Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

Wi5:."GLZ9LKL5,iilaJS ÿla.itcfi c9 .R. S. ehá.l ar, d, .. i Irt .,f neJuagementet, w t4 .;Lti .., .,,6 The B o o sOet Ì' `.. Open 14..44)1;6" rô ghì ria:i1. ó i, a ``, whether it e of G o D or Man. y" fThe Lord,Hinifei'comi g forth to vifit All the Churches. ?e t i i tjlat Judgement muff begin V at lis'aHn fIoufe. k The Sheep from the Guts. V A Tofeparate and dLs ThePrecious from theVile, 'el, And to difcover theBlafphemyof thofe that -fay, Found Lyars. 23 Deceivers. .2 Dead. EA r kii òá F .,, .a SVI %r lâpof les, 7eachtrs, They are Ric!, Yews, but are Poore, blind, naked. The Synagogue ofSexe. In feverall Sermons at Alballows Lumbard-ftreet, By JOHN WEBSTER, A fervant of Chrifl and his Church. Micah - . &c 0. Thus faith the Lord,concerning the Prophets that makemy peopleerre ;rf{ ? that bite with their teeth, and cry peace : and he that putteth not !r`Y 1 1 into their mouths, they prepare war agarna him : Therefore night fhall be upon them, that they than not have A vifion, &c. The Sun sr_D fhall,, c down over theprophets, and the Day fhall be dark. Their r i Seers fball beafhamed,and the Deviners confounded ; yea,they /hall ko t All cover their lips, for there is no anfraer of God. 'Le v g LONDON, Printed for K lartford at the Bible and States-Arms in litle qa aP' Brittain; and N.Broo ., . t the Angel in Cornhil. 1654. a is --. _i a:' O"" )a.,' r 1 ..a ;I t . s hEñ7 r1?[?Abi;,4i h. 4, swti %,L l ,i Á,j,i \` d ßü8 4t . t y¡ s . 1 > : á Viv , Y\ / 4.wì C S tia i. i . 1 ` it ,P

glkAgAret404vP 1,res/ PM41,%'t T All thofe Dear and Pretious Soules that have been Hearers, and are (in anymeafure) partakers ofthe power of thole Truths delivered in thefe following Difcourfes. Deare Friends, gket*Twas foryourfakes that the good torii.i I pleafure ofthe Heavenly Father, (whomaketh all things work to- **** getherfor the benefit ,of thofe that R8 ' $' lobe him , who are called according to his purpofe) carriedme forth andmade ufe of me, who am leß then a worm, and moft weak inmy felfe ; yet flrengthened through his Almightypower,to manifeft thefe things untoyou. And it wasforyour fakes,that the goodneffe of that Father ofall mercies., 2 cör. 1. and God ofall confolation kept me fo long 3. tofojournamongi} ou, for I can truly fay, .2 `wit that i

The Epiflle Dedicatory that what I ani or have been unto you in theway ofChrif$ , it was his good pleafore ,andgrace that made me fo ; for the mutual comfort both ofyouandme , for I. cannot do any thing againfl the truth but 'or the truth 2cor.3.. s for I amnot able to thinkor fay any thing as ofmyfelf, but myfiíficiency is of God, and .1 am able to do all things, yet no other- Phï1.4.13. wife , but through Ghrih who firengthenf me. And therefore it is unto you, that I di -. re5i andbequeath thefe infuing Diifcourfes,, who have beeii Ear-witnefes unto, what. Godgave me a door ofutterance to deliver amongft you. And I hope in the Lord Je- fus Chrift, that they are not onely written' in your papers or table-book r, but in the 2.cor.3.3'j {leJhly Tables ofyour Hearts ; not with the handofman, but with thefinger of God. And being repelled that they might be made publicly; the Lord led me unto a willingnefe thereunto, for- thefe Reafons I fhallnow declare. L. That y.ou,whomGod (in forte mea- fure) ha th. endued with thefpirit ofdrifter- , ning,, .4

The Epifile DLdicatoryo' ning, and made you to heare the voice of Chriff, and not the voice of*angers, may o.io3, judge and beare witnef out ofwhat princi- ple thefe things are fpoken, whether they proceedfrom that wifdons which is from a- jam.3.,;: bove, that isfirfl pure, then peaceable ; or 17. from that which is from beneath , whichis earthly, fenfttal, and devilifh ; for wife- mat. 11.19 dome is onlyjufifiedofher Children, and of no others, for it is Chrif in you the hope of glorie ; who is that quickning fpirit, orfpi- ritualman that judgeth all things, yet he ' 1 Cot-, 2, hinifelf isjudgedofnone. 2. That thofe, who are alienated from the life ofChrilt,through that ignorance that E2h.4.1$. is in them, and are The 7 EW in theMy- f erie, that alwaies refills the Holy Ghof ,and as their Fathers didfo do they, may know that though they na upon the Saints of Aa' 8' g 55,55,57' , Godwith their teeth, cry out with a loud voice, ftop their ears, run upon them with one accord, can them out of the City and (tone them , yet do thofe holy ones of God look up fteadfaftly into Heaven,, and fee,,: andbehold theglory ofGod, the Heavens opened;

The.Fpiflle Dedicatory. opened , and jefus Handing on the right hand ofGod, and do freely cry aloud unto the Lord, that he maynot lay this fin to their charge. That thofe poor creatures who are wife in their own eyes, and-think they know Pro.3.7. fornething, when they knownothing;as they ought to know ; may behold and fee, that theflouewhich is reje&ed andfit at naug 't, by thefe who think,and call thernfelves Ma- 'Mat.21.42 fier-builders , and would have others to thinkalfofo of them, is becom'd the head Hone in the corner, audit is the Lordsdoing, though wonderful in the eyes ofmen. 4. That thofe who have fo&en evil of thefe Truths , accounting them as blafpe mous, erroneous, and heretical , may know :Aa.24.1.4. that according to that way which they call Here f e, Iwor/hip the God of my Fathers And ifthere beany thzhng in thefe Difcour- fes that the wifdom, learning, or reafón of men, can overthrow, then it is not ofGod; Maz.15. =3. for, everyplant that the Heavenly Father bath not planted,fhall be rootedout; but what is ofhimmufì; fland. And therefore, if the wif--

