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Ver, i 2. the E paftle to the Romans when he finned, and fo finned in him : finne,feeing itcame in by, and through. (In whom we all have finned.) man. For, whereas Adam might have T M. Now to the words, and tell us refit fed the temptation if hewould,,hee. wkat is meant by that one man °here fpoken of freely obeyed, and willingly yeelded, s I L. Adam,as verfè. I.s.under whom and fo finne entred by him without any Eve alto is contained ; for finne carne in fault in God,who had made hin, righte- by them both,Pfal.s I.Ç. but the man is ous,and given ,him freedome of will: named,and not thewoman, becaufe he TIM. Was there not a neceJJtyberein,tbat being the man, was the more worthy Adam Jhoxld jeeld ? perfon. Secondly,becaufe he was more S I L. True,there was fo,in regard of in fault then Eae,in regard of his more Gods counfell,who had decreed not to eminent power and grace. T hirdly,fiane ftrengthen his will in the temptation, is propagated and derived :to its, rather but to forfake him ; yea, and further, by the Father then by the Mother, be- that being left to himfelf; he should fol- caufe he is the principal! agent in gene- low the fieggeftions,that fo theremight ration. be occafion of giving and fending his TIM. What were we taught hereby, Sonne to redeem the world to the mans. that Adam beeing but one man,fo great and fellation of his juflice and mercy. But generalia mifchiefe came of him? no twith ftanding this,yet 4dams difobe. S I L. Two things: Firft,the infinite dience was voluntary, becaufe Gods de- hurt that may come of oneperfon being cree,tho it ruled the eventand bufìneffe, evill,and the marvailous good that may yet offered no force to Adams wil,which redoundto many,by on being good. could not be compelled ; and therefore TI nt, Whereunto fhouYd the knowledge of it owne accord, enclined it Celle to hereofferveur2 fulfill the motions of the Serpent and Se L. Firft, to admonifh Parents ve- his wife ; and therefore the whole fault ry carefully, to looke to the education of our fall Iyeth upon Satan and our of every one of their children. Second- firft Pare nts,as the proper caufe of finn e. ly, that it behoveth the publike State For God made man righteous,but they much,what manner of perfon he i &that found ofit fitndry inventions,Ecc1.7.3 I. beareth government.Thirdly,it behoo- T 1 m. What war further learned by this, veth them who have government, to that finne entredeepon all by meaner of one watch over the manners of all men un- man? der their charge,becaufe one man neg. Sr L. That finne is not by creation, le &ed,rnay marr all,as Achan did,lofh:q. but came ih afterwards. Secondly, how Tim. What war the other tbinggathered dangerous it is to hearken to ill coon from hence ? fell; by 'manes whereof, Adam being S I r. An exceeding comfort to depraved, did deprave the whole world. great offenders, fo they turne and be- T I M. What u meant het'e by the world? leeve the Gofpell , which may be railed S i L. The men which dwell in the thus : Adam and Eve which finned fo world whether ele& or reprobate, as it heinoufly,and alto wrapt their whole is expounded afterwards, Death came kind ( even a world of people ) within over all men.The word [ World] fome- finne and deftru&ion, were yet received time fignifieth that fabricke or frame to mercy and faved:thereforelet no fin- of heaven and earth,as Joh. e. so, The ner ( how horrible foever) be out of world was made by him. Secondly,it' heart, if they cone to the Throne of fignifieth elea men onely, which are the Grace for pardon,withtruftto have it. chicle part of the World, Joh.3.1 6. And TIM. What is further to be obfirved God was in Chrift reconciling the fromtbir,tbat itisfail[Sinnentred by one world,aCor.5.I9. Thirdly,it fignifieth *owe] wicked and reprobate onely. John S I L. Even this : that God is not e7.9. Fourthly , the corrupt qualities so be blamed, as taufe and author of and .fathionsofeheworld, I John 2.15. O 3 Love 149 )