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ADVE RTIS EM ENT. 7' is not -certain how many Times the foregoing excellent T'reatife has been carried through the Pref It fhould je m that it was :IV pullif -ed by the Author himfelf; then, many Years afterwards by Mr. 7. Noble, who is long fate defeated. Whether his was the fecond, third, or fourth Edition, the Title -Page does not exprefi, nor is it eat to fay it has, however been long out of Print, which induced the Editor to prefent the Pu:'lic with this new Edition, printed Verbatim from a Copy of that publifhed by Mr. Noble. Public Ufefulnefs, and not private Emolument is hereby principally aimed at: And if the Wtf es of the Editor might be grated, every Church of Chrifl would print an Edition of it for themfelzes, and prefent each of their refpeth've Members with a Copy, as a firitable Introdu8tion to the Study of the Scriptures, upon a Point of fo much Importance to the Peace, Comfort and Eflablilhment of thole who defire to walk (as Zacharias and Elizabeth did,) in all the Commandments and Ordinances of the Lord, blamelefs.