedars,and other fwcet trees, gaue a mofi fweet fenreuen fo theftgraces inGods children find! fwecr,thar is,are inmuch acceptation,and delightful' to God and good men. By thorns aremeant wickedmen,hypocrites,hererikes, tyrants, openand flagitious fioners,fcandalous indoarinc,and life:fo cal- led, t.becaufealthough the earthbe a naturali mother to them, as aflcpmother to the lillies;yet Satan the malicious man buficth himfelfein the inceflänt lowingand letting ofthem.? .Theywould for euer choake and keepender the lillie,ifthehand ofGodwere I not euerwith it toprcfcrue it. 3.They are dangerous to med h 4Í 2

TheEpif$leDedicatorit. withall,except a man bewell fenced: hardly can a man carry coals in his skirt,and not be fcorcht; andas hardly runne into wicked companie,and not be hurt. So is m, loue : the faithful! fpoufe of Chrift is his lose. So called becaufe, z.hemaketh tx rlouely:z.ac. countcth herfo:3.worketh a reciprocall loue inher heart towards him: 4.defircth mutual! coniundtionwith her,and cffeeteth it:5, his loue being liberali, he giucth herhimfelfe,and with himfelfe, all things which pertaine to life & godlines: euen grace here,and glory hereafter. Among thedaughters :notvirgins,as Cap.r.z.who makeup this loue ofChriíbut ali ocher affeinblies in the world, which profeffe themfelues daughters,by challenging the Catho_ like Church for their mother,and yet indeed cleaue unto it but in outward profeffion onely. From thisplace I gather two conclulons. Firfi,what is the e. (late of theChurch in refpeE1 ofit fclfe , it beeing asa Lillie among thornes. Secondly,whatit is in refpca ofGod,ro is his loue among the daughters: The. former theweth, that the condition of thepureft Church vponearth, is to be bcfet with dangerous and noyfome thornes,hurtfull and graceleffe men,who prick and annoiethelIl- /1er in theirgoods, names, liberties, and lines. For when there were but two perfons,borne into the world, onewas a li//ie , and the other a thorne,which trod downe the Lillie. Cain drewe his brother into the fetidand flew him. Afterwards, when onewould haue thought that all the thornel hadbin dearoied by the flood brought vpon the world to chispurpofe , yet was there a Cham . left, ofwhome quickely iprowted that turfed raceof the Cana- nites,who were euerpricks in the fides,and thorns in the eyes of Gods people. It is no new thing for Iacob to be ouettopped by anEfau:nor for Iofeph to be pricked and molefled both at home and abroad; neither his fathers houfe,norhis fathers eye can fafe- gard him. Nay, the fairefl Lillie that euer fawe the funne,was molt betet with thorns that euer was : all his innocencie, wifedome, meekaef e,purity,and loue,could not keep them offhim;but they prickedhim to the hearr,árdwounded him to the death,euen the fhamefuliand ignominious deathofthe croffe. How was this atebeet with thorns inEgypt, in the wildernes , in Babylon, in Iudea,

The Epi flleDedicators.e. Iudea,whéChrifl Pent his Difciples out as (beep amongwolues? how in the tenne perfecutions? howat this day? and fo (hall it be till the great day,in which all the thornes (hall be call into the fire. And nowonder,thornes doe but their nature,whichare good for nothingbut topricke and toburne.It llandeth therefore the fil- lies in hand,to be fomuch the more careful' to fence themlelues a gaina their molellation. And this (hall they doeby obferuing thefe fowre rules. i Becaufe the thurnes hinder the rootingof the li/lies, there mull double their diligence in the rooting of them- felues in thegroundsoftrue religion: for this yeeldeth hope of siting, flablithing,and continuance in the faith, z.Becaufe thornes feeke tokeep the fimne from the lillies, and hinder the comforta- ble heatand delight oftheword from them : there mull fò much the more carefully frequent the places where the light of whole- fome,pure,and comfortabledoarinedoth more brightly difplay it felfe. 3. Becaufe thornes feeke topricke the lollies in their names attd profeffion:thefe mu (l more circumfpehtly fence themfelucs, with innocencie andgodly conuerfation,and in nothing, in no part lie open vnto them. 4.Becaufe the lrllie is weake plant to defend it Cellefrom the fliffhes ofthe thorne,it muff fortifie it felfe partly with comfort in the prefence ,care, and loue of God the husbandmanwho is euer in his feild;and partly with the praier of faith,that he would be pleafed (fill to looke voto it,ro raite vp Pa- (lors and teachers according ro his owne heart to water, cherifh, and preferue it:e(ecially in there lafl dayes , wherein the field is ouergrownc with fcandalls, Apollacies , trials and reproaches, wherewith the Idles are daily fcrarched, torne, and ingreat ieo- pardie. The fecond conclufion is, that the Lord maketha precious ac- count ofeuery faithful' foule,and preferred] it abone the wicked, fo farre as a li/lie is for the beautieand fweetnes ofit ; tobe eílee- medabone all the thornes with which it can be befer. And indeed helmetsare the moll precious ofinen, themall noble perlons oftheearth ,defcendedofthe blood ofChrill , neere vnto God, and next attendants to theking ofglory:aduanced abone all the refs by the fpeciall grace offree ele&lion,ofiuflification,offandi- qi 3 fication,

TheEpifleDedicatorie. fication,and adoption. And who can deny feting thee are Gods peculiar,anhallowedtbing,a chaferspeople,th aLordsfir/Ifruits ,hts rë- nant calledout ofallnations and kinreds, the formes and dai.ghters ofGod,brethren ofChrifY,andheiresapparant to the crowne of hea- uembut that they arc highly aduanced as the cboifeof God, and Gods delight about all thepeople ofthe earth? And hence follow_ eth it, that whofoeucr wouldbe in this price and reckoning with God,nívft be lure he be a h ule; which he (hall know by thefc three notes. rafflebe planted in thegarden ofGod,andbe a true mem- ber oftheChurch, not tied to it asNon toa treebya thredof outwardprofeffion, but by foundries offaith.and loue;the former ofwhich fetteth into the head,and the latter vnirech to the mem- bers. Secondly,ifhe haue the beautyofalillievpon him, t.in the fight of God,by therightcouuicffe ofChrift iu(l:ifying andcouc- ring him.z .in hisown eyes,by the fandifcation ofthe fpirit dai- lywaffling the confcicnce from dead workcs. z. in the fight ofo- ther mcn,by an innocent lifeand godly conuerfation. Thirdly, if cuery where he Ieaue a fweetfinelbehind him,that theplaces whey euer hego fauour of the graces ofGod laid vp in his heart: by be- wraying the humilitic,fairh, louc,parience,hope,fobricty,and the like. A /diecan leauc no flinke behind it any where , as many in their meetings,whofc fpcachcsarc,ifnot hurtful!, yet vn(àuouric and vnfruitfull. Thefe things I writenor,as taking vpon me to teach your Hon. who wantcth not choicemen and meanes to bring you forward both in the vndcrf}andingofpure doetrinc,and in the inflitution ofholy life. But T. to put your Hon.in minde how highly the Lord hath honouredyou both in his owneeies, as all() in the ties ofhischildren. Theformer in that vnto outward greatncs(which is as a rich legacie giuenbyGod both togood and badde) hehach vouch(àfed to adds the cheife good, and made your Hon. 11 t e indeed, by difpofing vntoyou, the inheritanceof his children: which isapparant, in that by afound profeflion of the truth, bee bath plantedyou in his ownc ground or garden; in that he hath fct the beautie ofa li/lievpon you and hachgraced you with a fweec /mellofmany precious graces, which cuerywhere you leaue be- hind

