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THE NEW AND COMPLETE L I F E O F O U R Bleffed LORD and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST: C O N T A I N I N G The molt authentic and full Account of all the wonderful TRANSACTIONS, SUFFERINGS, andDanan O F O U R GLORIOUS REDEEMER. With the LIVES, ACTS, and MARTYRDOMS, O F H I S Holy APOSTLES, EVANGELISTS, DISCIPLES, &c, I N C L U D I N G The Lives of JOHN THE BAPTIST, the VIRGIN MARY, Andmany other eminent Perlons and primitive MA ave Rs, not to be found in any other Work of this Kind, CHAP Concerning the Stateof Religion, &c. in the 'and the yezeifh Nation in particular, at th an Account of the various Seas amongfl Introdullion. JT is generally acknowledged, by the moll learned and judicious chrono- logers, that the GREAT REDEEMER was born in the four thoufandth year after the creation of the world ; and four years before the vulgar wra. This miftake is fuppofed to have arifen from the low Rate of learning, when the birth of CHRIST was firít fixed as the epocha from which the whole chriftian world reckoned their time. This being upwards of five hun- dred years after the birth of CHRIST, and there being no authentic records, to fix the time with exaanefs and precifion, a miftafte of four years was at fify made, No. t. TER L World in general, and in the Roman Empire e Time of our Redeemer's Birth. Including the Jews, and other Particulars, by Way of and bath been ever fince continued. The year in which the SAVIOUR of the world' was born, was the thirty-third of Herod, king of the Jews, after his taking Jeru- falem ; and the twenty -fixth of the empe- ror Auguftus, after the viaory of Aaium ; which, concluding the conteft between him and Mark Anthony, put him in poífelfion of the whole Roman empire. It won now about feven hundred and fifty years fince the building of Rome. The Romans had carried their viaorious arms through the furrounding nations, and by their jnftice, clemency, and moderation, rifen to the higheft pitch of glory and renown : but B by