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258 The NEW and COMPLETE LIFE of our BLESSED LORD was however miffaken ; for as Herod had apoflatized from the doftrine of John the Baptifl, to which he was once a convert, and had even put this teacher to death, the bleffed Jesus, however, liberal of his mi- racles to the fons and daughters of affliftion, would not work them to gratify . the cnriofty of a tyrant, nor even anfwer one of the many queflions he propofed. Finding himfelfthus difappointed, Herod ordered our bleffed Saviour to be clothed with an old robe, refembling in colour thofe worn by kings, and permitted his attendants to infult him ; perhaps to pro- voke him to work fome miracle, though it fhould prove of a hurtful kind. From Herod's drefíing him in this manner, it evidently appears, that the chief priefls and elders had accufed him of nothing, but his having affirmed the charafler of the Meffiah; for the affront put upon himwas plainly in derifion of that pretenfion. The other head of accufation, namely, his having attempted to raife a (edition in Galilee, on account of the tribute paid to Cxfar, they did not dare to mention, as Herod couldnot fail of knowing it to be a grofs and maliciousfalfhood. And no crime worthy of death being laid-to his charge, Herod fent him again to Pilate. It feems, that though he was difpleafed with the great Redeemer of mankind for refufing to work a miracle before him, yet he did not think proper to be unjufl to him. Perhaps he was refirained by the remorfe he felt on account of the death of John the Baptifl, and therefore declined bringing a greater weight uponhis confcience. C I I A P T E R XXXVII. Pilate gives the Jews their Choice of JEsus or Barabbas to be releafed: Caufes him to be mocked andfet at naught : And at laft condemns him to be crucified between two Malefaaiórs. THE Roman governors at the paffover, made it a cuftom to court the favour of the populace, by gratifying them with the releafe of any one prifoner they pleafed. And at this feaft there was one in prifon named Barabbas, who, at the head of a number of rebels, had made an infurrec- tion in the city, and committed murder during the tumult. There being now again a great multi- tude of people aífembled before the governor's palace, they began to call aloud on him to perform the annual office of mercy cuftomary at the feftival they were now celebrating. Pilate, glad of this op- pottunity, told them, that he was willing to grant the favour theydefìred ; and afked them whether they would have Barabbas or JEsus releafed unto them? But with- out waiting for an anfwer, he offered to releafeJesus, knowing that the chiefpriefls had delivered him through envy ; efpe- cially as Herod had not found him guilty of the crimes he had been accufed of: During thefe tranfaftions,- Pilate received a meffage from his wife, then with him at Jerufalem, and who had that morning been informed of fomething in a dream which gave her great uneafinefs. Perhaps it pre- faged the vengeance of the Almighty purfuing