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414 The NEW and COMPLETE LIFE of our BLESSED LORD been well dillinguilhed from St. Jude. The Latins honour one St. Thaddeus, on the eleventh of May, whom they feem to make a martyr in Afia : and the Greeks remember him on the twenty-firft ofAu- gull. They fay, that he died in peace at Berytus in Phoenicia, after baptizing many perfons in that city and the neigh- bouring parts. Having now given the molt ample ac- count poffible of the followers of the blef- fed JESus, the perlons who fpread the light of the glorious gofpel over the whole world, removed the veil of ignorance and fuperftition drawn over the kingdoms of the earth, and taught us the method of attaining eternal happinefs in the courts of the new Jerufalem ;may it be our higheft ambition to follow their bright example, as they followed CHRIST ; may we imitate their faith, piety, hope, and love : then (hall we pars through things temporal in fuch a manner, that we (hall finally gain the things that are eternal, and be ad- mitted as worthy guefts at the marriage - fupper of the Lamb, to adore and praife him, and live and reign with him in his heavenly kingdom for ever and ever. So be it. -76:51ïJit"Wkg'tilliJ Lf).5tefi1kW4t4iWA'''l' A COMPLETE GENERAL VIEW O F T H E APOSTLES and their SUCCESSORS, In the FIVE GREAT CHURCHES founded by them, thence called by the Ancients, APOSTOLIC CHURCHES: N A M E L Y, ANTIOCH, ROME, JERUSALEM, BYZATIUM Or CONSTANTINOPLE, and ALEXANDRIA ; during the Firft Three Hundred Years of the Chriftian /Era. The CHURCH at ANTIOCH, in SYRIA. WE place this firft, partly becaufe it is generally acknowledged, even by the Romifh writers, that a church was founded here, by St. Peter fome conftderable time before that at Rome ; partlybecaufe here it was that the venerable name of Chriftians did firft commence. In which refper the fathers in the council at Conftantinople under Neflarius, in their fynodicon to them at Rome, (lyle the church of Antioch, The molt ancient, and truly apoftolical; and, St. Chryfoftom, the head of the whole world. The fucceífion of it's bithops till the time of Conílantine (which (hall be the boundary of this account) was in the following order : I. St. Peter the apoftle, who go- verned this church, at leaft feven years: Nicephorus