Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

130 Heb. 13. 20. Mat. 7.22. 23. The Secret southfayer, or fus Chrift, that one eternal Saviour , and that great Shep- herdofthe Sheep. And who is Paul and Apollo, and others, but Minifters and Servants by wkomye beleeved ? are they any thing, or is there any glory due to them?But ifJefusChrift come into thy foul difovering himfelf by calling out the flrong man, and Antichriß, and letting thee fee death and hell, and all evil to be in thee , and hath quite flain man in all his excellencies andglory, then he will arife in thee and appear to be life alone, gloryalone, power alone : and till then men meerly delude thtmfelves under all forms, pre- tending/trial/eft, conformity, and obedience to Chrift, when indeedthough they have preacht and prophefied, and in his name donefo many great works, which fhall amaze thepeople of the world, and the generalfort ofprofeffours, yet Chrift who fearches the heart fhall profeffeunto them, I never knew you, depart frommeje workers of iniquity ; though men may admire them, and efteem them the bigheft, the wife, , the holieft, the meekeft, thegravel?, theftriaeft of all the fons of men ; yet he fees them to be the worft, the wic&edeft, the profaneft, the greateft workers ofiniquity, the pureft Hypocrits; for that which is highly efleemed among men, is in the fight ofthe Lordabominable. For man hath nothing of good in him, but all bis imaginations are evil, and onely evil, and continu- ally evil ; and Jefus Chrift is good, all good, and continual- ly good, andnothing elfe but good : andhe that gives other teftimony, either inword or deed, is a /jar, and the truth is not in him. And thofe two Eternall Witnefies are in him 'lain, and lie dead in theftreets of the great City, that is, in the whole nature ofMankind : which two Witnefes can ne- ver be raifedand flandup upon theirfeet tillJefus Chirft him- felfe come and revive them and caufe them to live :HERE IS W I S DOME, and let him that readeth underftand : and he that hath read thefe things in himfelf, he alone can under- ftand thefe things. And when the Lord is thus doing this work, we may fee the manner ofhis working and proceeding with the Ions of men, in thefollowing words : I will cut off thy Horfes out of the midit of thee, andI will deftroy thy (harets ; this is one part