Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

The Epi~Ie Principles, whatever the affollionJ and flonclujionJ oftlu world he to-w~rd them. 71ut tm the other fide, numPer.r ofmen and womtn, mi!fing ofthefe Principle.r, and falling ~tpon other rwbich are dcceitfult,doe fPcnJ their livu in mnrc Vtt'f'itin, and loft 6oth God and their foule.r 6efore - they arc aware. Somemeane to ~ee· rich ho-wfoever, cfieeming wc11lt6 t11 6e the 6/e.ffednes of man: acc(}rding to which ,ground~ they flick! not jtJr injuflice ,/)ri6ery,oppre.f!ion, cheating, and other indireEl art.r of getting . Other.r attend their plea.. forn, find account it h(lppincJTe to · live deticioufly for t~;/eafon: which' therefore the] will enjay, though with u~tcleanneJfe, intempera~ HnthriftinejJe, prodigalitie; other .' ftnne.r, and tota!l(orgetfu/n~/Je of the Afflil'ttions ofJ ofeoh. Others admire the honourJ of the world, or credite with men ofthe 'WDrld , or appl~ufo