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T 50 .fln Expofition upon Chap5. Love not the world. Fifcly, the whole there is delaying of punifhment,becaufe maffe of mankinde good & bad, as here in thefewords,Sinne entred into the world. T i id. What it means hereby finne? S t L. That hereditarie difeafe,cal- led commonly originali fin, or birth (iinne,fpread over our whole kinde, as a 'Leprofìe, and hath tainted the whole race of us. That this only is here meant may appeare : Firft,becaufe he ufeth the fiogular number;but when he fpeaketh of the fruits of it, bee ufth the plurali number. Secondly, that Which he cal- leth finne here, he afterwards in verf 1 7. calleth difobedience done man, which Mull needs be the fie,, or Originali fin. Thirdly, he faith verses . by this (inne many ace made (inno s; andthis is one- ly by origin all finne. Fourthly, there was no other fìnne brought death over all men,except that .,therefore that finne is onely meant here. In that I call it he- reditary,it is, becaufe as a di feafe which refresh in any (locke, and defcendeth from father to fonne,fo is this finne; it runneth from Adam through his whole progeny,from parents to the Children, even to the worlds end,as it is Paid here; It came over all men. TIM. What may shit teach rte? S i L. That this finne is hard to be expelled out of mans nature,as heredita- rie difeafes are hard to be cured;& there - fore mutt the more be ftriven again ft. Secondly, that children have no fau!ts, which they doe not borrow and derive from theirparents, of whom they have corruption, which is the fpawne of all fin ;which (houldcauCe in parents com- miferation and patience towards their Children. Ti M. How many thing, are contained in this fine ? S!i L. There forre things:Firft, guilt or fault : Secondly,deferving of puni(h- ment : Thirdly, corruption of nature : Fourthly, privation or abfence of Ori- ginall integritie,even of that innocencie wherein man was created. T i M. How prove yce guilt or fault,and deferving of pieni fhment thereby? S i L. There is guilt or fault, becaufe we arc made (inners by it,verf.17._and. this cannot be levered from the former. Alfa, it is expreflely laid that by it death went over all. T i M, How doe ye prove, that there it corruption-of Nature? Sr L. Becaufe it is written,Tbat we goe affray from our Mother: wombe,Pfal.58.3 Againe, that, The frame of many heart is onely evil) eontinually,Gen.8.2 t . & that we are born in ftnne,Pfal:51.5.and, Man born of at n'oman cannot le cleane,3ob 25.4. Ti M. What doe ye call the corruption of our nature, and what be3be freeitet of it? S r L. It is a naughty vicious quality in our Nature,whereby it is enclined to all evil naturally, &nndilpofed unto any good,yea,enemy to God,and difpofed a- gainft all good, as Titus 3. 3. Hating God,Col. i.Minds let upon evill works. The finites of this our corrupt nature, are all times whatfoever, even all thole flnnes reckoned up,Rom. 1. 29, 39. &c. Ga1.5.19.Tit.3.3.Col. 3.5.or in any o- ther place,even all manner offinnes, not blafphemy agaiuft the holy Ghoft ex- cepted. T i M,B.y what degreea dotb thin corrupti- on proceed and goe forward? S r L. Fir(t,it begetteth lull, which is an evill motion or defire,fwerving, from Godswill:this is the fpawne ofall finne. Thefecondis, obedience to this lull,' Rom.6. i 2.which we call conlent,when the will yeelds unto the evils motions, with purpofe and refolution to do it : this is called of lame, the conception of finne,Tam,1.15.Then ehirdly,therefol- Iowes an evils ation in word or deed: this is called of the fame Apofile, the bringing forth of luft(it bringcth forth finne, ' that is, forne outward grofs ail in fpcech or a&ion Laftly,the going o- ver this (infull a& by cullome and con- tinuance in it;this is called the perfe&i - on or finning of fin: upon all this,there fuceeedeth death, as the terme & haft pe- riod,or full point . of this proceeding& courfe in (inning, wherein it refteth. Ti M. Est how prove ye, that Originali finne bathprivation, or abfence of Original! righteoufneffe? S i L..rllls.is the cúffequence upon all