Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

The HiddenSorcerer, difcovered. 153 defire Of the &ill..; this alone is the means to crucifte and kill thy vile nature, and not any outward externall thing, bywaffling or dipping in water,or eating fuch apoore,empty, carnall thing as a bit of bread, or drinking a fup ofwine; this thing never did, nor never will doe it : but to Bate and drink that whichChrift gave , which was not a little bread and wine onely , but H IIVI SELF E ; and by feeding on him, eating his body, and drinkinghis blood,this will nourifh to eternall life. Whenye are met together into one place, thin is not to eate the Lordsbody : For thebread which we break is the Communion of the body of Chrift ; and he that eateth and drinketh unworthily,difcerneth not the' Lordsbody. Object. But may I not ufe thefe things ? Anf. Yea, foyou think your felves never the better for u- fing them : for tis not they can feed or comfort thee; nortis not going on in thy own power, nor thy ufing of means ; for Chrifl alone is the way , and themeans : As if you come to a Feaft, you are not invited to cate the platters or earthern difhes which bring the meat, but you are invited to the meat; they doe but bring the meat, and if thou Bate not the meat thou mayft ftarve and die: ifthou follow the dreams of thy own heart, and thinkeft thou eateft, and doff not, what a horrible delufion and inchantment is this ? But of thefe things we may have an opportunity to (peak more fully hereafter. Thus you fee what are thofe things which the Lord will cut off,in that day whenhe (hall come : ThyHorfes and thy Chariots, thy Cities. and thy ftrong bolds , Thy witch- craft, and thy Southfayers,7'hygraven Images, and thy¡landing Images out of the midfi of thee. Joh.6.s6, i Cor. i i. 29. Ibid. V.20 & ch. io. i6. ObjeU. Anfw. X T HE