The Epifile Dedicatory. wifdomof the Serpent hath any thing to fay againfl any thingherein conteined, let it bebroughtforth ; for I hope and know that the Lord inme, and in all his, will de- fend his own truth, fo that the gates ofHell fall not be able toprevaile againfi it, and I Mat. i6.,6 can truly fay, the Lord is on myfid., I will notfeare what man cando unto me. 5. That the Lord alone may be magnifi- edwhohath carriedforth my spirit, to bear witneffe againft all unrighteoufnef of men, who withholdthe truth of God in unrighte- ROUT. I.I 8 oufnef, and that without refpeL o fperfons; and eípecially againft all thoíè Churches, Worfhips, Profef ions, Confefons, Opinions, Covenants, Gatherings, Traditions of men, obfervations of Times, Idol-Paflors, Hire- lings, falfe Teachers, Forms, and fuch like, which are made, appointed, confitlated, or= drained,fet up, andpraiicecl bymen ; by the carnal wifdont, learning,wit, reafon, andpo- I licy ofthe world.For I witnefsOnc body and Eph.4.4, Onefpirit, even as lain called in one hope of 5, 6 my calling, one Lord, oneFaith, one Bap_ Leh 8.. tifnae, one GodandFather ofall, who is a- above

The Dedicatory:: bove all,. and through all, andin all And this gis the Tabrnacle that.Gód bath pitched, and not mail, in whichTemple all the Saints are r Cor,3.9 livingfonés, are Gods building,Gods work- manflip, and are all gathered into this b3dy by thefJirit andpower ofGod, andnot by man, for by one f frit they are all baptizd T car 12. into one body, whether they be yews or Gen- 13' tiles, andhave been all made to drink into one fpirit. I alfo bear witnefs to One Ordi- nance, and One Adntinifrator, Mediator, i Kedeemer, and Intercejor, which is the Lord h.r4.6. y' J J' e(us Chri bleedfór evzr:who is-the way, j the truth, and the life,. and noman comes to the Father but by him ; and it is H E that is ordained, to be judge of quid and dead 42. by the Father, and there is 170 name given Ath4.12. under Heaven, by which men can be faved, but the name of e f îrß ; neither is therefal- vation in any other ; for there are divertties of-gifts but thefan. a tefpirit,atid there are dif- ferences o fAdminifrations,but thefameLord: I Cor. 12. 1 4f ties of Operations,but it is the fame God,whith worked) all in all. And I witneß that it is Jefus Chrift only by his i fpirit

The Epi file Dedicatory. fpirit that makes men Able Miniflers of the New Teflament, not ofthe Letter, but of the 2 00r'3á Spirit. And do all teach andfpeakin,and from thepower ofthatfpirit, as IT is pleat- edIto give them utterance. And therfore, all 'thofe that claim an Ordination by man, or fromman, that fpeak from thefpirit of the .world, fromwit, learning, and humane rea- fon, whopreach for hire, and make mer-Jer. 23.1. chandife of thefouls ofmen ; I witneßthey 34 are all Baals Prielisp, and Idol-Shepherds zach.n.17 i Joh I O. I. who deftroy the Sheep, and are Theeves and Robbers, who came not in by the door ofthe Sheepfold, but climbed up another way, And are the Magitians, Sorcerers , Inchanters, ;Micah... .Soothfaye'rs, Necromancers , and Conful- I2. ternwith familiarfpirit., which the Lord Iwill cut ofout ofthe lanct,fo that his people ;2 Tim. Mall have no more Soothfayers; And as Tan- !8' 9 I nes and 7ainbres refilled Mofes, fo doe theft refill the Truth : men of corrupt minds, re- probate concerning thefaith : but they" all proceed nofarther,for theirfollyfballbe ana- nifefl to all teen, as theirs alfowas : woe un- i to them;for they havegone in the way ofCain, and rangreedily after the errors ofSalaam A for

The Epiflle Dedicatory. for reward, andperifhed in the gainfayingof Core. Thefe arefpots inyourfeaßs ofchari llcl. IL12a 13. ty,when theyfeafl withyou;feeclingthemfelvs withoutfear: Clouds they are without water, carried about of winds : Trees, whofe fruit withereth -, withoutfruit, twicedead,plucked up by the roots : Raging waves of the Sea, foaming out their ownJhame,wandringStars, to whom is refereed the blacknef? of Dar%_ neßfor ever. And nowBrethrciì ,1commendyou to Cod ¿.20.32 and to the wardofhis grace, which is able to buildyou up, and togiveyou an inheritance among all them that arefan5ified.Mind and giveheed to that meek,ßzl, quiet, andflent fpirit of the Lord Jefus that is inyou,which6 is Pure, Holy, Innocent, Undefiled, and Righteous, teaching , and leading into all truth, righteoufneß, and purity like it felfé,. unto which if yougive heed as unto a light fhining in a darkplace,it will preferve and prefent you f#otleßandwithout blame before hint whofe eys behold no iniquity;which that the Lordmayfulfil in hisAte time inyou, is the Continual prayer ofhim who is Tours in the bonds of Love in theLord Jefus Jo. W EBSTE .

- -1401 .01' .01"974 To the R-eader. goiefel-D _Ts He Author of theft enfuing Ser- 7 C mons, being caf byprovidence upon V n j force imployment in the Lords work, in this great City , was much Carried forth inhis miniftration,tofet up theLORD JLSVS in the Hearts of men, in oppo- fition to all that is offlefh, andall that is of man,which caufedmany out of an impatient fpirit to di afe the things that were delive- red. But many that heard him being in- wardly acquainted with what was fpoken by hina,were very defirous to have that pub- C lifhedfor, the benefit ofall, %which they them_ (elves had the happineffe to receivefromhis own mouth, apprehending it to be the Bride- grootnes voyce in him, and therefore favory to them. Be being now at agreat diftance from the Preffe and not in a capacity ofi overfeeing that which the Tranfcriber may havefailed in, the Reader is therfore defired A 2 not

To theReader.- not to mind the manner of delivery, but the' matter of that which is here prefented, wherein ciffing le-heartedd he will doubt leiTe finde a lively Difcovery ofmanyTweet Breathings ofthe f irit of refu4Chrifi,from One that appeares to bavebeen long inward- ly taught ofGod ,, and that wholy laidaide all 'thofe.Humane advantages wherewith he was and is plentifully furnifhed , that he might commend his Meffage unto the hearts andconfcieiices of mn, Not with enticing words ofmans wifdome,but in demonft.ra- tionofthe fpirit,and ofpower.Vponwhich account and eoother, what follows is re- cDinended.to theperufall of all that defire to benefit by what they read, by. Him that Tea- cheth toprofit. Thiì, In theferviceofour moltholyFaith; JOHN CARDELL,, JOSHUA SpRIO;, ROBER? BAC-ON.,'