TheEpifJkDedieuoritc, hindyou. The lrtter,bothin that hehashput in your heart a fpc- ciall careoffencing your felfeby religious and innocent walking; wherbyyou haueadornedyour holy profcffion, innot layingyour felfe in any part open to the enuionsfcratchingof Moser : As al- fo hath expreflielyengrauen this part of his image vpon you , to etieeme his children ashike' among show; whereby a goodcui- dence is minifired toyour owne heart,thatyou arc tranflatedfrom kohl. life. 3.That I might (litre vpyour Hon. as youhaue caufe to rcioyccin,and let your heart vpon this purchafe which is the portionbut ofafew,to efieeme it, as it is, your trucfi Honour and Nobilitie; your vnperifhing riches and treafure : whereas all earthly glorie, and greatnefíe, worldly wealth and abundance, abfiratled from this, neitherarcyour own; neither if they were can theymakeyou happie. It was an excellent fpeachof that no- bleEmperour Theodofirw,of whom .4ugmtine writeth that he was ,¡agis îe gau- wont to fay, That he accounted it more honour that he was a d re qu á member ofthe Church,then thehead of the Empire. s. That I Dei elrer,yua might adde one incitement andprouocation to proceed (as you cap °C Anperj haue begun happily)in the loueandpraûifcof true pictie :where- in whiff}you profit and encrcafe,you prouide a good flocke for the time ofneed. Let your Hon. giue roc leauc to encourageyou to goeon inennobling nobilitie it fclfe, bybeing infcriour to few ofyour honourable ranke, as inyour outward cu ate, fo in the beautifull gifts and ornamentsofyour mind : fuch as arc hunili- tic,humanicie, a lowly and lonelycarriage. Let cefarand Pompey. Nec jamhere andother gallants aline Cxrarue u robe fuperiours in pompe and enured priorem Pam. greatneffe: it is your honourtohaue learned that humilitie is the fu;'v` p710ns. fira,fecond,and third flaire of Chrifiian nobilitic. Go on in Hwn.ftsoo, the íkrcngthof the Lord, to continue a ungular ornament, and run,prima.fe- rnuniment of the Commonwealth , which is not made by any c ßúa, etria. thingmore outwardlyhappy,then in godlyMagiflracie,andNo- bilitie. Goon in (hewingyour felfc a careful patron oft-he Church of God, in making free and vncorrupt choifeof fuch Pafiors, as wholeholy docirme and life, are the counterpaine one ofthe other: Q°r;°;rudio + efiCI in which godly careyour Hon. hath worthily carried the palme., a.aar., hi T.hefe were thecheife motiucs, which drewon this myprefump- } tion

TheEptjlleDedicatorie. tion todedicate this labour vnto your Hon. although I wanted notforce more private refpeétsallo toforce me thereunto:name- ly,thatI might giue fome publike teflimonie ofmy lout of your venues; Come approbationofmyChriftian dulie, and tome ftgni- fication of my thankefull mind (as for other favours fo alfo) for yourHonours Chriftianand confiant loue of that worthy & ver- tuous Ladie the Ladie Will, whom I could nor butaffoard an ho- nourable mention in this dedication,which I muff needs confeffe, had been herright, ifGod had feene good to haue added vnro her dayes. Accept I humbly befeech your Honour the mindoftheof- ferer; accept allo the book offred,ifnot for the author ofthe Corn- mentarie, yet for theAuthor ofthc Text,ardthe argumentwhich isworthy your H. name and refpoti. I doubt not butyourH.fhall redeetne many vacant houres in reading ouer many of the trea- rifes therein contained. And thus crauing pardon for myboidnes, Icommend your H. to thegraceofGod, who protra6tyour daies and yeares, according to the large gracesbellowed vpon you;and profper and finifh thegood workehe bath begun , byadding that which isyet lacking to your faith andgraces, till he haue fittedyou vnto,and filledyou with glorie and immortalitie. Amen. From my houfc at Watford. March. 16. 1612. Tour H. inalldutie to becommanded, THOMAS TAYLOR.

''''. 05,1 1n1rrek7i)M4:3 .1)CEOVVARP`4 . TO THE CHRISTIAN Aeade,,, grace andPeace, ìthall F other blefngs accompatgina faluation. He whole Scripture is the rich treafurie of thegreat King ofglorie, wherein not oneFind ofpreciousfloe or mettalis laid vp, or inone roome, but infundrie draw- ers asinfundrycaskets, manyfeaerall ?caries and pre- ciotu things are refereed, andfafey laid vpfor the vfe i Scripeura coat. of the Church of God. In one place lyeth thefemmeof ; ,° ,ño=teat holydoflrine,another holdeth theprecepts ofgodly life, documcncorum Inone corneru therefutationofadulterate anderroni- 5afimag in c.Pfaó out do&lrine:In another the reprehenlion ofimpure d, fcandalotu life./Indas all the partsof Chrifiianitie are diffinEl onefrom another,fo lie they here or there in thefe richeeffer diflinEl, foat emery Chriflianmay drawe out inflruCtion, di- reEiion, and confo ativ according to his owne necefftie. This Epiffle breathed from thefamefiirit, andbearing thefamefuperfcriptionwith all the rafi,herein difagreethnotfrom them; but asby the learned it is called an Abridgement of Epitome Pout,. all PaulsEpiales; fo is it fraught withfuch varietie ofprecepts fitted to all larnm epn1 o. forts,fexes, ages,andconditions ofmen,as whatfoeuerhe bath to allhis Eples more largely handled, thefame hefeemeth tohauefummariy reduced into toit one: wherein as in a mappe or modellhe would deliuer his whole[pipit,flyle, and vnderflanding in the doílrine offaluation: e/Indwhich hee would !cane to the Church, as a manualior compendiousfumme ofall Chriftian religion,ta the end that Chri/lians beeing hence inffru/led in the matterof faith and manners, might be made not oneywife tefaluation, but profitable and fit for the place which Godbath in any of thefocietiesof r. Church, a. Commonwealth, 3. Familyafgned them vnto. For ifsn any heeenlarge thedoElrine ofmans tnife- rie byPinne, or magnifie the doClrine ofthe Gofoel andmans deliuerance from finne: ¡fin any he cleare the doElrineoffree ixfifcationof faith alone, or en- force the do/lrine ofgood workes thefruiter ofthatfaith: Ifin any he largely propoundeitherfachduties as belong topublike perlons, as namely , the Ma gi- firates, and Miniflers, orPoch offices as arefitted to the fenerail conditions of primate men. Ifin any he ?remaketo theprailifeof Chrifliancurtefie and kind- nete: or el fe(i fneed reguire)ofChriianfemeritie andf harpeneffe:furey inthis 9 i

