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Serro. XVIII. between God and Men. F3; (being no where commanded by God) but ufelef alfo, and unprofitable; ,and not only fo, but very dangerous and impious, being contrary to the Chriftian Religion, and highly derogating from the Virtue and Merit of Chrift's Sacrifice, and from the Honour of the only Mediator between Cod and Men. But of this another time S E R M ON XVÏi: Chrift Jefus, the only Mediator between God ana Men. The fetomd Srnnon an this Text. I T 1 M. 11. 5, 6. For there is one God, and one Mediator between God and men, the man Chrift Jefus ; who gave himfelf à ranfona for all. IN thefe Words arefour Propofitions ; three expreft, and the föúrth implied. I. That there is one God. . II. That there is one Mediator between God and men; Chrill yens. III. That he gave hinfelf a ranfom for all.. IV. That the Mediation or Intercefon Of Jefus Chrifl, ú founded in his Re- demption of Mankind : That becaufe he gave hinge f a Ranfom for all men, therefore he, and he only, is qualified to intercede for all Men, in Vertte of that Sacrifice which he offer'd for the Salvation of all Mankind. The Second of thefe I fpake to the laft time, and endeavour'd to fhew, I. That God hath appointed but one Mediator, or Advocate, or lnterceffor in t. Heaven for us ; by whofe Mediation we are to offer up all our Prayers and Ser- vices to God. 2. That this Doftrine of one Mediator is molt agreeable to one Main End and 2. Defignof the Chriftian Religion; and of our Saviour's coining into the Wordd, which was, to deftroy Idolatry. 3. That from the Nature and Reafon of the thing (vie. becaufe Interceffion 3. for Sinners is founded in the Merit of that Sacrifice, by which Expiation of SIn is made) there can be no other Mediator of Intertefon, but he who hath made Expiation for Sin, by a Sacrifice offered to God for that purpofe ; and this 7efias arid only bath done. Thus far I have gone : I proceed now to The Fourth thing which I propofed in the handling of this Argument, name- 4; ly, to Phew how contrary to this Doftrine of the Chriftian Religion, concerning one only Mediator and Interceffor in Heaven for us, the Dodrine and the Pra&ice of the Church of Rome, is in this matter; namely, in their Invocation of Angels, and the Bleffed Virgin, and the Saints; and flying to their help, andmaking ufe of their Mediation and Interceffron with God for Sinners. And that I may proceed more diftindly in this Argument, I fhall`handle it under thefe particular Heads. Fuji, I (hall endeavour to thew, That the Dodrine and Praftice of theChurch of Rome in this matter, is contrary to the Dodrine of the Chriftian Religioi concerning one only Mediator and Intercept' in Heaven for us. Secondly; That it is contrary to the Dodrine and Pra&ice of the Chriftian Church, for feveral of the firlt Ages of it Thirdly, I thall endeavour to anfwer their chief Pretences and Excufes fot this Dodrine and Pra&ice. S 2 Fourthly;