0.wee... ^ L- ° MI ` R TO THE READER. Dear Friends Aving obtained the fight ofthefe enfuing Ser- mons and read force of the matter therein contained, theyyeildedfnch a relliíh and fa- es-)%-14 your to mySpirtt,that Icould not choofe but fet tomy seal, that itflowedfrom that fpirit which is bothpure& peaceable,n'hich Idonot to praife theper- fon or the matter ; for to man there isnone due, and to thematter there isnone needful,becaufe it isTruth, and therefore needs not the (helter, approbation, or ,praifeofmen, being in it felf able to win praife to it felf, andto carry forth itfelfagainfi all the oppofiti- ons ofmen or Devils. Here thoufhalt notfind Terms ofArt,nor quirks ofhumane Learning, and FALLEN Wifdom(though theparty throughwhom it was con= veied, excel in natural aquirements as much as the mofl)but naked truth declaring itfelf through, ear= then veffel in fimplicity andplainnetfe ofjpeeec '4r.e- videncing thereby that our faithought non nay loth not {land in the wifdome ofme-ns words but in the power ofGod. Andhereby thou mayeftfee Cif thou be not blind in thecarnal conceits of thy earthlywifdoni, as moll of the EarthenSaints ofour.timesare) what felf-denial is wroughtin thisCreature,throughwhich the Eternal Spirit bath breathedforth theft enfuing precious Truthx..

flTo the Reader. truths ? that he having andenjoying all thofehumane Excellencies ofLearning andknowledge which arefo in the worlds account and lookt upon as helps to under- andthe things ofGod, but z fed to help thofe that have them,to w rldly honour and preferment, which indeed is the onelyufe is madeof them, and noother, whatever is otherwifepretended 5 but He in the height ofthiswifedorn is made tobecome a fool for Chrifts fake, and is willing to lofe all honour, dignity, and preferment, that theworld and thewifdorne there- ofcan confer upon him,thathe may enjoy his wifdom, knowledge, dignity, and preferment in :efirs, the Eternal saviour of his Soule; therefore, Ifay, here may any that live in the light, fee the great work of the Lard, even when thegreateft wifedome is made folly, thegreateft knowledgemade ignorance, and all that Gods wifdom may appear. Oh what a wonder is it, yea a beautiful thing (in this ca "e) tofee a richman fpoild of his riches, a ftrong man robbedofhis ftrength, and afpirit adornedwith All carnal exercifes madewillingto fuller the lofsof all that it may enjoy & be filledwith the fulnefs of him that fillethall in all : there is none butfuckfpirits as his that are made willing tofuffer the lofe of all, that willforfake the ITarlds Crown for Chrifts Croffe ; yet hisfpirit bath chofen withpoor Moles, rather to fit er aficionswith thepeopleofGod,theen to enjoy the plea- fures andprofits oftheworldfor afeafon ; As doth ap- pearplainly, in that he is not afraid to declare and witneféforth to the unbeleeving world, what great things the Lord bath done inand for his foule, though he receivenothingfrom the world but fcandal, perfe- cution and reproach, which was and is all the reward that

To the Reader. that thepeopleof Goddoeor everfhall receivefrom the worlds becaufe they bear forth the witneffe of the Lordagainfl all its formal,covetous, felf-ended Reli- gion, which covers itfelfunder the mantle of Chrifi, thereby to.gain the honour, riches, andpleafant endow- musts of the earth, andmakes the merry andgoodnefe of Godwhich leads into all charity towards All crea- tures, a cloak,for them to hide their carnal and felfifb practices under;but thisPoor heart havingcalf offand abandoned the cloaks ofshame, and renounced the hidden things ofdifhoneffy,deals not craftily,neither handles the word of God deceitfully, but declares the truth toeverymans confcience in the fight of God. For, farft here is laid open the foundation, declaring that there isno peace, life, power, wisdom, righte- oufneffe, nor Eternal happineffe in any other but in Yefus Chrif, and the heart of the Fathers love made manifeft in flesh; Andalfo that there is no way to attain to the knowledge of this Jefus, bnt by his own life, power, and wifdome ; And this is that which maker the profeffing ones in this (as in all ages) to Jbend their utmost powerand ffrength againft it ; For, now cryes BABEL (that's hunting after God, on purpofe toget worldly power and riches into its hand, that when by its pretendedReligion it bathgot earth- lypower, it may oppreffe, perfecute, andundoe the poor groaningand diftreffed Saints of 7efus whohave relinquifht the world that they may ferve him,in doing good to every one ofhis creaturs)ifthis truth (faithThee) go forward,then the hopeofall our gain is gone, andwefhallno longer be applauded, e- fteemed or fet by ; for this teaches all men to deny them

To the Reader. themfelves , toforfake the world The riches , plea- fures,and profits thereof, andalwayes to doe good, by relieving the oppreiled, andpaying thedebts ofthe imprisoned, and that every poor captive may goe free. Nay, andnot onlyfo, but alfo it declares the empti- neffe ofall our Forms, Negative Religions, Duties, precife Walkings, preachings, prayings, and all o-' ther ofour Cufkomes andObservations s therefore is flee forc't toPeek the downfal ofit, or otherwife to lofe call her felf-glory. Eut, Oyee Religious Ones! let me asky0uone zf ion o3 two ; DidChrft or his A ',o/lles deny al outwardgroffefinc, as drunkenneff ,fwea- ring, lying, and the like, that-they-might become co- vetous, proud, andpowerful in the world? as it is too too apparent byyourpraficeTE dosas IThal clear- )1 evince and demonfirate, in thefe enfting parti_ cnlars. I. Is there any that have increased and advanced their carnal and worldly eflates more thenyou in theft times? 2. Is there any that flatter men in Authority more thenyou ? and iffor any other end then err rthly preferment, let the effecls and fruits speak.. I know your pretences are,thatyou aimAt the glory ofGods but vh. at are the fruits ? are they not felf-glory ? for who ire more feltfeeking, who more rich, who more high rnd potent thL-nyou ? who are moredzfrous ofworldly honour and rule then you ? And, why doy'u fay the scriptures are a rule oflife, andmake them no leaf -hen Gods andwalknot according to their Rule ? Do you ever read inScripture, that Chrift or his Apnfiles rew rich and mighty in the world by declaring and wir-

