Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

3o . The Builders of Babel to you ; far to them it is given to know the myferies of the king- dom; but to all others they are parables and paradoxes,which they neither wí1l, nor canunderfand. The whole earth was of one Language. The whole earth ; that is, that natural loft condition, is which ail the Sons ofmen are , all being gone down into the earth to Peek a Hippinefíe there : Having fox-Liken their lifeand happineffe in God, they have all dic.ged unto themfelves.broken Cflerns, hoping to find a life and a happineffebelow among the crea- tures : And this is the condition ofall the Sans of men ; this is the condition , and this is the Language of the whole earth And in this all theEons ofmen are equal ; darknefl'e is come upon all, the Image of God is defaced in alt; All the whole nature of man, hathbut oneTongue, but one Lan- guage ; they are ALLgavot of the way ; there is none that doth çood, no not one : thernot one better then another among all the Eons of men, but all are Equaly loft, All e- qually departed fromGod : All are under the fame con- demnation, they allfpea&one Language; and with one mouth, they all Blafpheme ; and what one doth, all doe, there is no difference : And in this conditionmen proceed and goon, they are journyingfrom the Eaf. What way foever any of the Sons ofmen go, they are fill journying on, in and un- der this mifery : The nature ofman is labouring and tra- velling further from God, from theEaf, from the light of God, from the life ofGod, which they have loft, and are now walking on in darkneff, mifery, and blafpbemy; andall laying and concluding in their pra&ice, that there is no life to behad in God,nocomfort in him,he is a belplefs dead Inaage,a meer Name, & there is nothing at all in him to re- lieve and help them; he hath neither power, nor mercy,nor goodnefs,nor wifdom,nor Alfufficiency :he is a dry tree:And therefore they have turned their backs upon him, and will leek out a rat, and a god, and a help of thernfelves ; And they are journying : whither ? To the Land of H I N A R; whats that? to theCityof dronfinef or the Land of fleepi- nefs ; when men think that by their own indufry and en- deavors, andby. their acquiredparts , or by their rules and forms,