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132 C'hrifl pefus, the only AIc iiator V 01. 1. Fourthy, To Phew that this Doftrine and Praftice of theirs is not only need- lefs, being no where commanded by God, but ufelefs alfo; and unprofitable. Fifthly, And not only fo, but very dangerous and impious ; becaufe contrary to the Chriftian Religion, and greatly derogating from the Vertue and Merit of Chrift's Sacrifice, and from the Honour of the only Mediator between God and Men. FirfÈ, I thall endeavour to fhew, that the Do&rine and Pra&ice of the Church of Rome in this Matter, is contrary to the Do&rine of the Chriftian Religion concerning one only Mediator and Interceffor in Heaven for us ; namely in their Invocation of Angels, and the Bleffed Virgin, and the Saints, and flying to their Help, and making ufe of their Mediation and Interceflion with God for Sinners. That. Jefus Chrift is our only Mediator and Intercelr with God in Heaven, by whom we have accefs to God in any A&ion of Religious Worship, and that all our Prayers and Services are to be offered up to God only by him, and in his Name and Mediation, and no other, I have plainly (hewed from Scripture, and proved it by an invincible Argument, taken likewife from Scripture ; namely, becaufe the Efficacy and Prevalency of his Mediation and Interceffìon is founded in the Vertue and Merit of his Sacrifice ; and that he is therefore the only Me- diator between God and Men, becaufe he only gave himfelf a-Ranfom for all; he is therefore our only Advocate with the Father, becaufe he only it the Propi- tiation for our Sins, andfor the Sins of the whole World. I have thewed likewife, that the Scripture excludes Angels from being our Me- diators with God, from the main Scope and Defign of the Epiftle to the Colofi- ans ; and much more are the Saints departed excluded from this Office, being inferior to the Angels, not only in the Dignity and Excellency of their Beings, but very probably in the Degree of their Knowledge. In fhort, Prayer is a proper aft of Religious Worship, and therefore peculiar to God alone ; and we are commanded to worfhip the Lord our God, and to ferve him only : And no where in Scripture are we dire&ed to addrefs our Prayers and Supplications andThankfgivings to any but God alone, and only in the Name and Mediation of 7efus ChrUl. Our Bleffed Saviour himfelf hath taught us, to put up all our Prayers to 'God our heavenly Father; Luke t i. 2. when you pray, fay, Our Father which art in Heaven. Which plainly chews, to whom all our Prayers are to be addrefs'd ; and unlefs we can call an Angel, or the Bleffed Vir- gin, or a Saint, Our Father, we, can pray to' none of them. And ellewhere he as plainly dire&s us, by whom we are to apply our felves to God, and in whole Name and Mediation we are to put up all our Requefls to him, 7ohn 14. 6. I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me : And then it follows, Ver. 13, ¡4. And whatfoever you (hall ask in lily name, that will I do ; that the Father may be glorified in the Son.' If ye (hall ask any thing in, my name, Iwill do it. Nothing is clearer in the whole Bible, thanone Mediator between God and Men, Chrifi Jefus, and that he is our only Advocate and Interceffor with God in Heaven for us. Secondly, I (hall 'endeavour to chew, That the Do&rine and Praftice of the Church of Rome in this matter, is contrary to that of theChriftian Church, for feveral of the firft Ages of it. As for the Ages of the Apoftles, it hath been already proved out of their Writings. That it was not pra&ifed in the three firft Ages, we have the Ac- knowledgment of Cardinal Perron, and others of their learned Writers; and they give a very remarkable Reafon for it; namely, Becaufe the Worship and In- vocation of Saints and Angels, and addreflmg our Prayers to God by them, might have feem'd to have given Countenance to the Heathen Idolatry. From whence I cannot forbear, by the way, to make three two Obfervations. t. That the In- vocation of Saints and Angels, and the Bleffed Virgin, and addreffmg our felves to God by their Mediation, was not in thofe Primitive Ages efleemed a Duty of the Chnitian Religion ; becaafe, if it had, it could not have been omitted for fear of the Scandal confequent upon it : And if it was not a Duty then, by what