Prou 3.rs. To the Reader. Epile he doth with[Inchadmirable plainenefeandfbortiees allthefe,ar 'mother, norall the otherjhew him more ski/fall workeman then thiodoth.But accoun- ting itfollie topaint apearle, Iwilt rather nowgiuefome tali andreafon of that I haste done : ar alfa remooue fomeforupies which may otberwife perhaps bee moonedageingit. Gold lyeth not vpon theface, bat in the bowelsrofthe earth , and thericher anyminerall is, the moreinduflriom pathnature beone to laie it vp in the deepeft vaines. Essenfoconfidering that the price ofthe wifedome of Godcannot bee found, to which thepure/EgoldofOphir,nor allpearles are to be compared: wee may not think! that the Lordisfoprodigal! ofit, or carelefe as tokaue it abroad for entryffranger thatpaffeth by to take it vp with 4Nidle hand; or to trample vnder his wandringfette : but that he loath difpofed it as men do their treafures which they hide and locke in their fureff coffers, and thatvnder "their eie, And Ptou.e.;. were it not fo , needleffelyfhouldwebe commanded to feeke for her as for Bl- uer, and fearch for her as for neafures: vpon which condition snely it iscone- nanted, that we'ballvnderftand thefeare of theLord, and find the know- ledge ofGod. For howfoeuer wemaynot afcribe darkeneffe andobfeurityon- to theScriptures, vnles wewillfay ,that theLord loath fpokenfomethingwhich hewould not bane vnderflood; andalfofalli fie that ofthe Apoflle , who compa- reth thewordoftheProphets(which ofallparts oftheScriptures is thedarken) to a 1 ghtfbining in a darkeplace:yet the wifedome ofGod would haue (not all but) fome places more difficult to our danke vnder sandinng not oney for the dazeling ofthe eyes ofthe worff, whoneuer care to know or comprehend any of thefe my/leries: but that the beg alfamight r . fee their owne dulneffe of conceit in heauenlythings: fo to keepe them low in their own eyes, as who cannot ermine fuchanhigh knowledgeof them/elites. 2. be,¡lirredvp to more diligent fludy, reading, hearing, meditationandprayer, that by this continua/l exercife-in the word, they mayproft, andpraceede in the knowledgeof god, and in thevnder- 'landing oftheft millcries, whichareadmirable to the ceingels themfelues. 3. makefò muchthemore bothofthe wordand therniniflerie of it : the Lordfore- few, that the things that arecage we eafily contemne, and that things lightly i¡y1a,ty come by are lightly fee by. That anypart ofthis booke is ciafeed and fealed, it Dania. is in regardofour naturedblindneffe, who cannot behold:he brightneffe of the forme ofrighteoufneffefinning in the Scriptures.. But that this natural!corruptionmight not reigns in theelec`l,for their hurt, theLordlefns hathleft tohis Church thegiftof interpretation, which is a key to open thisclofet of God: and bathfurred vp faithfullmen from time to time enduedbyhis fpirit, who in ettentiue and diligent reading of the Scripturesby thehelprof 1. Arts, as Grammer, Rhetoricke, Logicke, Philofophy , c5-c. 2. knowledge oftheproprieties of wordsand phrafes of the tongues wherein they werewritten. 3. comparing ofScriptures with thentfelues, antecedents with confegoentsg, Deus noluitta. ceriqued.vole- it.cnbi Augull.

To theReader. confeguents, obfcure places withplainer:andfgarattut, /peaches with morepro-1 per. 4.foundneRof indgement in the agreement and analogie offaith. ç, di- ligent ob(eruation ofpredil} ions with their accomplishments, oftypes with their l truth,and ofthehforie oftheChurch which itfelfe is a commentarieofScrip- tore , hone 6eene themfeiuesenabled tovnderfland: as altopartlyby liuely voice in the c Min f erie, andparty by their learned monuments and writings , to make the people ofGodvnderflandeuèn the darkeflmyferies contained in them, foforre ar is necefariefor thefaluationof beleeuers. whofe labours and wri- tings tocontemne, fauoureth ofa proud Anabaprtflicall fpirit , whowhile they complaint offo many Commentaries,def ifethegifts ofGod, which by his fer- leants he communicateth to his Charch,andfo are iußly left ofGod in the igno- rance ofthe Scriptures: orelfcin thegroffeand ridiculoserperuerting of them. Well faid that NobleEunuch, Howcan I vnderaand without an interpre- AM. ter ?what was Mofes but an interpreter of the Lave ? what were the Prophets but interpretersofc t(ofes? what was Chrisboot an interpreter ofthe Prophets? what were the Apoflles bat interpreters of Chrifl ? what are all Paflors and Teachers wherewithChrill bathewerfurnyibed his Church fence bee afcended intoheauen, but interpretersof the Apoflles ? Well knewe the Sonne of God ioh.s sA commaunding it, andhis Apoflles commending it, how behoouefull it was for the edification ofthe Church, by interpretation ofScriptures, todrawe out both the true fenfe, and the true vfe ofthem (which are the twoproper parts of in- ,The(tg,ty, terpretation) fetingfo many things are tovs hard to vnderßand, and thing; whichfor their fen f e are eafiefl, cannotfo eafy o fentry one be applyedto their proper vfe without this helpe. This it that edifyinggift which the eApofle fo highly aduanceth, i. Cor. 14. 3, 4. He that prophefieth fpeaketh vnto men toedifying, toexhortation, and to comfort: and, he that prophefi- eth edifieth the Church. This isthat which the auncient FathersVince the A- poflles hauefruitfully laboured in, as appeareth by their learned Sermons prea- chedand written. This is that which the faithfull` Paflors inall ages (especialy oflaterdaiesfence the cleare light ofthe Gofpell wanreflored) hauefo induflri- ouflyandhappily employedthemfelues in;ae there is almefl noplace inthe Scrip- tures fo hard, whether matter of hiflorieof things pall , or prophecie of fame thingsyet to come, veto which they haste not endeavoured tobring fume perfpi- cuitie andcleareneffe : as witnefaall theworthy Commentaries extant, which hauemoreopened the Scriptures within this lafl bundrethyeers,then in awhole thoufand andfame hundreths before. Newfittingbefore me thefingulargoad accrewing hereby unto the Chierch fundric waits, I thought that myfile couldnor more profitably befpeut then in this feruiceofthe Church ;normore acceptably lay out my Mailers talent then inadorning this worthy Epiflle, whichbathnot been by any beforemefo largely handled its here thouhail it. In the opening of which I haue examined the na- g 2 tore1