To the Reader. witnefing forth the truth in lifeand do&rine ? and whereforeareyou not like them ? And oughtnot all to follow their examples?if Theyought;thenwhy doe not you?Ji here is that felf-denial and fòrfaking theworld thatChrifl fo often commands and exhorts to, a- mon2fyouwhoare imbracing and t hrufting after the worldn'. th all eagerneffe, and love to go in long cloathing, to beknownfrom other men, that ye may receive Greetings in Markets, and the chieffeats in the synagogues, and the uppermoft rooms at Feafs? theft are thethings thatpleafe you : How can you believe, who thus love to receive Honour of men, andPeek not that which is of God ? Would . it not be a happinefs toyou to have the scripture chan- ged into another form ? where it faith, forfake the world, deny thy felfe, that it mightfay, embrace the world, andcleave to thy felfe;forfire Iam, the one agrees more withyour wayes then theether.. But mw to myfecor,d j effion, .did ever Chrif er his ,Apofes perfecuteandhate any that were not of their minds,yea crno ? iftheydidnot, thenwhy doyou? Andwhere is that fpirit of love amonFfl you, that i:r kinde to the evil and unthankful ? and why do you Peek to civil Governours to ail-Alin upholding thatyoga callyour Religion,and ixpunifhing all thofe that are contrary to it,feeingChristi andhis Apofiles didnotfo ? Both it not henceplainly appear,thatyouown thescrip- ture inwords, but denies it inyour pra&ice ? Oh my dear Hearts ! Areyou talking of the Word being a rule,ofbeing frequent in duties, ofbecommingobedi- ent to Gods revealed will, and walk not according to that rule, but in wordsand outward reftraint oforce common vices?haveany of youat any time givenfreely a of

To the Reader. ofyour goods to thepoor,or relievedpoor Captives impri- foned for debt, or vifited the poor Widows andFather- leffe children in their neceffities, purelyforChrifls falle? nay this is not with you and 'fit were what were it available ifztfsouldnot be from a right Principle; yet Iknowyou canfpeakwell, but alas that helps not. Well, thus I have clearly declared your eflate ; it therefore now remains to {-hew unto :you , why you do all thefe things ; even becaufeyouhave not known Chrflnor thefather working inyou death to allthefe devilifh deceits , thatyour fouler might come to live: in himwho is Truth it felfe, And thenyou would not vnely beprofeflors, but poffefiórs ofthat Eternal love which would leadyou into the truth and goodneffe ire fincerity. But becaufe this friend oftruth will not, nor cannot own, yourout /de wortip he having by Gods power found the deceit thereof,, he is therefore by you cafe out as a Heretick,andfo are allthofe that in truth and uprightneffe o fheart, are led andatîed forthby God, to work his ownworks ; for Wifdom is juftifed of her Children. Thefecond thing that isbreathedforth in this book,._ isthis, that as Chrife is the Foundation, lbhe alone it is that clothbuild upon thisFoundation, that building that mill fiand when ail other (hall and mufffall; and not onlyfo, but he lil¿ewifebegins the worko fhis own power in every particular _Pule and carries on the famewith his ownhand, in defpight ofall oppoftion; camfng flefh andall the power thereof, to fall down before hisface, into death, mifery, judgment, and condemnation , whereall thegloryofthe frrPccreati- on, is fea,lddown under the coven,mtof death, never to

To the Reader. to rife again in its own firength, power, wifdom, nor righteoufnefle; but ifever it rife again, it may, rife din the power, wifdo n, and righteoüfneflfeof Jefus, the Eternal Son of the livingGod. And thus Cod exercfes hispeople unde;the admini- fira,tion ofhis power, by bringing life out of death, mercy out of r ifery, fulnefie out of enzptineffe, ftrength out of weakneffe, fufficiency out of infufi- ciency, joy out offarrow, peace out ofwar, anddoth not break the bruifed reed, nor quench the lima- king flax, until he path brought forth judgment in- to viftory ; andas he begineth and carrieth on his own workfo altohe it is andnone but he thatperfeCs it, asfaith the Apoft!e, he that hath begun a good work will perfear it ; For it was the Eternal loveof the Lordwhichby his Sonplanted the righteous feed in everyfouleofhis, and it isthefame power and love that eaufeth it to grow in thefpirit of man above all carnal power,flrength, or policy;for thepure feedfhal reign tillall its enemies be fubdued, and the fpirits oftbofe in whom it is, perfectly redeemed from the Shrines andVizzards of mortality. oh how it doth chear my heart ! tofee our near and dear 1114 M.ANVF Lfpringingforth unto the blind worldin and through earthen veffels, to the praifeof the glory ofGodsgreat grace, who hath madeus accep- ted in his beloved . Therefore Reader, ifthoufindefß anyof thef e workings in thy own foul, then may, thou know that theyare no fictions, but the real operati- ons ofGods great power; but ifthou look not on them in the light oftruth, there will be no unity between theeand theparty through whom they were uttered ; forhe lives in the lifeofthat whichhere is declared by a 2 words,'

To the Reader. words, andifthou live in the fame life, and lookupon them in the fame, light, then will they be matter of rejoycing to thyfoul; but ifthou lookuponthem anyo= ther way, they will be nothing to thee but Parables andRiddles. Thus hoping and knowing that God willmalie this workandevery other; work together for good to them that love him, I commend thee to Godand to the workofhis graces Refling thy Bro- ther andCompanion in tribulation, in theKingdomand Patience of7efus THO. SONiERTONo Mnia r PaEMEZZ m .li"/Ir\. rommS agraffg

-------------- .r'GJl. "1 í )1d; SHE TITLES>CONTENTS, And TEXTS contained in. this. Booke. He Vail ofthe Covering !fired over All Nations. What it is an How removed with a Difcove- ryofthat 1Vionn 9tain of Fat.thin s full of Marrow t g andWineon the Lees well refined. Deliveredon a Publick Day of Thankfgiving, the 23. ofYane 1653. at AihaLioroes LrKrbardflreet. Upon E s A. 2 5. 6 70 .. In this mountain all the LordofHofis make unto All people a Feafl ofFat things, A Feafi ofWines on the Leer, &c. In eneSermon. Builders of Babel confounded in their Lang;:. Being anExpofition by , Webflerat theend of a Difputation at Alhalloros Lombardflreet. He be- g requefed to difrniffé the multitude with fone pro--

