Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EfiflleofS. PadtoTina. CHAP.I.5. po(ile gathereth a flock ofthe wild beads ofthe forrel+,the Pallor mull 75 (}ay to feed, andattend vpon the flocke : the Apoffle muff change his place vpon immediate commandement ; the Paf{or maynot: for hemud xeidenee on a be readie at all affaies tofeed the flocke depending vpon him, t. Pet. S. Cargo noccüa he mud alwaies prefent himfelfe as apatterne and example vnto tt, t.Tim. 4.12. except we will fay that the ordinarieMiniffrie of the Gofpell, is not as llraitly bound to dutie,as the ordinary Minil'rcr ofthe law:for the Prreu s muff alwaies be ready in the Temple to anfwerall doubts,as Ely, t. Sam. a. 9. to keepein the holy fire, and lights; to recciue all facrifices andoblations,to renew the breadbefore the Lord :yea and for this end was that inllitution,that the Prielis might not dwell far from the Tem- ple, but their bodes werebudded clofc to it,according to the patterne ofDauid,t.Chro.a8.r a. Yet fo, as by Elie Churches call, a Paftor whole gifts are found fit for fuch a purpofe,may be lent doll) his place ( if in the interim it be fuflîci- ently protiided for) either to gather a Church , or reduce fuch as haue gone aliray.See z.Chron.t 7.7.9. 2.Notc. That Pau/departing fromCreta,leaur.th them not at fixe and Pue,ychi1dor feaueus,neither neglec`fcth the bufines , and workehe had in iris haards; cad r. net wiEh but leaucth7itue to perfect that which he hadbegunne.Hercin teaching mat :h<Lord: vs, that entry man vi home the Lord hath called to doe good in his keaoeyfor. wa Church, and whole conlcicnce fiirreth vp his care; mull finde in him- felfe where. euct this holy delire, than the Lordsplow be euer foliowed,his building euer reared,his worke euer furtheredbyall,but efpecially fo farre as ly- eth in his power by his ownmeans;and that both in the placesabroad, as alto where he liueth. cP..ul careth non nnely for the Churches where he becommeth, but where he hathberne; and this was the ground why he left Timothie at Ephefus,r.Tua.a.3. and Titus here at Creta , vpon which occafion he wrote both the Epifiles. So fhould eucry man in his place,whb Godhoneureth to be the beginning of any good thing,imi- tate that worthy Nehcraiah in his care,Rememberme,O God &blot not out Atchema3.19. mykindacs: that is,fuffcr nor thy worfhip rellored by mymeares in leru- falem ro be defaced,and much leffeabohflred. Ia like manner , if a man be called from his place, fo as he mull leave it to another, his care mull be,that it be furnifhed with a fir man. Eliah when he was tobe takenvp, walking with Eiitha, whom he knew was to be his fiscceffour,by prayer ,.xing.r,.,e. obtained for hintan hard lueli; namely, thedoabling of his ownefpi 'x'n&29h rie vpon hitn.Memorable is the fpeach andpratiife or Moles,who when the Lord hadhid him Doe vp into the MJunt,and fee the land, and then die: he negleófeth hinslelfc,and forgetteth after a fort, his owue prefent death,andbreaketh out intoprayer for the people:OLordGod of fpirite, I3uaa.,é. appoint