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24, HOLY FORTITUDE, tsERM XXX1T. Jesus is your salvation. A lively faith gives divine cou- rage. Faith is a noble shield to ward off fear, andour helmet is the hope of salvation. Take heed Of defiling your souls with sensuality Take heed of any false biassés on your spirit, and wrong designs in your actions, lést you bring frèsh guilt upon your consciences. Guilt will create fear; and fill the soul with a perplexing tumult of thoughts. But when the ter- rors of this world assault you on °every side, reproaches ánd threatenings, the frowns of your friends, and the rage of your enemies, you may be all serene and peaceful within, while you maintain a sacred consciousness of soul, that you 'have been seeking the lightof truth, and pursuing the path of duty. When I cari say, God is my witness that I am sincerely labouring in his service, when I can look up to heaven, though my friends scorn me, and say, my record is on high ; I may imitate the faith and courage of Job in his best hours, and leave all my interests in the hand of my God. Let our faith be active then, and our conscience clear, that we may read our title to all the promises, and apply them to our own case with courage and assurance. The God of hope will fill us with all joy and peace 'in believing"' Rom. xv. 13: The covenant' of grace is a blessed treasury : There is armour of defenee to be found against every assault and danger. If the promises of the covenant be ours, we shall be secured of a happy final issue of all our suffer- ings : " All things shall work together for our good," Rom. viii. 28. " IfGod be for us, who shall be against us ?" verse 31. Ifwe behold God engaged on our side, we may defy a legion of adversaries in the name of the Lord our God." Thou art my glory, says the Psalmist, and my shield, and the lifter up of my head," Ps. iii. 3. The little word, my, shews his own'interest in his God, and then he can grow brave in the very centre ofa thou- sand deaths and dangers. i" I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people that have set themselves against me round about," verse 6: II. Get a large and general acquaintance with the pro- mises of the gospel*, that in every special time ofneed A little book published lately by Mr. Samuel Clark, of St. Albans;, is of excellent use for this purpose. The title of it is `° A Collectionof the Promises of Scripture, under their proper Heads." 1720.