Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

HelfJ unto felfe-deniall. · 33 ry, but all upon condition of felfdeniall : for neither ChriU nor the Chriil:ianhave any other way to the crowne, but by the crotTe; and no-reigning with Chrifl:, but upon condition of fuffering with him. So of the fourth meanes. 5. Whereas di!l:rufl:fulnetTe of 5 •· heart wedgeth and rivetteth us Alfoa· into the world, fo as a man can- · gainft di.. not eafily command his heart off ftrufitul: · h 1 fl 1 fi 11 . r· ( d nes,whrch t e eau. un a\v u gain o It an hinders it. tnnch letTe thewhole) for Chrifi; · Labour daily for the flrengthening offaith in the providence of God,and ~ring thy he\ar~to lean e. upon that, and not upon thy felf, or any inferiour meanes.. For v:hich purpofe, Firil:,confider what a bafe fol- 1 ly it is , to feek after vaine and earth1y contents, and in the mean· time negleCt: and defpife heaven- . ly. Whato~her is it, .but to catch at .iliadowes ? - C J·· · ~ ·.secondly,