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Ver. 12. Obf1a prin. cipiiofero medicina paratur, cum mall per lengu convAlare morar. the Epiffle to the Romans. caufe he fpeaketh of lulls in the plural! number, laying funs and not luit; this fhewes that he meant not natural! cor- ruption,which is one intire thing difper- fed into the whole man ; but thole di- vers and many wicked motions and de- fires which come of it : whereof we may read the particulars, Rom. t. 29, 30. I Cor. 6. 9, So. Gal. 5. 19, 20, 2r. ColoC 3.5.andTit. 3.3. Such an heap, fea,or world of evill lulls there be lurk- ing in our nature,as fo many enemies to fight withall. T ix. Now yee have told us what is meant 6y htfff,tell us what it ss, not to obey theft hells? S s L. Neither to praâife them in our workes, nor fo much as to confent unto them in our will,with great watch - fulneffe and continual! prayer to with - ftand all motions and occafions of finne. T I x. What is the doúrine we learn from hence? S I L. That fuch as will keepe 'fin from reinging,muft keep down the firfi motions thereof,which may be declared by there finlilitudes; firft ,of wounds and difeafes in the body, which being lookt unto at the firfl, bee more eafily cured, whereas being let run too long ,'they grow delperate and cureleffe : And of Fields andGardens,where the weeds be- ing negleCted too long, will overgrow the corn and good hearbs. Laftly, of warriours, who let upon their enemies, where they find them feebleft ; fo fin be- ing in time reflled, ere it get hold on our will, orbreak forth by thd mem- bers of our body, is kept from bearing rule over us, and held under` as a (lave and vaffall. TI x. What other means are there by which ión muff be kept from relining? S t L. This forenamed mean,hath other fitbordinate means as helps thereunto, when God will work by them. Firth, meditation on the word read and heard. Secondly, exerciCe of private prayer, and daily confeffion of known finnes. Thirdly, admonition of the godly. Fourthly, Chritlian falling. Fifthly, avoiding the occafions of finne, and the company and counfell of wic- ked men. Halm. I.t. and 26.4 5.Prov. r. ro. DIALUGUH VII, Verle 13. Neither give yee your members, at weapons of unrigbtzoufnele unto Pine : but give your [elves t,nto God, as they that are alive from the dead, and giveyour members at weapons ofrighteoufneffì«n. to God. -I' I xo Tnills. Has is the runt of this Text ? Sr L. Ithath an illuftration or further letting forth of that which was taught in the former verle, by a borrow- ed fpeech from warriours or fouldiers, which Beare weapons of defence of thole Kings or Lords under whom they ferve. Whereby the Apoftle giveth us thus much to underhand, that as Kings are maintained in their Kingdome by the ready obedience of their fulaje&s in peace, and by theirwillingnefle to fight for them in time of war: :fo the reign of fin is furthered by the fame means, and hindered by withdrawing there means; that is,by not obeying nor fighting for the lulls of f n,as a King muff needs fall andcome down when his fubje &s will not obey him,uoe bear weapons againft his enemies. T 1 x. What is meant by [Give?] S I L. It is as much as to exhibit and voluntarily to prefentour felves be- forefin, to doe the lulls of it ; as foul - diers of their own accord thew them- felves in prefence of their Lords and Generals, to take commandement from them. Whereby wee are put in mind that wee are fo ready and prone to goc after the motions of fin, as no frevant is more ready to doe his matters will. Wee doe naturally offer our powers of body and mind to receive comnrande- ments from fin, as from aGenerall and Commander. T I M. What is meant by [Members?] S r L. It fignifieth all faculties and powers of body and foule, even our whole