The Contents. profitable exhortation, which was from Gen, r r. thenine firíi verfes. And thewhole Earthwas ofone Language, and of one Speech; and it cante topafs as theyjournyedfrom the. Eafl, theyfounda Plain in the land of Ainar, and they dwelt there ; and theyPaid one to another Go too, let us makebric4andburn them throughy, &c. He Power ofDivine Attra5lion, or The Fathersgreat love in drawing poorSinners untohis Son. Delivered atWhite-hall, OnJo H. 6.44. No man can conte unto me except the Father which hat/p fent me draw him, and Iwill raife him up at the le day. In one Sermon. 4. He Cloud taken of the Tabernacle, that the Ifrael ofGodmay journey. At Alhaiows Lumbardflreet. In two Sermons. E x o D. 40. 36,37,38. Andwhen the Cloudwas takenup from over the Taber-. nadle, then the ChildrenofIsrael went onward in all' their journeys : But iftheCloud were not taken up, they journyed not untilthe day itwas taken up, &c. 5. Hefecret Southfayer or Hidden Sor- cerer difcovered. At

The Contents. AtAlhallows Lumbardgreet. In twoSermons. MicA H. 5. Io,II,i 02 13. AndIwill cut offthe Citiesofthy land,and throwdown all thy firong holdr. Iwill cut off' Witchcrafts out of thinehand, and thou¡halt have no more southfayers; Thygraven Images altowill I cut of, and thy fan- ding Images out ofthe r idfi of thee, &c. 6. He rooting up of every plant not planted by the. Heavenly Father. Deliveredat Alhallows Lumbard fireet. In two Sermons. , MATTH. 15. 1g, Its. 7efus anfweredand faid,Every plant which my Heaven- ly Father bath not planted ¡ball be rooted up Let them alone, they beeblind leaders ofthe blind ; and if theblind lead theblind, both¡hallfall into the ditch. 7. He Saints perfe5freeclom,or Liber- iff ty inChr a f ferted in'oppofition to T allyoaks of bondage. At Alhallows Lumbardftreet. In twoSermons. GALA. 5. I. standHaft therefore in the libertywherewith Chrift bath madens Free, andbe not entangled again, with the yoakofbondage.

The Contents. 8, N the fecond ofthere laí1 SermonsOW ler w s.freelydrawn forth to give thatTefrimony to ~ :: Ëzerards Sermons lately printed, which is placed at the endof the Book; and are all the Ser- monscan beexpel-ed of his, there being not any more preferved. Whichare fould by R. Harford at theBible and States-Arms in LittleBrittain. 9. Aílly, hereunto is added A Refponíion by ,_.,Mr. 5'o. Webfler to certain retended Argu- ments againft his Book, call'd The saints Guide. ,Reader, Here are forcefewfaultsefcaped at the Prefs, force litteral,other, infome wordsmifla(en,but being only fuch as an indifferent underfiandingmay perceive, and recifie, we have not fet them down inan Errata : But tender all asit is, to the Experience, Love, and Accep- tationofall, towhom theft things(ball come,Greeting. Ifany thingbe obfcure to the Reader, let him re- flect into himfelf, tofeewhether the caufebe not want ofexperience in the Myfleries ofHeaven, before ever, he adventure toCenfure; For till menarereally judg- ed in themfelves, theyarenot -fit tojudge. But if thoucanfi Feed here, filltoo,And Muchgood doe and ifthou can't not, cenfure not thole that can.

Gf /1T1G 1( f .tif l GGllf rti,ets THE Valle of the Covering, fpread over All Nations , What it is ; And how removed. With a Difcovery of that Mountain of Fat things full ofMarrow, And Wines on the Lees well refined. Delivered on a publiqueday ofThankfgiving, `J 23. . 16 . 5 3 1111G- E s A r. 2 5. 6. 7. &c. In this Mountain (hall the Lord of Hogs make untoall people a Feaft o ffat things, a Feaft of Wines on the Lees, of Fat thingsfull ofMarrow, of Wines on the Lees well refined. And hewill dejiroy in this Moun- tain theface of theeQ overall Nations,lcople, and the Vaile that fpread AcAtt ,HE Prophet in the former part ofthe Chapter, having feen and taken notice of thofe wonder- * T full works wrought by Jefus Chrift, both in o`+ his Judgements and Mercies, he breaks out ctA , intowonderful praife;rejoycing andadmirad- on ofhis wonderful Works,and of hisCounfels ofold, O Lord thouart my God, Iwill exalt thee, I will praife $ thy

Luk, i 8. I I. Gen. I I. The Vail,,(preadover All Nations,and thy name, for thou haft done wonderful things, thy Counfels ofold are faithfulnefs and truth Inwhich, he gives thanks, as in the perfon ofJefus Chrift, or as a member of him, and ex- preflah the deep and wonderful things which have been wrought onely and alone by Hirn. From whence we may take notice, that the Tongs andpraifes of all Saints, are only and alone to magnifie and lift up Jefirs Ciril}:Lz bid Temple every one (peal¿, ofhisglory : they have nothing to fay in praife of man, of the power of man, wifdom of mart, or the glory ofman, of the faithfulnefs of man, of the counfels- ofman, but of the Lord alone. They are not telling forth whxt they have done, to bring glory to themfelves, or to let up their wifdome, or power, or parts, or any thing in them ; of their righteoufrzefe, of their holineR, oftheir love, oftheir joy, oftheir peace, or any thing of this nature ; as the Scribes and Pharifees, Iam notfo and fo, and I do thus and thus, thereby to magnifie themfelves, or to makeothers think highly ofthem ; no,-but theirfongs and their praifé is alone to exalt Jefus Chriff, and to tell of his doings, ofhis counfels, of his faithfulnefs and truth, of his mercies and loving kindnel?e , of his rigbteoufne1'e and udgements ; this is their glory , and this is their long. In the Second verfe, you may fee how he fets out the tpoiles and the ruins that Jefus Chrift hath made; Great and glorious Cities made heaps ; of a d;fenfed City a rrfine : That ftrongcity Babel built up by the power and wifdom ofmatt, for his protection and defence , which he would raife up to Heaven, toprevent del ruc`fion hereafter, that the deluge of wrath may not (wallow him up; The foule having Teen the Almighty power ofJefus Ch riff, ruining, and bringing down thisTower, and this BA B EL in hinafelf, and making all this work power, wifdom, providence ofman, offèlfand I fieflo tobe made Baliel,Confufron ; here no; ,the Saints give all ( theglory to Jefus Chrift alone; Man finds that he.was railing a Temple, lettingup a Worthip ofhis own deviling ; for what end ? that hemay fecure him ¡elf, providefor hzrnfelf, deliver bimfelfe front wrath, from hell , from the overflowing feourge, from

