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20 The NEW COMPLETE LIFE of our BLESSED her youth, and lived (even years with her hufband ; after his death, fhe continued in a fiate of widowhood, and was now far advanced in years. She came into the temple while the aged Simeon held our great Redeemer in his arms ; and, filled with heavenly rapture, bleffed and praifed the Lord for his infinite mercy, in remembering his people ; . and fpake of the heavenly child to all them that lookedfor redemption in Jerufalem. Every thing which the law required concerning the redemption and prefenting the holy child, being performed, Jofeph and his family returned to Galilee, and dwelt in their own city Nazareth ; though, it is fup- pofed, they did not long remain there, but, fettling their affairs, foon return- ed to Bethlehem, and, with 'the heavenly infant, dwelt there. While the holy family dwelt at Beth- lehem, there came to Jerufalem a com- pany of eaflern philofophers or wife men. There had been a tradition fpread all -over the eaffern nations, that a great king was to be born to the Jews, who would gain the empire of the world. This tradition is fuppofed to have arifen from the Jews, who were fcatteredthrough- out the various nations of the EEau ; and Eoroaffer, the reformer of the Perfian religion, raid to be a fervant to the pro- phet Daniel, copied into his book feveral paffages out of the Old Tellament, and cannot be fuppofed tohave omitted the fa- mous prophecies concerning the kingdom of the Mefliah. At the time of our Re- deemer's birth, a remarkable fiar, or lu- minous appearance, was feen in thole countries, which induced the learned men of thofe times to conclude, that this fplen- did luminary denoted the birth of that 'extraordinary perron: and fo fully were they fatisfied that their conclufion was true, that a company of 'learned men a&ually came to Jerufalem on this errand. 'Whether they were princes, prieffs, or philofophers; how many they were in 3 number ; from what country they came, or how many days they arrived at Jerufa- lem after the birth of CHRIST, are quef- tions which have puzzled the learned in all ages, but have never yet obtained a fatisfa&ory anfwer. However, it is a cer- tain matter of fa&, that, when Jefus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, in the days of Herod the king, there came wife men, from the Egli to Jerufalem, laying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have feen his fiar in the Ea/l; and are come to zoofliip him. The appearance of thefeperlons, the report, and the inquiry they made, alarmed 'and terrified the jea- lous old tyrant: for though by reafon of his years, and ill bate of health, he could not expe& long to hold the crown, he could . not bear the thought of a prince being born that was defigned for that high dignity. And, as it had been his con- Rant pra&ice to, murder every one who had a greater right to the crown than himfelf, he foon concluded, that the young child, when found, fhould add to the number of thofe murders he had been guilty of, to rear his throne, and to fup- port it : but he craftily concealed his wicked defign, fpake to the Krangers fair, and fummoned the Sanhedrim to anfwer their inquiry where the Meffiahwas to be born. He foon received their anfwer, and was informed, that Bethlehem in Judea was the place where CHRIST was to be born: for thus it is zoritten by the. pro- phet, And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, art not the leapt amongft the princes of Judah : for out of thee .1/tall cone a Governor, that 'hall rule my people frael. The gloomy tyrant, fatisfied with this re- ply, fent for the noble !rangers ; and Teeming well pleafed with the event, dili- gently inquired after every circumffance which might throw. light on the affair;, and fent them to Bethlehem, defiring them, when they had found the child, to re- turn to Jerufalem, and dire& him to the place of his abode ; and he pretended, that he would wait on him himfelf, and appoint