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dI8 Hof 6.4. Nojozrnyingfor Ifrael, &c. of the Tabernacle ; in thenight there was a fire , and in the day a cloud now,l fay when the fire fhined,all things were dark roundabout it: Andherein obferve thefe two things: firft, when mans fpirit is Phut up,and fees he no light,then the time for theappearing of this light. And fecondiy,this light never appears, but when all things are dark in man; for light difcovers darknefe : ifany thing elfe be light to thee, and all things elfe be not darkneße, thou never yet difcover- edfr this light : To this foule there is nothing in the whole creation that feems to be glorious and excellent ; but when the Sun ofrighteoufneffe in .himhath shined upon it ; then it appears to beall darknefs ; when the light ofthe Taber- nacle fhines in the fouleof man, then riches, honour, plea¡ure, preferments, all things below God are darkneffe : Then the light of his reafon, wit, moralitie , and holy qualities, that teemed to be a great light and fhined befot e glori- oufly,being comparedone with another,or withthings ríour ; Now, when the light ofthe Tabernacle appeares, then all thefe things appeare to benothing but darknefle,emptinefs, and blindnefs, and are all as weer vapours before the Sun,of righteoufneflë, as the Prophet faith, Therefore thy.goodrnße it as the morning dew, and as the cloud that wears away ; fo that, 1 fay, whenfoever the fire in the Tabernacle pines on man, then this will be the Pure effe& in that foule, he (hall look upon all things in himfelfe as nothing but darkneffe; and man will then no longer call light darkneße, nor darIne.e light, but he will fay, Woe is me, verily I thought my righ- teoufnefs, my holinepe, thy performances and duties, and war- (Wippings of God,I thought thefe to be BRIGHT THINGS; but now the Lord hathappeared upon me, I fee that all my goodneß is as themorning dew , and as the cloud that pafleth away: Andhe alone is my help,my deliverer, my holinefff, my Sanaification,and my Redemption : He alone is my Fong and my falvation,a.nd of him alonewill I make my boaR. THE