1he Mountain offat th?ng.r,d1fcovered. 3 from the devouringfled; he thought bimf lfe to be wonder- full in working, and glorying in his own'devices,in his own Efa,28. i 5 religion, in his own forms , and thereby thought this Tow- er would fccure him, no deluge could reach him, he was a- bove all danger ; as Paul, he was marching on confidently and boldly in his own uprightneffe, and thought he atted all things accordin to the rule ; Now in the height of all his Aas 9. & pride and confidence, Jefas Chrift brings him down, [mites ch. 26- 9. him from his hoi fe,he had built a city (as it were) and called Plal. 49. .it by his own name,niagnificd his own ffri&neffe, his own hc- a i' lineffe, and laid as Nebuchadnezzar, Is not this great Babel Dan.4.3o. that I bane builded ? Now the foule feting all this to be a lye,to be confüficn, and a deceit, and a delufion, and all turnedby Tefus Chriil into mine and confufion in his own Matth24. foule, andnot ajione left upon a f one which is not thrown down; 2. this the foule comes to fee is alone the work of Chria; that he bath made, of a glorious 'city an heap, and of a defenced Efai.2$.2 City a ruinousplace offit-angers : and this to be no City and (hall never be built againe : when once Jefas Chrift pulls down Babel in us, it (hall never be built againe : He bath laid it allfiat to the ground. All ofmans Petting up mutt be utterly ruined : no part ofthat building let up upon the ruins ofmans power, w.iídome, ftrength, parts, will Chrift make any ufe of for his kingdome, but all muff be ruined, Luke 21. laid flat to the ground, and hewill not leave a 'tone upon a 6. f one.The work ofChrift is an overthrowing, overturning, over- E7ek. 2r. 2. turning work the work ofChrift is to fay,flrip,andundo men: to (trip them of all conceit of themfelves to lay them flat to the earth, to equal and level themwith the worfi of men. The work ofthe Devil is to build upman in his own wifdotn, inhis own (trength, to make him fomething to cry peace peace tò him, when there is nopeace ; to put wrath Jer. 6.14. far away, and to tell himhe is thus and thus, he bath filch love andcharity, andmeekneffe,and conformity to the will Matth.i6. of Chi At, and therefore fear not, none of all thole things fhall 22. happen to thee: When indeed this is nothing but the work and wifedon.e of the Devil in man : to make Efai. 28, himfecure, andput the evil day far from him and thereby i 5 B 2 bath

The Vail fpreadover All Nations, and bath made a covenant. w. th death and hell; and ofall men,he {hall be preferved, from ruin ; why ? he is a holy man , be hath lubmitted to ordinances, he is under the purtf forms, molt agreeable to the wil and mind of Chrift Whenas all this may be nothing but the work of thedivel in man,meerly todeludehim,and to keep away guilt,that he maynot fee the bottomlefs gulph of fin anddelufion that is instils own heart. But when once Jefus Chrift hath thus declared his power in this foul, and brought forthhis e:crnal counfels in it , then he comes to fee that all this is done in faithfulnefs and loving lkindnefs, and in tender compagon; then he comes to fee that he was deluded, and fed himfelt with lies, with windand vanity, and that theway to fafety was not tobuild up this Babel, but tobring it into confufion for,. faith he, in the fourth verfe; Thou haft been a ffrength to the poor and needy in their difirefe, a refuge from the froorm, afhadom from the heat. So that you fee,the matter of Saints praifes is only to mag- nifie and let up, andexalt and make Chrift great and won- derful. They cannot fay any thing of themfelves, or of men, for they fee them to benothing but fin ,, and the foun- tain of mifery , defolation , and deftru&ion, even thevery belt, the hightíf, the holieft in their own cfteem. And fohe goes on, Thou ¡halt bring down the noife of the *angers, &c. the branchand the Terrible ones fhall be brought low : And all this is, but to thew forth what further work Chrift makes ; how he goes on making more Havocll in Satans building ; Mans work, or the work of Satan in him, is to fet up and exalt thewifdom of mars ;°andpower and holinefs ofman, and toHeight anddebate the wifdom, holinefs, andpower of God, all this is foolifhnef i ; but his own is wifdom indeed, and holinefs indeed : Now the work of Chrift is topull down thefe ftrong holds and hizh imaginations : Babel muff be confounded, and Bethel muff be ere&ed : Chrift wil hin- felf let uphis own Temple,his own houle, his own Kingdom, and wil bring man to fee that he is nothing but want and mifery,emptinefs andcon fufion, finand death, Hell and condem- nation: And that Jefus Chrift alone is fulnefs,riches, lafe,ligbt for ,,

The Mountain of fat things dfcovered, glory, andall that can be namedor efteemedgood, and man is nothing but what may be named and efleemed evil , And this is certainly the work that Chrift makes in every foul wherever He enters: And Chrift brings the foul really to fee, All this true, in it felf, all done and aEted in man : that this Babel , and this Antichrift is fet up in him ; and alfo, that the power and wifdom of Jefus Chrift hath ruined and deftroyed them inhim ; and that this can be no other but conquering the work of Chrift, bringing g, v even every th&ught , into fubje ion in him , and he gives Jude. .5. him the tole praife and glory of thefe mighty works in him, why ? for he knows he had no hand in it himfelf : he could not believe of himfelf, repent ofhimfelf : never would the firong manbind himfelf,ruinhimfelf; but when afironger then Luke r r. he comes, thenhe is difarm'd, and never before : and thus 22, he fees himfelf delivered from bondage , fet free from the divels chains, brought out of Babylon ; and that C,hrifl alone is all inall , he is all fulnefs and no emptineffe , all riches andno want, all wifdomand no folly, all righteoufnef and no impurity at all : But contrary, himfelf to be no- thing bait emptinefs and nothingnefs , darknefs, mifery, folly, madnefs ;folly andmadnefs is in bis heart whilehe lives, Eccl. 9.3... and afterward goes down into the pit: whilemen thus build up themfelves, and have thefe high opinions of themfelves, they are in thepit, in darknefs, in mifery, in bondage, but they foe it not, till at length they fall down and fink into it for ever. But where Chrift appears inmercy, there he brings down the noife c fftrangers, all this in man and of man is but the noyfe offlrangers,though man have a high opinion of him, felf, and glories in thefe conceits , and thinks himfelf in. the Kings favour, and if any Thal be faved he Thai , and to blefeth himfelf and all is wel, and no wrath, nor no divcl, nor no hell, (hall come neer him ; yet alafs, this is but the noife and the voice offlrangers, which muff be brought down, Chrift cannot own this voyce (for 'Lis the voyce of grangers) but will bring it down to hell and to the fides of thepit, for, Efa.r4.r_ all this language is nothing elfebut the language of dea h,

