Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epefllt ofS. PooltoTina. CHert.4. them, and ready to pull out the throat oftheir foules,as realesas Cab'''. 73 or 1Hd4t, forcing themto fije whennont purfues them. 3. not with the creatures , who are all armed againfl him, whoby finne taketh vp acmes Prou.28,t. againfl their creator. ObieEt. But none hauemote peace then the wicked man , he profpe- reth in the world,all things goe with him according tohis hearts with. Ifaac goeth to flaughter , while lfmael Gtteth fecureat home. Iaacob keepeth tbeepe, while Efauhunteth and taketh his pleafure : noneofall Iofephsbrethren are fold and bought, cal} into thepit, and prifon , but himfelfe: how is it that even the godly haue altnofl flips and fallen at the wicked mans profperitie,ifhe haue no peace? Anf. They haue indeedeakindeofpeace , but t. it beefing all out- The'eaceof ward,not inward,nor grounded on peace with God,nay abflraóled from «; ¡c' ; thrée it; let it kettle neuer fo faire and flourifhing,yet is it deceirful,vnfound, rt rvcas and vanilhing: Iob compareth it to a dreame,and affirmeth that the wit- zob.20s,7. keds ioy is but for a moment:(o as let his excellencymount vp to heauê, & his head touch the clouds,yet (hall he perith for euer like his dongue: elfewhere the HolyGhoP comparethit to thecracklingof thornes under acct.7,6. a por,whichmake a faire blaze, and a great noire for the time , but all is done almofl as Toone as kindled:it deceiueth themwhen theymoll leane vnto it, the Lord fnatcherh it from them, or them from it fuddenly, which ,taketh the Prophet fay, that the Lordwill make their funke goe downe at noone day : as Baltarar funke downe at his banquet, Dan. 4. Amos F y. 2. As it is vncertaine, fo is it vnfound while it lafleth,beeing a reioy- cing in theface, not in the heart, like that of the theife who laugeth on 2.cnr5 ,a. the ladder :euen in their laughter then-heart is beanie, and ofall their re- Prou.14..1, ioycing, a man may fay as Salomon oflaughcer,feparated from the feare and grace ofGod , IPaid thou are nsadnefre,and the ende ofit is heauines. EOets' = 3. That theirreioycing hath fhch a fuddaineende,is amiferie;buttobe waited on with fuch a wofull end, is fulueffe oftheir woe: for according to that ofthe Propher,not only while they feem tobe bleffed,the Lord curfeth their bleffings, but in the ende hee taketh them fetters, who M,ia..,.,. haue fo long walkedon fnares, Iob, 17, and bindeth them under that e- uerlafling curie : tbeway feemed right vnto then,, but the i9ises thereof Proa6.,s. aredeath. Stolen waters were fweete,but now they know that the dead were there:al this whiletheir profperitie deferued nothing leffc,the the pame ofpeaccat was rather a truce for a time , which once expired , the Lord is vp in acmes, for further reuenge againfl them. Let vs therefore Ioh.n. =a. Afftdoncly fay with Iob, Let thecoonfells ofthewickedbeflarefrommee : ofwhorne, thar.ea°e force are neuer fo quiet,aswhen their finnes crielouden for vengeance: eßá f oásf others extoll the peace &profperitieof that people, that haue no means mossmChriß of i