Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

Confoundedin theirLanguage. 3 5 Lord did there,. confound the Language ofall the earth. All that is of man, from thepower, wifdome, excellency, righteoufneffe, ofman, let it be never fo beautiful, and never fo efteemed, all is nicer BA BEL, but a City, a Temple, a refuge ofcon- fu'on. And the Lord will fcatter and confound every buil- d1. er therof; that is,he will commix,confound their language, they (hall be all amazed, confounded to behold what the Al- mighty hath done, tofee their Pang mountains fo removed, and their ftrongCity ofrefuge wined and blown down. MyFriends, fo far as the Lordhath declared to me, this is the Myfery and the living fenfe of this portion of Scrip- ture. He that loath ears to hear let himhear : and he that hath eyes to fee, {hall fee ; he that can receive it, let him. The truth and things ofGod carry light, power and demonftra- tien in themfelves ; he that thinks by his own power, or by his own wifdom, or his own light, or his own learning, to difcover them, he isiill in darkneffe, he is to this day rai- fing Babel, and the Lord is notyet come down to confound his Language, and the truth is hid and fealed up from him. Now that I may come to mike a little farther applicati- on of there things to our felves. The fiat LIfe let it be this, fromwhat hath been fpoken we may conclude, that all the fons ofmen, the whole race and every particular perfon, is e- qually in one and thefame condition , they are all of one map, ofone Lump ; not one wife, and another fooli{h ; one righteous, and another finfal : not one earthly and another heavenly; not one in light, and another in dirknefe : not one carnal, and another fpiritual : bue the whole earth is of one language:They all,even the beft,therighteoufefi,they a& nothing but fin,and rebellion,deathand emnity,they areall carnal, all departedfrom the fountain of living waters,they are all gone affray and become abominable, and not one that doth good, no not one : every one of the fons of men are under wrath, with A L L their works and rigbteoufnefs:every one is no other but a childof hell, andafin o fperdition and con- fufion. And there is nogood that any ofthen. can appropri- ate, or lay the leaft claim to ; for there is nowifedome but F 2 the Mat. 1I. Io: $L 19. 12. 7Jfe. . Jer.2.13. 1?fal. 1413