The Vail fpreadover All Nations,and and the language of Babel, the language of the divel,and the language of confasion : all this is but the branches of the Efay 25.5 Terrible ones ; the branch 'which bath enlarged and fpread PtaL14.3, it Pelf over the whole earth ; Every one is gone aftr.xy,and there is none that cloth ood m no not one. And all the taginarion Gen.6.5. ofmans beart is evil , nd only evd continually : not a man upon the face of thewhol eareh, but this branch bath fpread it Pelf over him, and he fits under the shadow of it ; he hath fomethtng of plan to shroud and cover himfclf withall, This is the branch of the terrible one,that Jesus Christ wil cut down. Mans bolines bears great fway, and who dare fpeak againft it ? Its high and lifted up, and reacheth to heaven, yet the power and faithfulneffe ofChrist Thal bring k low , it fhall Ibid. 24. fall and never rife again , and the tranfreJon therofphall be 20. ! heavy upon it. Andcurled be he that buildeth again thewalls ofjerk°. And then hecornes to theverses read, what (hall come to paffe after the accomplishment of all these things , 1n this mountain shall the Lord ofIlofs n1iike unto all people aFee of fat things,&-c. He fpeae not ofany mountain before, but of a branch , and he prefently changeth the metaphor, and fpeaks ofa mountain. It [hews us thus much (by the way) that there is not any one thing in the World but it holds forth jefus Chrift : all the whol creation is a reprefentation of Jets Chris : all tipes , all metaphors are refcmblances ofhim. In this Mountain : Mountains are things of the greateft ftrength, molt f able, moft immovable, moll durable : and he is in Scripture often calla, The mountain offtrength, The m. untain of holinefc, Thef'rengthof Salvation, and theMoun- tain of his Glory. No man ever comes into the mountain of ftrength, nor into themountain of Glory, nor ofHoli- nefs, nor of Salvation, till they come to Jesus Chrift : ftrength andglory and riches and power andrrighteoufnefs & peace is only to be had inhim and nowhere elfe,only In this Mountainwill the Lord ofHófls make afeats offat thingsfull ofMarrow,& wine on the Lees well refined;i'n him only can we drin&oiat of the wells of Salvation, and eat of the hidden Man- r na 'Efay 3o.3 Note. Jer.3 r.23. Efay 33.6 Efay 12.3 Kev.2: c 7.

The Mountain offat things,difcovered. na So that there Words contain a further making out of the excellency and glory of jefus Chrift , Unto mifèrable and undone man : Ifonce nian come to be thus loft,undone, andbrought down inhimfelf, then will jefus Chrift make him a Fcaft offat things ; ifonce his peace be loft, his righ- teoufnes loft, his joy loft, his help loft, his ftrength loft, then will Jefus Chrift be all there unto him, he will make out a peace for him, a righteoufneffe for him, a glory for him ; he will be to him, afeat of fat thingsfull of marrow,and wine on the lees well refined. And fo , as he faith in the next verle, Iwill dergoy thir mountain, the face of the covering cafl over all people, and the vail that isfpread over all Nations. That is, mans opinion of his owngoodnes, his teeming, righteoufnes , which was as a covering, as avail, that man couldnot fee himfelf r;tiferable and under wrath and hell and darkncfi'e : This is the cove- ring ; every man naturally bath an opinion of his own goodnefs, he bath fomething or other to cover himfelf withall ; but force have finer, and (as they conceive ) richer coverings then others., they think they have more bolines, and more repentance, and more love, and more good works: Se thefe are by fo much the worfe,thefeare at a further difiancefrom the Kingdom ofHeaven: And Publicans MàttFa'.2t and Harlots , and the vileft fanners (hall goe into the King- dom of heaven, and they themfilves ( that have fo much 3i' hands pall be (hut out : Here-now The vail of the Tem- t.i,l;; ple niufi le rent, fro_r the tip to the bottom, The rock of 45. their rkhteoufï ß muft be rent , their flame muff be laid open , -hat they have done in the fècret chambers- of their Iliid.iä.3. Own hearts, rnzf noobe proclaimed upon the houfe top , they cáinot conceal it, thecovering is removed : Now they come to fee that jefus Chrift is only the rock of their righteoufref, and that they have none at all ; all other rocks, all other righteoufneffes mutt be rent, that fo their want , their mi- ler), their condemnation, their bell, their horrour, their darli- nefs and delufion, may be difcovered : an-d if men be once brought to this, to be content to be miferable (as indeed all mankind is by reafon of the fall) to be content to fee them- felves

Efayz5.8 Efay i5.9 0 Rev.4.t I . Epli. 4.4, 5,6. The Vail fpreadover All Nations, and felves undone , tobe Phut upunder thewrath ofGod , con- demnation fealed upon them, and the pit to have (hut her mouth upon them : having cnce thus loft all their power, wifdom, righteouftes, thenall death, hell and darknes (hal b.éfwatlowed up in the death ofChrif, Then he wil as it is in theeighth verfe, Swallow up death in viciory, and the LordGod (hall wipe away all tears wont all faces : In this mountain he will take away all Jorrow, and the rebuke, of their fins , all guilt, all condetnnation, all bonds, all captivity, all firong holds, all chains, all death, all fears, griefs, terrors, and all things of that nature:This rock,thísmountain will fwallow upall, and fo take away the rebuke of his people. When a man isbrought into thismountain,he lltal be thus fed with fat things andwine on the lees , and all tears waffled away, nothing left of that nature and this is that day of the Lord, this is the Lords ceiling day , and this is the fouls Sabbath and refting day, when all rebukes, all frowns, all griefes are removed : All other Sabbaths and reffs externall are but figures and reprefentations of this true reff.And then it follows in the ninth verfe, And it Pall be faid in that day, Loe, this is our God, wehave waitedfor him , this is theLord, we have waited for him, he willfàve us, andwe will be glad and Tejoce in hisfàlvation , for in this mountain pall the hand of the Lord refl, &c. when Chrifl hath thus appeared to the de- ftru&ion of all things in man and hath brought him out of himfelfe, and bath ruined all his firength, righ- teoufnes, wifdom, &c. then Chrifl wil beall in all to him, thenwill he feaft him in this mountain ; and the foul feeing all thefe things accomplifhed in it felf, then it cannßt chufe but rejoyce,triumph andfug ; Evep theSong ofMofes and the Lamb, This is our God that we have waited for : This is the Lord, in him alone is power, and wifdom, and righteouf- nes, lovingkindnefíes and tender mercies, Thou 0Lord only art worthy to receive honour, and glory, and power, thou alone art our ftrength , and Ourfalvation ; all their happines is concentred in this OneGod,and they have no God but him, no Saviour but him ; they have but One God, andonefaith, and onebaptifine, Onebody, one fpirit, one hope; One Lord, one i

