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Ver. r 2. the Epiflle to the Romans. 15 all the former: for we could not be guilty, deserve punilhruent, and bee corrupt,if wee had our firft perfe &ion. Secondly, except we had loft that, wee fhould not need to feeke and fetch that from another, even from Ghrift,as verf. 57. Thirdly, when the Scripture faith; God made man righteous, but they found sat many inventions, Ecclel 7.35. This proveth, that the perfe& righteoufnes given unto us in our çreation,is not on- ly loft ,but through our own fault loft. Taxi. Why ih chit finne called Orig,i- nall? S r L. Firfi, becaufe it is from the beginning. Secondly, becaufe it is firft in us before grace. Thirdly it is the firft head and beginning of all finnes. Laftly,it is in us from our beginning, even from our very conception. T 5 M. What ufe of all this? S 5 L. Fiat, it confuteth the errors of fuch, which fay, it is nothing but privation of righteoufnetfe. Alfo filch as fay, it is nothing but the inclination of our nature to evill.Secondly, it thew - eth the molt heavycafe,inwhich we are all by birth, we being all over :covered with corruption & fin£ull putrefaaion, rotten and full of Cores; and not fo full ofevill,as void of all goodneffe, and fo hatefidl toGod,whofe pure eyes cannot but hate us and abhorre us; and there - fore we are called the children of wrath, EpheCs.3. See Ezek. 56, No leper, no lazar,no fob to be compared to us; if we faw our felves,we fhould loth our (elves. Thirdly, the knowledge hereof, mutt humble our ftomacks and courages. Fourthly, it mutt feirre up great care of being wathed and cleanfed from this fpot: all the water in the lea is too little to waffi this one flaire, all care in the world is not great enough to get it fcoured out, Pfal.5t. z.6. either repen- tance for this fin,or for no frnne.Fiftly, it mull ftirre up a defire and a chid[ after the pure &holy conception of Chrift, which is the cover to hide, the falve to cure this originali fore. Sixthly, it may make us compaflionate and mercifull one to another, efpecially to our chil- dren, being as alike infeacd, and they by us:and therefore in our chidings and corre&ionm,we.fhould be moderates Seventhly, it mull keep us from extol- ling nature,and the goodneffe of nature; for all natures,-.even the belt, is poyfo- ned,therebeingnothinggbod in us, till grace cone and plant goodneffe in us for can one gather figges 'of.thiftles, or. grapes of thornes ?:Match 7, 2 t M. What it meant , here by [death ?] S I L. Properly a deprivation of life, unproperly all fuch things as are fore rupners and furtherers thereof ; all miferies, fickneftes,paires, the harben- gets of death. 1 I M. What life did Adam live before finne? S 5 L. A twofold life: firft,of Grace; being led by the holy Spirit, which moved him wholly to celefliall and divine things, this is called fpirituall life. The f cond is of nature, whereby he was moved to follow thofe good things which tend to preferve nature, and the flats of his body : of both there kind of livesesldam was deprived, and fo dyed a fpirïtuall and naturali death : for being before joynedto God in his favour, moved by his Spirit ; he now having finned, was turned from -God, loft his favour and Spirit,aied fo could not afpire to any divine thing, but had his heart wholly fet upon evill;and tou-- ching his naturali life he was threatned, that to duff he fhould goe. T 5 M. Did not hit finne deferve eter. nail death? Sts. It did fo : but eternall death is nothing, favethe continuance of fpiri- mall death. T t M. T et natural! death was not in f i&ted ;Ion him after his finne, for he lived fg in the world, and that a great while? S 5 L. He did fo :howbeit he may be Paid to be naturally dead, fo.foone as he had finned. Firft, becaufe by the guilt . of his finne, he was prefently fub- jea unto it. Secondly, God flraight -: way gave fentence of death upon him, and therefore he may be laid ltraight- way to have dyed, as condemned per - pons are called dead meta- thought they b