Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Bpifilt ofS. Paulto Titus. experience ofthevertue ofhis death in chemfelues, !killing theirAnne, fo ár henceforth theyferuenotfrom. a forre feelingof thepower ofhis blef- fed refurreétiou , in beefing inarafred with him into the fmilitudeofit. 3. and forneaccentof our affeaions after him into heauen, prouoking to feeke the things that areabove ; abare andvnfeeiing (peculation, is here not onely vnprofitab!e, but muchmore dangerous and damnable. The lewes could boaft that they were free borne, andof r./ 6rahano , as ma- ny among vs take chemfelues to bee ftrong beleeuers; but let Chrift come to the point with them , If thetruth bathfetyeefree,yee arefree in- deede: the truth is, that the Sonne bath not freed them : for they are not free from their lulls, nor are kings to rule ouerthem, but vaffalsvnder them hill. The fpirit of God in theminifterie(which is his chariot) bath not freed them from feruitude of t nne and death : for where the fpirit is eferuall, there it libertie. Adangerous thing is ir, that mets fo chained in ignorance, and manifold tufts, fhould ouerthrowe chemfelues by ouer- weeningconceits :feeding for faith, fanfies; for confidence, carnall pre- fumption; for truth, errour , bringing chemfelues into a fooles paradife for theprefent:but the-endwit be the finking and forrow oftheir foules. He is a good fcholler indeede , and railed into the higheft forme of this fchoole ofGod; (not who can talke well, and glue religion Tome good words, which are good chtape) but he that bath fo far profited- in found godlineffe, as that hebath attainedvnto faith, the feare ofGod,humili- tie, endeavour in obedience, thankfulnes,vprightnef e:and bath procee- ded in the trueworlhipofGod according to his word, inhatred of faífe worlhip, in glorifying the name ofGod,fandtifyinghis Sabbaths, reue- rencinghis fantluarie,louing the imageofGod in his brethren,and fuch like: such a man fhecteth that the truthharhfanîtifiedhinr: that pure reli- gion andthe power ofit poffelfeth his heart. Thefe things leek and find in thy felfe, thou haft profited in this truth; elfe whatfoeuer may feeme a bodie of religion in thee, is turned into a thadowe without fubftance, without truth. v... Vnder the hope oflife eternal!] In thefe words the Apoftle commendeth his miniflerie , partly from the ende of it, in that it leadeth(by the truth preached) the beleeuers of it veto thehope ofeternal' life:as alfopartly from theeffe .d ofit in them; which is the full furnifhingof-themwith fuch graces, as lead themcom- fortably to their happineffe, adding vnto the faith of the elc&, fuch an hope as maketh them not ashamed. And they affoard two instru 9 ions: a. That the endof theminifterie, is to draw mens mindes vpward, from earth towards heaven. 2. That true faith neuer goethalone, but attended with other excel- B 1, lent CHAP.I.i. 2; Phiiip.;.to. I¿om.6.5. Ccloá.I.r. Ioh,S.j a.36. n.Car.;.tr. Tob.r7.i.