Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

Mat. 1o. 32 Efa.'42. S: tvia1.4:2. -Nojournyingfor Ifrael till form exatily to the rule and letter of the word : All things of this natuc+e is.but of morn, and they glory in their ownfhame; Thou dijkonoureft thy head Chrift, toprat or prophefie and thy head not BARE : ifthy felf benot ftript naked, tis a difho- .nour toChrift, who is the head ofthe Church ; for all honor, all prai fe, all wifdom , all goodaefs , all righteoufneffe, is Chril?s crown, and no creature is to wear that Crown but himfelfalone. If thou takeft thefe , or anypart of thefe which are due alone to him , thou makeft Chrift a- íhamed, he is difhonoured : for there is no Goodneffe, no Love, noBeauty, no Life,but onely in the Son ofGod : and whatever is in him, is his for the Church ; not that they enjoy it in themfelves, but in him : all glory be to him, and all fhame and confufion upon themfelves; and hereby is their head magnified. Chrift alone is their Covering,their Righteoufnefe,their Wifedome, their Redemption, their Saviour, their Beauty; they have no fhelter, no hiding place but in him r Thofe that are afhamed thus to acknowledge and confefi him before men , he will be afhamed to confefs them, or owne them be- forehis Father. Thofe that are afhamed to bear this teflime- ny ofhim, and to be Witneffes and Martyrs for him, he will be afhamed of them. He is not afhamed to own thee in thy blood andllthinefs ; and (hall we be afhamed to owne him and to afcribe that to him which is hisdue ? But in ftead of giving teftimony to the glory of HIS .name, thou fludieft and contriveft , which way thou mayeft be fome- thing, that thou mayeft be efieemed, and that Chrift may benothing, that he may be debated ; but be affured In that day all thefe things (háll be laidopen. AndGod is a jea- lous Godand will not Puffer his honour to bepolluted, nor will give his glory to any other. Further, from all this whichhath-been laid, it áppears that tis in vain to feek for, or expe& any light to guidea- ny ofthe fons ofmen any where elfe but from the Taberna- cle : Tis in vain to follow any other Star but that which led the Wifè men to Jefus Chrift : he that Pets up any other Sun ofrighteoufnefs to guidehim, any other light, any other rule,