capa. 15, Perbreue. /cri. bit epillolamet velcx ea Titi perdi(camos virtutemwirum enlm tantum vr conffrmaret handquaquam Inogiori opus erat oratinne fed hune et paucis almo neret.Athan.in prologo. Arctius. To theReader. tareofthe words; call emery branch intobit proper placeby aneafe andfamili- ar method;fitted out the truefence which might beg fland with antecedents, cartfiquents,parallel places,and analogic o ffa theconferredwith thebeg inter_ pretert,confalted in matters quefiionablewith the auncientFathers, raifed na_ tarall doltrines ,and applied them to theirfeuerall vfes ofinflruition, reprehen- fion,confolation,or confutation. In fore whereof howfaeuer Iarmed at the ne- ceffitieand occaftons ofmine owneauditorie,yetgenerally Ihaut prefentedge_ nerallinflruftions;and alltime is inthat 'Winne flyle wherein it was deltuered; both then andnow,more atfoand«ies ofmatter thenfounding of words, and more intending toperfwade the hearts,rhen topleafetheèseres ofmen. Ifit behere obieEled that this E'pifile concerneth but oneperfon,andone more generali might haste been moreprofitabir andfitly chofen. I anfwer That t . my chotfewasfatted tomyauditorie,wherein were asmanyyoateg Titulfes to be infiituted to the feruiceofthe Church,as ordinaryChriflians to6e in¡iru5ied in the dutiesofa religious life. z.This Epifllewas notfa muchwrittenfor Titus, asfor thewhole Charch,and therefore be is commanded to teach thefe things pubIrkylv,as things o ffpeciallvfefor allthepeople ofGod: and in allprobability this Epiffle was openly readby Titru to the wholecongregation , whome in the endhefalutethinthcfe words, Grace be (not with thee , but) with you all. 3. Wee hauenot onely thefptrit of(sod recording it among other holy writings to thewhole Church, butfundry gracious Pa/iors haue Beene delighted to bee conuerfant in it:as e11 Caluin ac*nowledgethof himfelfe to 111. Farrell and Virell;who was ofthem left at Geneva tofin ill, what they had.begu me, as Ti- tus wasofPasslin this ChurchofCreta. Ifit befurther alleadged, that Ihaue been larger by much then Ineeded: Ianfwer, t .! wifhfuck to remember what Athana6us hath'in way ofapoligiefor thefhortneffe ofthisEpifile , and it will fitlyferue to excufe my prolixitie: Titus,faith he ,was amanofgreat appre- henfton,and thereforethe Apofile compofeth whole lefons in emery line: and I mayfay more,ifnot in eueryword,in the moll ofthens,euery one elmofl beinga feuerall and entire text. 2.1confeffe I want rim: dexterity which fame of the learnedwritingon this Epiflle profefe,namely ,toget through the interpreting offuckamateriali Epille in one moneth: neither did Ithink: it the part of a fatthfull Expoftor,eetber wholly toncgle.Et things pertinent,tiìough theyfeerne fnaller,or altogether to amide treatifes which might proouemore laborious.;. Seeing corruptionofmanners is the rif itgreife of our dayes, Icannot be ;stilly blamed ifIhaue moreenlarged myfelfe in bendingmygroutefi forcesagain] this?nogdangerous difeafe: andyetmy hope is that my Readerfhall not tufily challengeme: withmultiplicationof matteries wards who haue laboured to titrufi much varietieofmatter into as fewewords as poffibly 1 could. Ifit bee furCher obielted,that there is nogreat needofwriting boehes inthisage,which ratherfurfettethof them then otherwife. although this,no»tore concerneth me.

To the Reader. me then others,whofe labours merit better refpell thentheymeetfrithyet I ten firer,that t .painfullMiniferr complainenot *filmy furfet ofoundComntenta_ riesofthe Scriptures , efpecsalyoffame bookes (whereafthis is one )but rather haue caufe towith morehelpes ofthis kind then they haue,asmy felfedidwhen Ifrff attempted this Epíffle. z.be it granted that the learned haue manygood helpsyet ordinary Chr/fanscomplain: of want offauourie commentaries in our owne tongue,who are in theirgodly defires to be refpetted, 3. he that o6fer- ueth how thicke `Popifh booker arefeat inamongvs,andwhat armies of pe- p Prieffs and lefuitesarewithout interm/on dtfiniffed to the [educingofour limplepeoplefrom their layaltie to God and their foueraigne: cannot with any confcienceprofecute any lochallegation. 4. betides the inffance of many godly frtends,my owneprefent condition helpedforward this labour: for hoeinghin- dred inmy courfeofminifferie,hewcould Ibetterfpend myfilent time, then by calling fuck amiteas this into thepub/ike treafurieofthe Church. Afar other ftnifler orfelfe-refpellr in writing,Godandmineowne confcience fhall free me, in the re once ofboth which ! ro e ewith Clemens Alexandrinus,that not o- ,tihí gnidem p f f p f huiusoperíc ffentationor thevatnewinde ofmenfat meforewarti,but chetfy thedefre ofdo. Commenrarij ingfomeduty whereby Imightfurthermine owne reckoning in the day of ac- tionem fcíríbun. count, andhelp:forceothersal foforward in thefamework!. wherein ifImay me cdaad nenn know: my labourfruitfullandacceptable toGodschildren,t(hall not be difcou_ fenedx u ad raged togoeon informeother endeavours as theLordfoal! affoardmee ffrengtb ombeldum isre. and life. mihi adurnbra. Andnow ChriflianReader before Idifmiffe thee, Iwouldcommend into thy tteeu n n , prallifi thefefew rulesin the readingofthis and all other Eccleftafftcall expo- norumq;verbo. f t tort, run qnz aurfire mares a fan&is t . Obferuediligently the difference between: the Scriptures which are the 'viris srbeans. primarietruth reueated., anetether menswritings which are butfecondary.The Seb.Lt c o:a ' Scriptures are to be readand recetuedasfach which cannot erre ,or fpeeike any vedcas =art: thing contrarie to the truth,or to théfelues,thoughWe vnderfland itnot:but all other menswritings,readings,fermons,expoftionr,anddcterminations(fuppofe ofwhole Churches and ('ounce ) muff only be received fofarre as they agree with theScriptures,whieb are the rule to which all other diuine writiner muff be laid,and the touchfloneby which they mull be tried. z. keadgody expofitionr,nat tobe turnedfrom the reading of the Scrip- tures ,.orfrompreaching, but tovnderflandbetter both what thou readefl in Gods booke,and hearefffromGod; mouth. . Teeingperfevaded that no manby his owneguicknes or apprehenftoncan finds eat the true fenfeand vfeoftheScriptures ; bring praier with thee , that Godwouldbepleafedto open thineeyes to fee thewonderful things of the law:. If any man want wifedome hemuff aske it ofGod: Thefoote ofDa- aidsfangwas Teach me thy flatu:es: Thus(halt thoube taught of God, and _. 3 not I .

