Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

FaUow Chrzft,wberein. ble.patterne. o£ civill righteoufnes,)n \vor.d and deed. Never was g..uile found in his lips or hands ; no nor ever in the thoughts or de fires of his heart did hee detaine any mans rig.ht, but gave every man his du,e, and taught others fa to do.: To his Parents obe_die_nce :..to the Magifirate fub jection : to. Crefat bee pay.d tribute for him!elfe_andhis. Hee never impaired theefiate or - good name of any man, Thus mu.H ChrifHans give to every. Dnc hid o.»'nt"_,.in word and deed, hono~r to w.hotn.honour,.. tribute, to whom tribute pertaineth ;. and difpenfing.to e.very one all offices ofju!lice and love: labouring to live, thoughnot without fin~ . y.et whhout jufl blame; put of the reRimony of a good confcie.nce able to challenge the_Adv.erfary, w·bich of ·you-can ·accufe.. mee, though I can eafi!y accufe my felfe~. but ,4ife Oxe or AJ[e have I tllk,.en, .,.