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LORD and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST. 149 wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead. And bychance there came down a certainprieft that way; andwhen he faw him, he paced by on the other fide. And likewife a Levite, when he was at the place, cane and looked me him, andpeed by on the other fide. But a certain Samaritan, as he journied, came where he was : andwhen hefaw him, he had compajon on hint, and went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oiland wine, and fet him on his own beaft, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. And on the morrow, when he departed, he took out two-pence, and gave them to the hoe, and faid unto him, take care ofhint ; and what Bever thou joende more, when I come again, I will repay thee. By this well- chofen, and moll elegant and affecting parable, our exalted Saviour beau- tifully inculcated an open and generous difpofttion and greatnefs of mind, which lays afide all felfilh views, and diligently exerts itfelf in the great work of doing good to mankind, readily relieving all ob- jeEts of dillrefs, let their national quarrels, and religious difputes be what they will. No perfons were more hatedby the Sama- ritans than the Jews; for which reafon, our Lord reprefents a Samaritan relieving and fuccouring a difreffed Jew, when a prieft and Levite, of his own nation and reli- gion, had forfaken him. And this áffeEl- ing parable our Lord laid down as an an- fwer to the quellion propofed by the lawyer, Who is my neighbour? and then put it to his own feelings to determine the matter: Which now of tthefe three, thinkeft thou, faid he, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves? The cafe was fo plain, that the lawyer could not but reply, He that /lzewed mercy on him. To which our Redeemer immediately returned, with a look which gave the lawyer to under- !land that he knew he was filenced, Go, and do thou likewife. C H A P T E R XXII. Jesus journeying to Jerufalem to be prefent at the Feat of Dedication, lodges at Bethany, and is entertained by Mary and Martha : When he arrives at Jerufalem, he attendeth at the Fenil, and difputes with the Jews inSolomon's Porch: The Fea/i being over, he retires beyond Jordan, and teacheth his Difciples to pray: He caffeth out a Devil: He dines and difputes with the Fizarifees, whomhe reprehendeeth for their outwardShew of Holinefs, and fronounceth Woes agaie them and the Scribes and Lawyers. CHRIST teacheth his Difciples to avoid I-ypocrify, and not to befearful in publilhing his Doc- trine: He refufeth to be Judge in a civil Caufe, and warneth the People to beware of Covetoufzefs, by the Parable of a rich Man, who boafled himfelf in his multiplied Stores : He exhorteth his Difciples to lay up Treafure in Heaven by giving Alms ; and to be always ready againfl their Lord's Coming. AFTER our blared Lord had effec- tually filenced the cavilling lawyer, he continued his journey towards Jerufa- lem, to be prefent at the feaft ofdedication. No. 13. In the evening, he retired to Bethany, a fmall village about two miles from Jeru- falem. In this village dwelt Martha and Mary, two pious fillers, who dwelttoge- 0 o they