Ioh.9 aq. To theReader. not onely by theminifterie ofmpn. 4. Seeing thefeare ofGod is thebeginning ofwifedome and hie fecret is with them thatfearehim;bring a teachable,& anhumble heart ,turnedto God, lowing his ttruth,deferousand induflrious to obey that part o fhis willalready re- Healedvnto thee:for be reacheth the humble in his way :and,if any man wil doe his wii,he (hall knowe whether thedoarine be fromGod or no. 5. In thy reading let not thine endbe to feeke out And finde out curiofities andfubtilties;but tofinde andmetre with Chrii: defroue toknownothing but Chreand him crucified, which is the(cope ofall the Scriptures, as alfoof the gift ofinterpretation ofthem. 6. Read not byhaloes ,butgot through the author thou hall made choife of once and againe: nor idley,butwith attention,aspainfullydiggingfor the trea- fare: nor carelefly,but with diligence trying thefemettais, vnleffèthou wouldfl takecopper wallet ouerforgold. Lufiy, bring all thy reading intovfe andpra£life, meditate of it often by thy ( elfe ,andcheerefulycommunicate itto others:forby vjîng andlaying out thy talent thouencreafet it:and know that not theywhich reade ,hare , orfpeake mucharebleffed,butthofewhich*doe it.Thus comefurnifbedto the reading of this or anyother godybooke, andIafore theethou(halt not loofe thy labour, batfbalrfe redeeme thy time,as that thoulhaltbeable togive .a good andcom- fortableaccount of it in the day of thy reckoning. If thou ',metewith any doubtful!things,helpmewith thybeffconfiruition: Ifwith any efcapes, help me with thybeflcounfell:I fwith any helpe hereby inthy holy aourfe, praife God, and helpemewith tbyprayers. Thevnworthie tenant ofGodandof thy faith, THOMAS TAYLOR.

gproompame of the e 9nlo line in le,they which cd any of the d; the , which ,e good >andrie who ha- untied; ring in- tof the cir Era ufe and orrnerly lurches (cuera11 Epi(iles Y -- ^

i A CQMMENTARIE vpon the EpOle of Saint PAUL to Ttrus. The occaflon ofthe Epißle. E bath little acquaintance with the writings of the Apotllcs, who out ofthemfelues cannot attaineunto the occafion of their penning : but not to wail time in theparticular Argumentsofeach feueral Epitile,they haue all one common and generali occafiott,which was this : So footle as the Apo(}les had planted any Church of God, by lowing the good feede of the word, fetched out of Gods owne garners in the fieldof the world ; the malitious man font his feruants to fowe tares in the fame field, which fprouted vp fuddenly into the blade and eare,to thechoking ofthe good husbandmans good (cede. Hence was it that (lca(l Gods husbandrie (hould vtterly mifcarrie) theApoilles wereput CO new trauells : whoha- uing upon them the care of all the Churches which they had founded; and feeingSathans fubtilties inceflantly breaking out in his (educing in- aruments,teachersoflies,andfalle Apoflies, to the annoyanceof the Church; were confirained with a fecond hand to flablifh their firtl worke, and with no le(fc labour to vphold and repaire that houle and buildingofGod, which like good mafler-builders they had formerly reared and ere6ted. This truth is euident, not onely in other Churches planted by thisour Apofiie,theDoélor of the Gentiles,asby his Yeuerall Epifties A [

9 Rom.a6.17. 1.Cor.a. a.Cot., o. GaLL6. Erb 4.14. CololL1.4.8 a,ThciGa.a. Theoecifon ofthe Epijrle; Epiftles is clearely gathered;but alto in thisChurch,planted byhimfelfe sci the IleofCreta, now calledCandy : for Satans rage containeth not it felfe in the continent, nor contemnech a conqueft again(¡ the Church in fuch a fmall ¡land as this is. And therefore no fooner was Pas! departed hence(although he left Tawbehind him to further the worke)but Satan thrulleth in corrupt teacher!, force erroneous in doftrine, others in life, fcandalous; both of them exceeding iufe&ious : force of them feeking the ouerthrow of thedoétrine,others ofthe gouernment of the Church eftablithed: others would for the honour ofthe feruant, defpile the Son, by ioyning c.96fores and Chrift together:all of them difioyned the profef- fion andpra&ife ofpietie;and by this meanes peruerted many,and drew them into their owne detsru&ion. Our Apo! le therefore wrote this E- piftle torus(, a. That hemight authorize and backe him in his Mlnilte- rie, againft fuch as might otherwife carrie themfelues.contemptuoufly towards him. s. That lice might dire&him in redrefliug and reprelling fuch difordersas beganne to preuaile:.for which end he bothdefcribeth what manner ofperfons he fhould place Teachers ouer the congregati- ons; as allowhat do&rinehe wouldhave himparticularly apply to eue- rie degree and condition of men ; that by the fufñcieucieof the former, the falfe teachers might be foyled; and by the euidence of the latter, all forts ofmen might be fenfed, and out of danger of corruptionby them. 3. Becaufe Tito was young{as it feemeth) he teachethhim how toCar- rie his whole do&rine,how to order his life, how to deale with the tra- &able, how allo withobftinate offenders,who ftudied rather parts, and how to becontentious, then how to content themlelues with the limpie truth : and fo fhutceth the Epiflle with fonte perfonall matters, and the Apoflolicail falucatiion. The parts of the EpiJile. This Epifile containeth threeparts : t. The falutation, in the 4. firfi': vertes. 2. The narration,orpropofition ofthe matter ofit:fromthe S.ver.ofthe r.Chap.vncothe endofthe at ,ofthe 3.chap. 3 , The Conciufron, containingTomeprivate butinesenloy. nedTi:u,:and theordinarie falutation ofthe Apoftle. CHAP. L.

