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286 The NEw and COMPLETE LIFE of our BLESSED LORD 51'cgc-I-Wc5.+5te6f-te-V4cglAlcg,te*5-a-rile454e-g. C H A P T E R XLIII. Jesus afcends into Heaven: The hrincifial Arguments Reid Saviour's Rfurreilion confidered and refuted: Doarine of our great Redeemer. AB OUT twelve days before the feaft of Pentecoft, called in the law the feafi ofweeks, and nearly forty daysafter our bleffed Saviour arofe from the dead, the difciples repaired to Jerufalem, probably in conformity to a command given them by their great Mailer at one of his ap- pearances ; unlefs we fuppofe they wentup to that city, in order to purify and pre- pare themfelves for the folemnity now ap- proaching. However that be, the bleffed Jesus made . his laft appearance here to his apoftles ; and, after inftruaing them in many particulars concerning the kingdom of God, and the manner they were to be- have themfelves in propagating the doc- trine of the gofpel, he put them in mind that, during his abode with them in Gali- lee, he had often told them, that all things written in the law, the prophets, and the pfalms concerning him, were to be exafly accomplifhed. At the fame time, he opened their underftandings, that is, he removed their prejudices by the operation of his fpirit, cleared their doubts, improved their memories, ftrengthened their judgments, and enabled them to difcern the true mean- ingof the Scriptures refpeQing his divine million. Being thus qualified by him for receiving the truth, he again allured them that both Mofes and the prophets had foretold that the Meffiah was to Puffer in the very man- 2 of the Deis againf our Relleelions on the Life and ner he had fuffered, that he was to rife from the dead on the third day as he had done, and that repentance and remilfionof fins was to be preached in the Meffiah's name amongst all nations, beginning with the Jews at Jerufalem. After this, he delivered unto them their commiffion to preach the do&rine of re- pentance and remit lion of fins in his name amongst all nations, and to teftify unto the world the exact accomplilhment in him of all things foretold concerning the Melliah: and, to enable them to perform this im- portant work, promifed to bellow on them the miraculous gifts of the Spirit, which he called the promife of his Father ; be- caufe the Almighty had promifed them by his prophets in the Old Teftament. Being thus fortified for the important work they were going to undertake, he led them on to the Mount of Olives as far as Bethany ; where, handing on a hill above the town,.) be told them that he was now railed to the government of heaven and earth; for which reafon, they might go courageoufly through all the world, and preach the gofpel to every rational crea- ture ; alluring themfelves that affairs in all countries Ihould be fo ordered, as to dif- pofe the inhabitants for the reception of the gofpel ; that they who believed, were to be admitted into his church by the rite of baptifm, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghoil ; and to be taught,