The Mountainoffat things,d(covered. one Godand frtber ofall, who is above all, and through all, and in all. They rejoyce in this , that they fee themieves made nothing that they are emptied of themfelves, of their pow- er, wild'om, righteoufnes : they now rejoyce , triumph and fing becaufe the vail ofcevtring of the all Naticns is removed,in their hearts : that their high thoughts are brought down, that their wifdom is madefolly, that their opinion of their own glory, of their ownfornethingneJs, of their own holinefs is re- moved,andChrift alone isHe in whom they enjoy all things. From hence ye may conclude upon this point : That Chrift alone is the Saints Jtrong mountain, and their feaft of all good things. He is only their mountainofftrength, he is their joy and theirlong, he path rent and deftroyed the faceof the Covering which is upon all people ; they fee that none can remove this Covering, but Chrift alone : and therforehe having done this in them and for them , this re- joyceth their hearts far more then if he had increafed their Corn, or their Wine, or their Oyle : here istheir frail , here is their day of Thanlsgiving,here is their Sabbath., which íhall never end ; here is their marrow and fatnefs, here their wine, andtheir fat things full of marrow : He is their mountain, their glory , their rock ; and all this they fee is wrought in them by the power only ofJefus Chrift. And this adds to their rejoycing, that they fee they had no hand in it, they fee that they didnot chufe him,but he chofe them; that they inftead of chuffing him , ran away from him , oppofed him, fought againft him ; and yet he followed them, and never left them till he had conquered them : and this now is their joy, and their pralle, and their long ; and nothing in hea- ven or earth thall be exalted or magnified by them, but only fefus Chrift, their Jtrong mountain, their feaft ofall good things. Thefe Souls only come to fee,that there is a vail, and that this is the vail ofCovering fpread over all Nations ; all thofe, upon whom the vail is,fee not thevail,but he only in whom 'tisrent, from whom its removed: Andall their defire is, that it maybe removed from all people, that others may fee that which he fees, and enjoy that which he enjoyes, that C Chrift Doel. Pfal, e}.q.

Io Matth. 29 ida Rom. 4. 17. so: the Vail fpreadover All Nations,and Chrift may be a mountain to them as he is to him, t rock to them as heis tohim, afeafl to them as he is to him. And they can fay truely, and name this mountaine Jehovah- jireb ; onely in the mount of the Lord , can this óe feen Abrahamcould not facrifice his Son, till he carne up into thismount : once come in to this mountain, then the foule can patt with all things for the Iove of Chrift, nothing is fo dear as thrift. And this is the conclufion wrought by the Spirit inAbraham : Jehovah jireh , faith he, in the mount of the Lord itThal be feen: there is no feeing anyof there things, nor there is no true feafting till we come into this mount of the Lord. What was that going up of Abraham to the mount Moriab think you ? In the truth ofit, it was no other thing but this, his going upfrom himfelf, and out ofbimfelf, forfaking all things for this one thing, and comming up to this mountain ofthe Lord, where theLord alone was all in all : Beloved, know this for truth, there is no wifdome, no righteoufnefîe, no (trength, &c. nowhere elfe, but here, In the mount of the Lord it(hall befeen, and nowhereelfe : There is no felf-denial, no true repentance, no conquering of the leaf} fin, no truepeace,, no joy, no love, no wifdom but onely in this mount ; whatever men pretend, that theyare wife , or holy, and the like,'tis all but deceit and a delufìon, till we come up to theMount, till this Vailc be removed : we can never find thefirong man, we can never cut ofour right hands, orpul out our right eys dl then;wecan never forfake our felvs, we can never deny our own power, wifdome and holinefhe. Herenow is this mountain offirength, here it was that'' Abrahamflaggerednot through unbelief, but wasftrong infaith, givingglory to God. Here he knew and was fully perfmaded that he that hadpromifed was able to performe ; that though Ifaac were facrificed, yet Godwas he who could quicken the dead, andcalleth things which are not as though they were. Here- in was Abraham, the father of thefaithful, and Ifaac the feed of many Nations,andall the faithful are his feed in this : And his going up to the Mountain, is no other but what is done by all the faithful ; that htteral mountain , was not the truth, but onely the figureof this ftrong mountaine Jefus Chrifl

The Mountain offat things dzfcovere da it Chrift, he is that mountain fpokenof Efai.2. 2. called there themountain of the Lords bottle, which (hall be effabliíhed on Efa.2, 2. the top of the mountains, and fhalibe exalted above the Hills,and allNationsfball flow unto it. Jefus Chrift is that mountain, who is unalterable, immovable, unchangable, never to be (haken, nor never to be removed : and to be eftabli(hed on the top ofall mountaines above all the mountaines of man the mountaines ofmans wifdome, ofmans righteoufneffe, whichwere efteemed (by men) never fo high, never fo f Tong, yet this mountain (hall overtop themall, andbeefabli(hed above all. Beloved, none come to know thefe things, but thofe in whom they are wrought, in whom the Valle of the covering is removed ; men may pretend to thefe things andbe very confident they enjoy them, when indeed they are un- der theCovering to this very day. This is that ftone alto that Daniel fpeaks of,Dan. 2. which was cut out of the mountain without hands, which fmote the Image, which was fo terrible in the form thereof; his head being Dan.2. offine Gold, his bref andarmes ofSilver, his belly and thighs of Bra(?, his legs ofIron, Andhisfeet part Iron andpart clay. Now theHone cut out without hands, fmote this terrible I-. mage, and it felfbecame agreat monntain, andfilled the whole yr, 25. earth : However this may be applicable(as by fome it is) to the outwardMonarchyes in the world, one fucceeding and overcomming another : yet , all thofe things are but figures ofthe truth : for thofe things are not done without hands : but the truth is done in fpirit : whatever it is that men fet up to flicker themfelves under , any form, any religion todefend themfelves from the wrath of God, from the guilt offin, from feeing themfelves odious, with all their righteoufnes and rags, All things of that natureare Images,and are filch Images,and fo Terrible that no man is able tobreak them to peices: 'tis only The Stone cut out of the Mountain Without bands, can bring them down or break them to peices. Thefe Images are diverfe, andof feveral tempers and conditictis ; force are ofClay, that is, force are of low rudiments, poor and mean things that Men fet up awl rely upon and flicker themfelves with all, their good meanings C 2 and