=ztaotaimuRr; MI5tetZt6WiYesVYAW.Well'Ottstthyttl Ec? CHAT. I. I D AV L aferuant ofGod,4nd an Apofile lefts' Chrift, according to thefaith ofGods Elcili and theacknowledgingofthe truth, which is ac- cording unto 4odlineffe, 2 Veto the hopeofeternall life, which Godthat cannot lie, bath promifed before the worldbegan : 3 But hathmade his wordmanifefi in due time,:hrough the preaching which is committeduntome,according to the commandement ofGodour Sauiaur : 4. To Titusmy naturall Tonneaccording- to thecommonfaith; Grace,mer. cy,andpeacefromGod theFather,and from the Lordlefus Chrift ourSauiourc N thefe fowre verles containing the (alutation, which is theexordium, or fidi part ofthe Epiflle , wee halm two things toconfider: r. The perlons, r.faluting: z,faluted. a. The formeofthe falutation it felfe. The perfon fainting, is defcribed, r.byhis name, Paul. a. by his office: r. more generali , afertiant of God: z. more fpeciall, and an eA400file of lefus Chrift : which is further enlarged by the ende ofit; namely, either to preach the faith of Gods E- le& (as the Geneua trar.ílation hath it) or rather hereby to bring the E- lea veto the faith,accordtog to thefaith ofGods Elea: ¡Ton which oceafi- on he entreth into a largeand notable defcriptionofthis faith,and ther- by proccedeth in amplifying thedignirie ofhis calling;as we fhall fee in the feuerall parts when wecome vnto them. Pad j In this name, two quc(lions come to be retained. i. How the Apofile came by this name, feeinghe was a Iew , and on the eight day, beeing csrcumcifed according to the law,was namcdSaul,after the icw- ifh manner , and not Paul ? Anf Not to (land vpon the opinions of Come, who thinkehe was called by both thefe names , becaufe he was both a Iew by birth, and a Gentile by his freedome in Aomc :neither of fuch,as thinke hewas thus called, becaufe he concerted Sergius Paulus the Proconful visto the Chrihian faith:for we read that he was thus cal- A 2 led 3 Origin prztat. cpilt.ad Item.

AQ y.t r t.Tint.t.y. I. rice in chan. giog ment Alt.ti, r. tante.sas3. Follyto Out heatbenilh names to them whom wedefine to begodly. t.4Commentarie Von the ledbefore we read of the others conuerfion , A61.13.9.neither of that Father,who thought he was called Tealtee, leaf;pervwlee Chríiji, vpon his connerlon : for be was called Sand, a long time after his coltueruon. Butthe limple and receiued truth is this; That beeing called to Apoftle- fhip, and ord4ined to be the teacher ofthe Gentile, infaith Andveritie, he was prefently to glueouts his Apofilefhip among the Hebrewes :andwith- all he giueth ouer the rteof his Hebrew name, whereby he was former- lyknowne vnto them: andundertakinghis office among the Gentiles, he alto taketh vp this name, more familiar vnro them; whereby lace would glue them to knowe, that he was now appropriated, and after a forr,de- dicated watt) the feruice of their faith. And this truth feernech tobee grounded in Aft. T;. for beforehe and Barnabatwere feparated voto this worke of the Lord, hee was euer called Saw/ but after this time neuer. Herewe mayobfertle two confiderations : T. That it is and may bee lawfull fotnetimes for a man to changehis name; elfe had it not beene lawfull in Paw!, nor Peter, who was before calledBar- lass: nor Salomon, who was firil called ledidiah. Not here to fpeake of the Lordsowoe changingofnames, as in eÁbreham, Serai, I/real , wherein the Lord in Come new names would hide loose newmyfteries, according to the new occafions offered : yet here, there caueats mu t1 be diligently obferued. T.It maynot be done to the hurt or offence ofany man (as in nicknames taken vp in fcoffe,or for reproach ofour felues or others)but to the good of men. 2. It may not be done to the hiding or couering ofany finne: as many fellons, and Iefuiticall fugitiues vfe it. 3..Some good ende mufì euer bepropounded in ir, wherein Godmay be more glorified, and men edified. Tnus haue fundry godly men changed their names in their wri- tings, to preuent preiudiciall thoughts taken vp againft their perlons, that the truthmight more profperoutly fpread it felfe. 2. Note hence, that fuch names are to be giuen to children, u may put them in minde of forcegood dutie : as Pawl could neuer heare, or re- member his newe name, but alto beput inminde of his new office and dutie, which hewas toperforme among the Gentiles. And fomuck = as maybe, thefe names mull be giuen in the naturali language : thus the Hebrewes glue fit names in Hebrew; the Greekes inGreeke, asTime:by: There was a drfciple named Timotbetee, hie mother scar a leweffe, 6wt hiefa- thers Grecian :which lafi words feeme to include the reafonof his name: the Latines inLatin ; asTerris who wrote the Epiftle to the Romanes: and Qu4rrue abrother : which reprooueth many men , who are either too curious, or too careleffe in impofing the names of their children. The former beeing in thecuelle , glue names aboue the nature of men, fume

E,piflleofs.Padto Titus. men, forne drawing tooneere the Deitie it felfe, as Emmanuel, and the Iefuites; fome ofAngelis, asGabriel, Michael, &c. fomeofvertues, As Grace, Faith, Mercie, Patience, &c.The latter beeing in defeet,giue the names ofheathen men,es though they would hauethem prooue fo;fome- times of things Carte below the nature of men,as of bealls,trees,&c.then whome fometimes by Gods iut+iudgement they prooue not more feula-' ble:whereas the name fhould not only be fitted vnco the nature, but,allo carry force fit lc(fon and inflruétion in ir. The fecond quel ion is,why this name is hereprefixed ? eí6,f. There, be three efpeciall viesof letting mens names vino diuine writings. r: to thew that menwere calledofGod vino that worke. z . that they were readie to iullifie.and (land to that they bad written. 3. ro preuent the rnifcheifeof forging writings , and fathering them upon men which ne- uer wrote them. Which regards moonedPaul in all his Epifiles to ob- ferue two things : i. in the beginningofeach , toprefixe his name : as in all his 13. Epi files. a. in the endeof each Epilog , he added the Apo..' (lolicall falutation,ás himfellfe witneffeth,z.Thefl:3. 17. rhefalutation of me Paul withmine owne hand ,which is the token in every Epiflle: Coloff4. 18. TheMutation by the hand ofme Paul. And both thefe, partly to (hew his calling whichwas fo firange and extraordinarie tobe fromGod,Gai. .1. `Paul ane4pool`, not ofmen. neither by man,but byJefas Chrif : as al- fo that he might iuftifie the truth he wrore,Rom.1. i 6.I am not afhamedof the GofpellofChrift: As in the loll place to prevent that mifcheife which was euen then inuented, z.Thefl.z.z. Bee not fuddenly mooned, nor troub- ledbyfpirit, by word, or letter, a1 though it were from vs : bee would not therefore haue any goe under his name , which had not his name at ir. Hence learn`. 1: That in the formerrefpeéls it is eonuenient that a mans name fhould be fet to bis writings, which hee commendeth to the vie of the Church : after the example of Paul, who did not (as many now a dales) for his names fake let himfelfe onwriting ; but for his writings fake fet' to his naine : yet fo, as there be cafeswhen it (hall be neither nece4farie nor wife to affixe the name of the author. The principali of them bee three: r. When the name !hall bring neither credit to the truth, nor profit to the Church ; but danger and hurt to the partiehimfelfe : which cafe holdeth firme fo long.as he writeth general( truths , and not perfo- nall: for elle it maypromise an hurtful( flounder. a. When the high efli- mation and account of thepenrrtan in the Church, may caufe the truth to be receiuednot for it felfe, but forthe writer. 3.Whë thecontempt of the writer,chrough thecorruotionofthe people, !hall on the otherhand preiudice the truth, thatit.11lall hauénone, or Idle regard in refpeél of A 3 him. CHAP.I.I. 5 QuidamCh:i- Riant dele&as - tue nominibus Hettoris,Achil lis Hannibalis, a deo iptis pla- cet Genti'if- mus,Polan in cap.t.Dan. Car to which a man may for. beare to fet his name to his writing. 1 2 3

