Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP. T.2. vlCammentarievpm the 26 l'ria shy prnfi. ringender the min f erie by chi. note. Ier.9s;. Iob.ii.s . 3. notes to aleW when thebeers. I is draweevp towards hula. callingme in this fermon to nearer fellawfhip with hitnfelfe:ohvnthik- full wtetch,if I refute his Ioue,if I (hacleaue vnto earthly affenions,and earthlyconuerfation,on whom fomuch labour is fpent, that ;might be called out oldie world. Vfe. 3. Hence may eueryhearer make a triall of his profiting vnder J the miniderie;looke how much thou findea thyheart lifted vp towards heauen,and heauenly things,howmuch thy earthly cogitations are aba- ted, howmuch thou fiadea faluation neerer then when thou flea belce- ued, fomuch Intl thou profited by the word , and no more. The which checkethmanyofour hearers, who are euery whit as worldly,as earthly minded,a; they were at their firt4 receiuingof the Gofpel:and tome pro- feffors that haue much earthliueffe bound vp in their bofomes, the fol- lowingof their owne ploughs, caufeth them often contentedly,to pluck their hands from the ploughof the Lord. And becaufe it is common withmen,to thinke they baue attained inough Chrifiianity, when they haue gotten a little knowledge, and may nowmake holiday and go no further:it is meete that all ofvs fhould bring our hearts to tome certain triall and touch,whcrby we may haue affurance that the word bath fra- med them to this temper ofwhich -we fpeake: and that we may doe (as by many other) fo efpecially by there three notes. t.Whereas all earthly reioyfings arc condemned,as wherein men ea- lily loofe their hearts,and whereby death is made diflafifull,and vnwel- come; examine whether thou reioyeea in God,inhis word, and graces, as in thy chiefefi ioy,and aduantage. a.Seeing in all our earthly employ- ments we maynot while we vfe the world,become worldlings:whether by all earthly things we be drawne to the loueofheauenly;for although Godhath appointedbut one Sabbath in feauen daies,yet to a Chrifiian, curry day is fandiified to be a reff,from all thedeeds ofthe fleiht where- in he is towalke withhis God, and thew forth the religious keeping of his heart, and good confcience,in curry aólion of his whole life; fo ma, kingcurry aétionof his particular calling,apart of Chriaian obedience and dutie vnto God. 3. Seeing awell ordered heart bath nothing in earth in comparifonofGod ; fearch thy foule whether it hndeth more fwcetnesin theferuice of thyLord,thc in his outward benefics:as there isgreat reafon feting rhefe mua kaue thee,or be left ofthee before,or at the dayof death,when accounts alto muff be madeboth for the getting, keeping, and expending ofthem: at which time thole who with moti greedie appetites haue fought them,and purchafed them,fhal fincl them farre fromcouoteruailing that good which they forfeited for them. By rhefe notes gage thy heart,found the depth of it, and thou [halt doubt. les finde inch deceit , as (hall occafion thee to cleaue to that ordinance, which