Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

The HiddenSorcerer, difcov ered. i 57 cers, Cheaters, Sorcerers, Diviners, Peepers, Mutterers,Drea- mers Then HE who is The mays ofSin , íhall be revealed, the Jonne of Perdition , who oppofeth and exalteth himfelfe above all that is called God , or that is worfhipped, fo that HE asGod fitteth in the Temple of God,(hewing himfelfe that he is God. But then,fhall that wicked one be revealed,whom the Lcrd will confùme with thefpirit of hismouth, and (hall deflroy with tkie brightneße ofhis comming : this ANT 1 CHR I S T, He (hall no more delude nor deceive the Nations with all deceivableneffe of unrighteoufneß, though they work as tub tly as Satan himfelfe : /hewing as if they had power and righteoufneffe,by their glorious pretences and great fignes and (hews : but in that day the Lord will ,appeare in his own light and life , and they (hall be difcovered to be btrt lying wonders,and deceivablenef_ e of unrighteoufne,(fe, to delude thofe that perifh. The men of the world, and all your pro- feftors and pretenders to I eligion,they (hall no more deceive, they (hal no more mare aPhew of that they are not, but all theirneat and curious contrived juglings (hall appeare to be no truth nor reality,but only the form and the L 1KN.ES S of things. rut the truth and light ofGodappearing, all thefe things íhall be laid open,that the eyes of men no more deluded with fall and lying /hews and pretences,but they (hall be difcovered by the truth and light of G: d, and thereby defiroyedand cut off,and they fhall be no more. Fourthly the Lord wil alío cut offAll thegraven Images ; All thofe Idols and Images which man bath made and fet up by his ownwit and invention, even all hit Religion, and all his Forms, wherein he fo much pleated himfelfe : And. although he have beffowed never fo much carvingand gra- ving, and decking and painting, to make them feem neat and curious, to take the eyes of the beholders nay, though they be made of Silver andGold , and be never foglorious, that they`even dazzle the eyes of the beholders, and caufe them ,to runne wondringafter the glory ofthe BEA S T, yet all ihefe graven Images íhal be deftroyed and quite ent off: Nayftiót'ónely the graven Images, but theflanding Images, hey havebeen ofnever f° long (landing, an& never .fo 2 Thef. z. 4,&c..