Cuep. r.1. vl CartrmentariC'Vpon the 6 him. And thisis thoughtto be the caufe , why ( not to infifl in other Scriptures, as many of the Pfalmes, books of Chronicles, &c. the au- Jan. thor ofwhich the f init of God bath not difcouered ) the Epiftte to the .rue Par, p. prafat,c.a.ad Hebrewes(generallyby the leatned thought tobe Paul!) wanteth both Hebei the name, fupetfcriptiofl, and íubícription, which all his other Epi(les Thisenroll is haue: not becaufe he was the Doe-torof the Gentiles, and fo was out of giu bothby h rn isway in writing to the Iewes,but becaufe he knew his perfon & name airmen: nt<x. tobe meruailoufly hated at Ierufalem; and that hewas grown into great and Ahan,dial. y g de Trinit. see contempt among the enemies of the Gofpell,fromwhom hehad fepara- ibó;íìáéÌ. ted: whole furie he gaue placevnto, and would not exciteby addinghis eapass name, beeing defirsus that they (bonld entertaine the naked truth for it felfe. And howfoeucr it is avaine thing to be peremptorie in defining it tobee Pauli,yet it is more vaine to conclude it none of his, becaufe it wants his name; for by the fame reafon, it hauingno bodies name, they might conclude it tobe no bodies: nay, rather vpon this occafionswan- ting his name, it is liken tobe his. 2. FromPauls exampleeuerieChriftian roan may learne to be readie to giue his name to the Gofpel, and like achildof wifedome by a bold profe(lion, to iu(lifie it vpon euerie loft occafson: many are too indiffe- rent herein,and loch to be knownedifciples ofChrill : the lhame it is of many profeffars in fucks a funncihineday as this,to call themfeltses with ?licodemuo int. the night. Aferment ofGod] This is a titlewhich all the Apoflles delight in; for thus alto Peter, tames, lode, in the beginning of their Epifles, ftyled chemfelues: which is not to be vnderflood in a general] fenfe, as Res.7. 3.forthus not surely they,but all Chri(liannay more,all creatures(euen the worft)are Come way feruiceable veto God in executinghis will: but it here fpecially refpeEleth that office and funélion to which they were fecapart, expreffed more particularly in the next words , andan4- p°file. Tobeaferuant Doilr. This beeing the firft title whereby the Apoile would get o/God is the hinifelfe authoritie,teacheth, That the very nameof a feruant of God, is emu* honor. full ofhonour and autbority.TheApofile comparing the gloryofChrifl with the glorieoftheAngels,Heb.s.t 4. aduancc:h them as farte as pof- ablyhe can that Chrill his glorie beeing fo much more excellent then theirs there defcribed,might be moll highly exalted;and yet the highefl afcent of their honour which he can rife veto is, to title themmiming pirirs,flanding about God; fromwhich feruice they are honoured with glorious names; ofthrones, dominations, powers, rulers, principalities: and although the Scriptures moll vfually /nder this title expreffe the Philip.l.g, lowandbumble condition of Chrill: who took,, on 'hint theforms esfer- Nane; A

Epifil ofS'. Paul to Titus. CHAP. I.1.1 uant;yet allo thereby the Lordwould fonretime fignifiehis great glory: 7 as, ifa.4a.t . Behold rayferuant , Iwill leane vponhim : mini &El in mhome ttzyfoulc delighteth. The ApollleTool when he would provoke himfelfe to tnagnifie the free mercie of God towardhimfelfe , maketh this the ground of his glorie and teioycing, that God had counted him faithfuf, s.Tinats. andput him in hitferuice. 6fe. t. This fettles to teach Miniflers their dutie, that feting the' Miniltersue Lord path fo highlyhonoured them, as todraw them fo ncere vntohim- felfe,as odpdron it wereadmittingthem into his prefence chamher,yea & 'intohis ohamber,and councell table; theyare in way ofthankfuineffe more flraightly bound csaatctltable. :to twomaine duties, t. diligence : a. thatibefulnere. Fir , diligence , in wholly gluingvp themfelues & llrength in the difpatching of their ma- llersbutineílc, wholenewwholly they are : theircaret are bared, neuer todepart from him; fo as now they may not leek or fettle themfelues,but take themfelues to be (as the civill law callerh feruants) .r'orpovawot, inch as fuflainenopetfon, but are become dependances and adiunéls, yea in- deede rcafonable inflruments in the hand of their mailer. Iftnotiues would aim vp our diligenceonto the work ofGod,wewant rot amul- ritude : as, z. this [rafter bath moli abfolute power of life anddeatho-1 tier his feruants. a. his eie is euer oiler them, which prouoketh euro eye- pleafers to quickneffe. 3. the fruit ofdiligence is the fauingofour fel ues erncetnthis and others. 4. bleffedMali that fertaant be whom the [rafter (hall finde ;'1 `4óG fodoing. f. without this thoufhalt become the vnprofitable feruanr, Matth.24.46. that á1a11 be bound hand and Foote, and call into hell:the feruice is difrt- m4'645 3'7. cult, as beeing an baruefit, an huebaadrie, a building, a planting; all which require labourers, and painful! workemen : it is the diligent hand that bringeth thefeworkes toa commendable paffe: nay more it is a fighting with fpirituall weapons, againtl mightyandmalicious enemies, and re- quireth quickneule andcourage. This butanes ncedeth not whole armies offuch foulditrs as we read of, t.Sam t7.a4.who ranneaway when they fawe Goliab a far off: onePoore and contemptible Dauid,whe is as good as his word,whenhe faith, Thyferuanr will geeand fight with the Philrffim, v.; z. brings the bufineffe more Ifappily forward, then a nation of the former:inwhomwe fee thepitiure ofrhe twill and flonhfallferuant,whofe Maah.at.ac ende theEuangeliti recordeth to be fearefull. The fecond dutie isfaithfulnefj"e. It is requiredofeuery difjrenfer that be t.c.r.aa. beefoundfartbfull: and this faithfulneffe mull appeare, r. in gaining di fci- rui, Ad co f.ith- pies not tohimfelfe , but veto Chria : lohn was a faithful! feruant to Chrifl; beonufF increafe, and Imuff decreafe: and Patel, Ifeche not yours, but Ioh.t.ga. yea: but this was to prefect them as virgins onto Chrill. The law of e- quine concludetb, that whatfocuer the feruant gaineth, (hould become A 4 the

