Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

Hidden sorcerer, difcovered. 163 evil thing Therefore the maineof all is to know a mans felfe ; for a man to havehigh and great thoughts of himfelf, and in the mean time to be no other but a Devil,a TYizzard, a Sorcerer, to bean enemy , and a deluder to himfelf, to think himfelf to be in light when he is in thickdurkneffe, to call in himfelf ev lgood, and good evil, dark:efl light, and light darkneJs : This is one ottee Devils great Delulions, and Witchcrafts in man, to carry him fú11 out of himfelfe, even in point ofReligion to look abroadand meddle with thisrnan and theother nun, and negle& himfelfe ; other mens faults are heinous, but he neitherfees nor once finds fault with his own : Some men alto are much carried out in company, and are full oftalk and high difcourfes, and cu- rious notions, and thefe they trade withall and think to be Somebody, andget themfelves a name; and all thefe things tend to this main end, tomake man feem to be what he is not, fomething when he is nothing, as the Apoftle fpeaks, and to cover andhide thefe Devils, thefe ¡Vitcbcrafts, thefe Sorce- ries, thefe Inchantmentsfrom his ownand others beholding; If the Devil can but bide himfelfe that hebe not known tobe as he is, heknows he (hall reftfecure enough ; then the foul is quiet enough, and thinks all is well, and fo theman fleeps in the Devils arms, and knows nothing ofhis own mifery, until he lie down inforrow, and condemnation with the De- vil for ever ; and this is that which the Divel labours to do in man with all bis might : Thisbiding and eovering, and de- luding is meerly thework of the Devil. Now the work of Chrift is to undermine and to Counter-workall this, viz. by difcovering and layingopen all thefe mifchiefsand deceits, andby lettingman.fee his own filly, delufion, andmifery ; for the Devil would by nomeans be difcovered , leaft he fhould becafe out ; Therefore he cannn-t abide that man fhould dwell at home, and beover buie with his own heart, to fee the In- chantments, and cheatings that aye there : For, there it is the Prince ofDarkneffe rules, and fits as King of theBottonl- leifepit, and he knows hecan delude and deceive, andbe too hard for all themen in the world, , except Jefus Chrift undertake to uncover andunmask his delufions. Y 2 But EX0.lo.2I Efa.5. 20. Gal. 6.3.