Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP.I.g. . . . !t Colla70/eOt4ffd v!flotl the i78 ofChrill: asallo came nearer the Lord then all the other, euen into the holyofholies; hemull haue peculiar garments made by cunning men, filled withthe fpirit ofwifdome, euenbeautifull and glorious,Exod.a8. 3.in there bemufl be confecrated,in thcfehemull Band before the Lord, inoaepart ofwhich, namely, the frontlet which was put vponhis fore- head, mull be writtenbolinefe to the Lerd , that by the Lords appoint- ment that might be moil confpicnous. Againe, other Prieas might not marrie diuourced or defiled women ; but he may notmarie awidow but amaid onely. Neither might he mourne at all ; no not for his father or mother(which was lawfull for the other Priefls)thercby to pollute him- felfc, and the holy place. All which with a number more fuch folemne rites, betokened a fingular fan&imoniein fuch as were robe giuen vp & dedicated to the Lords feruice. Whence I conclude,that ifin thole that minifired but in amaterial Temple;that ferued but in fhadows,types,and obfcuritie; thatin comparifon were fo farce off from the miniflrie of the fpirit ofgrace, of liberrie, oflife, and fo after a fort fromGod himfelfe, wasrequired fuels legallbolines at the leali: howmuchmore is the truth ofthofe reprefentations requifite in vs, who fettle in the fpirituall houfe ofGod ; who carrie the fubfiance and the bodie; and are fo much nea- terdrawne vnto God, byhowmuch he beeing a fpirit delighteth in fpi- rituall feruice before elementarie? InExod.z9.22. there is a fpeciali in- iuntlion,that thePriefis who were to come to heare the law dcliuered, fhould be fanaified, leali the Lord defiroy thman-much more then chofe that are the mouthofGod in thenewTdftament, to deliuer the law and Gufpel, fhould be carefulloftheir fanetification,leaft the Lord fanc4ifie himfelfe in their confufson. For elfe thole fhould not be fuch lure con- fequen ts of theApolle,where he dehortethChrillians from vnholineffe and prophanenes, becaufe oftheir prefent condition t in that they were not vuder the lase, but vnder grace: and that they were not come to atoSaa mount Sinai , but mount Sion. And if fuch arguments were flrong e_ nough tobind commonChrillians to followe holineffe, without which no mancan fee God : furely farre fironger are they to enforce the dutie vpon the Minilier, whole whole do6ìrine,meditation, {peaches, and a- blions private as well as publike, fhould fauour ofthe fpirit ofGod,and ofhis bleffed regiment in their hearts. Ili. T. Profane Minifiers are hence adrnonifhed of their danger Pfalsoaa. and vnfitnes: how dare they take Godsname in their mouches, when they hate tobe reformed ? 1-low dare they rafhly attempt to touch holy PfalsS.c,7. things with vnwafhen hands; when Dauid a moll holyProphet ofGod, wouldnot compaffe the Altar, nor participate inholy things, before he had wafhed his hands in innocetscie ? are fuch fit fueceffors of thePro- phets