CHAP.F.I. Lei commentarie Von the .8 themailers. But the world is full of vnfaithfull feruants, whowhen they fhould come in their mailers name, come in their owne : Gehezi runnes a.Xings.u. after Naaman for talents ofgold, and changeof raiment, and faith, his y maflerfewhim. 2. In feeking to pleafe and approoue himfelfe veto his mauler, andnot to othermew. Thus was viWofes faithfull,but as a femur Numb.xa.7. in all the houfeofGod: nay, Chrifi himfelfe is herein preferred, Hebr. 3. 2. that hewas faithfull to him that appointed him. But wherein was this faithfulneffe feene ? InMofes, in that he did all things according to the patterne in the mount : In Chrifl, in that his do$trine was not his, but hisFathers: neither did he any thingof himfelfe, but all that his Father lob.7.t6.and taught him, thatfpakehee: and all that hefame theFatherdoe , that didhee. 8.1$. This fame was the faithfulneffeof the Apo illes.alfo: whopreached only what they had heard andfeene of Chrifl: and delivered onely what they had receiued: and thismull be the faithfulneffeofvs their fucceffors, the Paflors andTeachers to the endof the world. Vntowhichwee may bee mooned , not onely in that we haue fuch a cloud of worthy examples, bnt alto in that we ferue agood mailer, one full of faithfulneffe,ready to retribute our fidelitie with infinite aduaniage: a farremore forceablear- gument to bind vs vnto God, then that of the Apoflle to bind feruants I,Tim.6s to faithfull feruiceof beleeteingmailers. And laflly , becaufeour mailer 4 {landed) in need of our faithtulnefle,now when the mot/ haue forfaken him ; I meane not onely the Clergieof Rome ( who haue been as faith- full toChriil,asZimriwa OntoElah,)in teachingdotrinesandprecepts tending to the aduancing of theirownc elate, the enriching of that lease, thedeckingof that whoreof Babylon, the pulling downe of the Kingdome ofChrifl, and the tramplingof his Teflament vnder feet: for when the Decrees, Canons, andCouncelsof menmull Mlle out the counfels ofGod;theadditions and traditions ofmenmuflbe(as by their doEtrine) beleeued and received as thewritten word ofGod ; how can Chrifl be acknowledged theonely Lard and husband efhisChurch?But alto pitty it is, that cacti ofProteflantMiniflers, not a few may bechar- a.Tim.g.to. ged withDemur his finne, in embracing this prefent world: which ifany do, needs muff they become as faithfull vntoChrifl, as Hazael was to Ben- z.Ktng.8.ts, hadad: for it goeth not alone, but theforfaking of the truth is the next, an infeparable companion of it. Comfort for Vfe, a. This do6lrine minifireth comfort veto thole, that are faithfull Miniftersin d'is in their minifierie:whom,howfoeuer the worldefieemeth ofthem,their kruice. t,Cor.11.2;. 3 = Lordhighly refpeéieth, admitteth them into his priuyCounfels,and fro_ ployeth in a feruice, which theangels themfelues defire toprie into. 1 2. They beeinghis feruants, theyare lureofhis protection: Pfa,1 a6. Dauid, becaufe bee was theferuant of God, was bold to pray for fafetie: hence

Ept ftle ofS. Paulto Titus CHAp.s.I. hence are minifiers calledfierres in the right handof (trill, not onely be- 9 caufe he difpofeth of them here and there according ashe plea( th , but xe"ri6 alto to note their fafetieand fecuritie; for he alwaies keepeththem euen within his right hand. 3. ThisMafier whom they (true, will reuenge all their wrongs, no 3 otherwife then¶Daaid did the indignities ofhis feruants againfi Ilanun. 3 `a n.io.,. 4. He becomes theirpaymafier, andof him they receiue their wages ; and they performing their dude faithfully, loofe no labour, although If- Ifa.495. reelbe notgathered, but are a fweet fauour vnto God, euen in thofe that perifh. 3. life. Teacheth peoplehow to efieeme oftheir Minifiers : namely, as theferuants of Clod ; and confequentlyof their Minifierie as the mef- fage of God. Which if it be, Mofesmua notbe murmured at when hee fpeakes freely and roughly:,and if Mecha refolue offaithfulneffe,fayin g, e.4s the Lord lineth, whatfoeuer theLordfaith, bee itgood or mill, that will I fpeal¿e: why fhould he be hated, and fed with bread and water of affliction? Is it not a reafonable plea, and full of pacification in Cistill meffages ? I pray you bee not angrie with me, I am but a feruant ? Yet when Jeremy Thall fay, ofa truth the Lord bathfeet mee, his feete !hall neuerthelefle be Ier.as,rs. fafined in the Rocks. Nay, this confideration fhould not only bind men topeace, from touching and doing the Lords Prophets harme : but alto urge them tohave them in exceedinghonour, at lea(for theworl¿esfake, z r.The..5.13. which is the Lords, who thereforeacknowledgeth them co-workerswith =.cor.3 9. himfelfe. 4. Vfe. Let euery private Chriflian account it allo his honour, that ñ.tmoor'this theLord vouchfafeth him to becomehis feruant; andhereby harden thy feruiee. (elfe again( the (cornes and derifions ofmocking Michels, who Peek to difgrace thy finceritie. If the vngodiy of the world would turne thy glorie into shame, euen as thou wouldeu hate the Sonne ofman not to be afhamed ofthee in his kingdome,be not thouafhamed to profeffe thy (elfe his feruant, which is thy glorie: let nonetake this crowne from thy head; thou ferueu not luch a MaRer as thou needei be afhamed of. AN an Apoflle of Iefeu Chrrfl ] Now the Apatite defcendeth from the general to this fpeciall feruiee, which was the higheRMinifierie in the Church;and fheweth that his im- ploymenc was in the moil ferious bufinell'e of the Church, next under Chrifi, who had furnifhedhimwith an embaffàge for the reconciling of menvnto God;and that not asan ordinarieMiñiuer, but a, as an Apo. file : a. an ApoRle oflefiee ('hrifh. Three priuiled, Res ofan Apo. I. That he was an ApoRle, appeareth by three properties agreeable Me. onelyvntoApoiles. Firf, he was immediately called by Chrifis owne z mouth, Peopleateounr ofthis feruice as honourable.